Last week I went on a Scientific Excursion with the Little People, or otherwise known as, a Field Trip with the kindergarten to the
Dallas World Aquarium. The things I do for loving this little tyke...

Otherwise known as Remy. His class all wore their orange school shirts. The other kindergarten classes wore their blue, or yellow or green shirts, depending on the teacher.
Our teacher took this obvious labeling of our kids to an even higher level and made up shapes (apples, stars, sailboats, flowers), laminated them, put her cell phone number on them and pinned them to the back of the kids' shirts. Brilliant, I tell you, just brilliant. We have the best teacher. None of the others did this. :o)
So, as a parent volunteer, I was put in charge of four kids (including my own). I had the Apples. And, I had the extremely honored privilege of riding on the school bus, with the children. Oh, the joy...

As I sat on the vinyl bench seat (with NO seat belts!) surrounded by tons of little people yapping away excitedly, I realized that there was no way out... I looked up and saw a tiny little square that claimed to be an emergency I could reach it or any of the kinders around me.

and there was no way I was going to make it out THIS window...

and there was no air circulating, besides this tiny little fan...

But we made it there safely, despite my hyperventilating. Did you know that Lisa has a new kitty cat? And Billy shared with me every. single. toy. he had, with extreme details about his favorites. Every time we took a turn, the kids yelled like it was a roller coaster ride. Did I mention there were no seat belts?

These were my apples. Aren't they cute Little People? They did a great job of sticking with me and not getting lost, despite my best attempts...

We saw these funky birds and some scary crocs.

weird monkeys and lots of fish.

including sharks

and a huge, massive sea cow (Manatee)...sorry about this picture, the water was super murky as we looked in the tank. It was feeding time. I didn't take as many pictures on this visit (we've been here before many times) because I didn't want to loose any punks, I mean, apples.

Here are my apples again...still haven't lost any...

By the time we got home, I was exhuasted, very appreciative of our kindergarten teacher keeping up with these Little People EVERY DAY, and ready to go home and nap. Whew.
Aren't K-teachers amazing people? It amazes me how they can be in a classroom all day long with these little people!!! What a fabulous field trip!!
Oh the joys.
So should I, or should I not tag along on the preschool zoo trip next week.
That is the question.
oh, fun trip. But I'm sorry you had to ride on the school bus. I used to hate those things.
You are such a good mommy. I would never in a bazillion years volunteer to do that. And yes...kindergarten teachers are pretty amazing. All teachers are pretty amazing.
And I think it's interesting that your aquarium has monkeys...
wow, that's good reporting. very journalistic! my DD's 2nd grade class is going to "Crab Cove" next week, and I've signed up to chaperone. You've inspired me with your post!
p.s. matching shirts is a great idea.
Beautiful pictures! YOU've done a great job by covering the school excursion.
Would you be a little anxious concerning road travel? I thought hearing my husband before embarking in a plane.
Concerning seat bells, I'm with you at 200%.Do they wait for an accident (sorry, for the word) to take measures? Is it worse to lose one child at the zoo, or in a bus accident? In France, it's obligatory (but last year, I accompanied a 3 years old excursion, and our bus didn't have any blelt. Braking, one of my kid, fall from the seat in the "row"( I don't know the word), he was heckling at all , just sitting kindly before the braking! ).
Awwwww. I love field trips! :-) Noisy, but still a lot of fun, especially with the younger kids.
Ahhhh Field Trips!! After I had Lil Logan, I worked part time during pumpkin season at our local Pumpkin Farm. Talk about hard work! Try touring about three classes of rowdy kindergarteners. Even though they had teachers and parents along you still had to keep making sure no one was lost. Phewww, believe me you get a workout doing this.
Good thing that the exit was on the ceiling. That was when the bus flips over and you land on the ceiling "cause, you know, you have NO SEAT BELTS ON, you can easily escape. See? There's logic in there somewhere.
And how long did you get to nap, you lucky girl?
ahahahahaha, hohohohoho!! Better you than I on that bus with all those kiddos!! Bless you for your volunteering AND for not losing any apples (tho perhaps a few marbles??). Great photo storytelling.
I remember well the stifling air on a school bus-- they just don't make those fans big enough
Chatti Patti - I am impressed with kindergarten teachers, especially Remy's. And, yes, the field trip was awesome. The little punks loved it.
OhMommy - I added email to my profile, after reading one of your last posts. I think you should tag along on the preschool zoo trip for sure. Always makes for good blog fodder. Ask your kiddo if they want you to go...I always do that first. lol
Amanda - I never rode school buses growing up, so one time I rode one with a friend, and thought it was so cool! Now, as a parent, I'm not wild about them. Wish they had seat belts...
Kat - Thanks! I think teachers are awesome. I don't think I could do it on a daily basis. I ended up watching Remy's class for 40 minutes on Tuesday because the teacher had to leave early for a doctor appointment and no one else could help out...and it was a wild 40 minutes. I'm going to blog about it at some point. I was so relieved when my shift was up. Love the little kids but I'm so not good at handling them for very long.
Kat - I forgot to add, our aquarium has tons of stuff you wouldn't expect to find...they have an entire inside rain forest with water fall, birds flying around, flamingos, a cheetah or jaguar, jackass penguins, etc. It's very, very cool.
Uberburber - Crab Cove sounds like fun. Not only were the t-shirts matching but they had the school's name on them, so that helps if the kids get lost. BTW, one parent did lose a girl and my group found her. We held onto her until her group was located again. We had a network of cell phones to keep in touch, but it was way too loud in there to hear anything. I think it was all schools in the Dallas area field trip day because there were a million kids.
Catherine - Thanks! I do get nervous about traveling on our big highways around here. Especially without seatbelts. My kids never go without them, so it was weird not to have them wearing any. I'm impressed France has them. Poor little boy who fell. yikes.
Kim - Field trips are fun...and thank god when they're over I can go home and leave all those kids with the teacher. hehe
Valarie - The fear of losing a child in these big group outings is huge and justified, I think. I can't imagine how worried I would be if I were in charge. ugh
Skeller/Susan - it would have been more fitting if I had a group of marbles instead of apples, you're right. lol Love it.
Literal Dan - Nice to meet you! I couldn't believe that little fan was the only real source of air on the bus. What do they do when the Texas heat kicks in? Sounds miserable. Thanks for stopping by!
Jules - sorry, I think I skipped your comment accidently. I like your bus flips over, no seatbelts, so we all fall out the top hatch...or at least those who will fit through it (not me!) lol
I think I napped for almost an hour. Dangerous length of time, I know. I do best with fifteen minutes or so, to refresh.
There are crocs there????
You always take such fun pictures!! xx
Giggle - I don't see crocs wandering down the street, if that's what your asking, but they were in the aquarium. lol You think you guys Down Under have the monopoly on those big, scary beasts?
We also have yeti's, lock ness monsters, sasquatches and gnomes. hehe
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