A Remy quote:
"Mama, my legs hurt, so that means I need to go to bed."
I think he literally has to wear his little body out to go to sleep.
A post sharing my latest job interview coming up later this morning...
"Mama, my legs hurt, so that means I need to go to bed."
I think he literally has to wear his little body out to go to sleep.
A post sharing my latest job interview coming up later this morning...
that is so sweet. Hayden has to do the same thing, run and run until he can't go anymore.
That's a good one! I wish I could do that when my legs were tired. But, that might mean I wouldn't even get out of bed!!
That is cute. I tagged you on my blog. You don't have to follow through with it, but I wanted my few readers to know what a great site you have! Happy Hump Day!
Oh how sweet! If only we could all stay in bed when our "legs hurt!"
He is the so friggin cute...did you just hug him when he said that?
Awe! Sometimes I feel the same way.......
Does this work for Mommies, too?
"My legs hurt...I think I need to go to bed now, even though it's 7 pm."
Love the picture of his drumming self. You know how I feel about drummers.
Madalyn must be dead tired to fall asleep. And she'll insist even as her eyes are drooping that she isn't tired. Sometimes she'll fall asleep in front of the TV. But when she wakes up, she is quite sure that she never napped.
Ya know I have always heard that if your legs were hurting it was growing pains. Thats what I tell my kids at least. :)
My two year old is the same way .. Some nights I'll hear her banging around her room at 2 in the morning, then find her sleeping at 8 am. Kids are so funny :o)
It is nice when they learn that they need to go to sleep though. Night and day between making them go to sleep and just putting them to bed.
It's better than the sleep fight they put up when they are 1 or 2:-) I love it when she wants bed.
How sweet!
I would be saying "My legs hurt so that means I'm getting old and need to stay in bed!!"
That made me smile. It's amazing to me that the energy kids have is exhaustible. It doesn't happen very often ;).
When they admit to needing to go to bed, you KNOW they are exhausted!
Awww why can't my kids ever say that? I mean, that they need to go to bed?! LOL
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