Or did I mean the longest day in my life post? Or both? You be the judge. My day started off like this...

Yep, the big green monster (my ten year old Land Rover) has fallen apart on me again. If you want to read a much more entertaining story of my car troubles, read my previous post "
I don't speak car." Anyway, yesterday's trouble began when I was in the car taking my boys to school. We only made it one block from our house.
Then I spent all day at my part time nanny job, where I spent eight hours taking care of these little adorable hooligans.
I get off work the same time the boys are finished with school for the day, so we had a brief hour to hurry home (or, have someone give us a ride home) where my mom had left HER car for me to drive temporarily. We then had to gather all the baseball gear in the bat bags and head out to baseball games.
Both boys had games last night. Remy's was first. Here he is in the outfield...I don't think this position is called "baseball ready." hehe I think his eyes need to be open and his glove out in front of his body...and in a ready crouched position...

Then he was up to bat. Here he is "on deck", practice swinging while he waits his turn. Good batter form. His right elbow is up, he's looking where he swinging and he has a good stance.

Now he's up at the plate..and this is NOT a good batter's stance. Elbow's down...and he's not looking at the pitcher!!

Despite that, he made it to first base. Whew. I can now breathe again and unbite my lips. Unbite, I'm not sure that's a real word...you get the point.

He makes it to second base...wait a minute, this is not good "baseball ready" form again!

Ok, there we go, much better. Good stance, he's alert and ready to run home.

The next batter hits the ball, CRACK, and Remy's off....running to home base. He'd kill me if he knew I shared this photo. His facial expression is priceless...

And, yes, he made it home!! SCORE, Remy!! My picture of this was too blurry, so can't share. Then, we all piled back in the car and headed to a different baseball field for my older son's game. Remy's games are a quick affair...less than an hour long. Donny's on the other hand are an hour and forty-five minutes long! So, while I'm really into them, and really enjoying them...I sometimes get distracted by the sky...and it was just about sunset and I saw some really amazing clouds. Lots of whispy things going on...

Then the sun started going down (ok, wrong terminology, I know, the Earth rotates, so the sun doesn't really go down...we're moving away from the sun, but you know what I mean)...and the clouds look darker. Very moody looking.

See, there's the sun going down...moving away...shoot, we're the ones moving away, it doesn't move at all.

Then, wowser, some pretty soft colors show up! I don't know how that happens...well, ok, scientifically I learned how, but it's still amazingly pretty...

and then bam...the magic really happens. Look at that dramitic lighting! As you can see from the power lines or telephone lines, I'm kind of far away...

So, here's a close up....wow, huh?! AMAZING lighting. I'm loving it (and watching Donny's baseball game, of course, how could you imagine otherwise?!)

It was a close game, but our team won! It was super exciting. They're getting really good at this age, lots of double and triple plays, amazing team work. Really fun games, despite all my cloud pictures, I promise!! And, here's Donny right after the game for the team pow-wow. He's flushed, he tired, he's exhilerated, ,all at the same time.

And, then we make it home and the little munchkin, who played nonstop on a playscape with other kids during his older brother's game, crashed in my bed...with sweet Annie!

Adorable, aren't they?
And, please, voting is still going on through the end of today (Saturday), so if you have time (and more than one computer to vote from!) stop by Darcy's blog
Graphically Designing and vote for me!! It's super easy, takes less than 30 seconds! And, you should check out her work. She has designed some awesome websites, and I'd love for her to do mine!
Great pics and good luck with the Land Rover. I almost got one when I was able to afford one, but then I heard of their overall total costs...man, and I thought my last girlfriend was high maintenance.
Complaint Department Manager - Thanks! I love my Land Rover, it's got a lot of character, but if I had to buy a new car, it definitely would be something different. They are definitely high maintenance! And not so fuel cost-effective. :o)
Are you in camera critters meme Sunday because those pics - memorable- also the game how I remmeber my son--
the snails websitehttp://io9.com/390677/the-savage-colors-of-naked-toxic-sea-snails
Sandy - Hey! I do usually do the Camera Critters meme on Sunday. Thanks for the link to the snails, I'll check it out, and thanks for coming by!
Rhea I thought that car was long dead and buried. I didn't realize you were still trying to placate it. Is a new and/or different car in your future?
Kat - You're funny. lol There might be a new car in my future...but, this one's PAID OFF! I have to drive it until every last nut and bolt falls off (or I unscrew them myself).
Do you want me to send you a wrench? You could get those nuts and bolts loosened in no time.
Oooh, sorry 'bout your car ... again. Hope it's better (for good) soon. And sweet Annie!! She's a spoiled girl, isn't she?!? Have a great weekend Rhea :-)
Those sunset photos are *gorgeous*!!!
Do you have naturally curly hair?? My sister does, and if you do, you need to e.mail me and I can tell you how to do your hair. You wont believe me when I tell you, but it works amazingly for her. No more frizz!! It's amazing!
I can't beleive i actually have time to do some reading again!
Loved your pictures. The last couple are really priceless. Zoinked out from a long day.
seriously, moms' days are the longest and most challenging, aren't they? but you obviously keep your good humor through it all. love the sunset photos.
Amazing pics of the sky! I loved them! Your kids are adorable too...I especially like the ones with the dog sleeping with them! Precious! Good luck with your Rover...sometimes I think it would be so much easier if we all went back to horse and buggies! :P
Seems to be a busy Saturday!
Love your pictures of Remy and Annie, I imagine they're dreaming of what they've done during the day. Rhea, don't dream to your car! That's life!
Aww . .. that makes me almost hope my kid decides he likes baseball. Almost. GAWD I hate watching baseball - it's like having teeth extracted. I hope that he likes soccer instead. But the little baseball uniforms are SO DARN CUTE.
Hope you get a little more time with the L.R. These days who can afford buying another vehicle. Maybe you can find a deal where instead of a warranty you can get gas credits. ;)
Those pictures are PRICELESS. Great sunset shots. The boys all tuckered out definitely sweet too.
Hey...what's that? There is GRASS on those baseball fields! Hehe. ;-)
What a day.
Great post.
Rest up.
Come and visit,
Love all the pics and so sorry about the car trouble! Annie & Remy look totally adorable crashed out on the bed. Hope you won the website makeover, even though I think your blog is great as is!
HAHAHA I LOVE seeing the photos to your posts!!! Your posts are like little movies!!
Next time I'll bring popcorn! xx
Love the sleeping child and dog photo. Simply precious!
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