Saturday, March 7, 2009

Parts of a Whole

When we started looking for a dog to join our family
through DFW Lab Rescue,
there were a few things I knew WE needed.

I wanted a dog that matched our carpet.
So all the pet hair wouldn't be too obvious.

I wanted the dog to be house-trained.

And, I didn't want a barker or a chewer.

I didn't realize I needed a dog that would love my boys
as much as I do.

A dog who enjoys playing as much as just lying at our feet.

A dog who's silly and sweet.

A dog that would steal our hearts
and put up with our pranks & being tied up.

We love you, Annie!

Camera Critters is SO much fun! join us!

Camera Critters


Scary Mommy said...

What a beauty!! And you are a genius for matching her to the carpet. I have a red dog. Oy.

Anonymous said...

Awww....that is a sweet tribute to you sweety.

lynette355 said...

Our Lab Penny Bright is the nicest too

Teena in Toronto said...

What a sweetie!

I played too :)

Lilli & Nevada said...

One thing about it she looks like she knows just how much she is loved
Great idea about the carpet, i just got rid of my carpet

Unknown said...

Awwww ...what a lovely tribute to your beautiful Annie.

You gotta love that dog hair!! :-)

Snap said...

What a wonderful tribute to your Annie and how smart of both of you to match the carpet! :)

Thank you!

Skeller said...

Awwwww, Annie. She loves well. And she is well-loved. A very good combination, indeed.

Sally-Ann said...

I love your blogs about your dog. I think she looks like a "Annie". I'm not sure what qualifies someone to look like a "Annie", but the name seems appropriate!
Thanks for visiting my blog - I used to pretend my bike was a horse as well!!!!

Pseudo said...

Hey Annie - looking good.

i beati said...

I know i love her. It's the eys sandy and the spirit

Carebear said...

Oh, what a sweetie - and what a sweet post! My little man needs a dog so badly but we just don't have space for one! Someday.... Cute blog - great header! Just dropped by from SITS to say Howdy!

Unknown said...

What a great post! We love Labs too.

kayleen said...

What a sweetie. Never thought of matching the dog to the carpet. Something to consider if/when I have to get another dawg!

Cristin said...

She's sweet... and I think she needs a friend, named Olive... just say the word and I'll send her to you...

Grand Pooba said...

Oh my gosh you are so smart! Why haven't I thought of that? That is seriously brilliant! However if I were to try to match my carpet to my dog, my carpet would be black lol!

Your baby is adorable!

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

Awww... how cute!

Mom Knows Everything said...

OMG why didn't I think of that!!! I'm getting rid of my blue carpets and getting some white ones to match my dog!

Tink *~*~* said...

Aw! It's so nice that you are so devoted to one another like that!

Tink *~*~*
NOW PLAYING at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
Frog metamorphosis at Disney

AppleDebbie said...

Awww Annie... you make me smile everytime I see your beautiful face. You are adorable!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...


Misty DawnS said...

Rhea - that last photo absolutely melts my heart! That is one of the most beautiful and fantastic photos EVER! I ♥ that photo and, as you know (cuz I've told you over and over again), I ♥ Annie.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Fun and adorable pooch.

Raising Addie said...

Oh Annie... you have stolen our hearts too you beautiful girl!!!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie

Aunt Julie said...

You're right...Annie and Moses could be twins! BTW, I'm starting a new Pop'rs Giveaway tomorrow!!

Bruce said...

You're beautiful Annie & that's a pretty nice compliment coming from a cat:)

david mcmahon said...

A dog that matches your carpet - now THAT is sheer brilliance, Rhea!

Lizzie said...

ohhh i love those pictures!

Hi, I'm Lizzie, i came over from... um... i don't remember :) Blog hopping and stumbled over here and fell in love with your cute blog :)

floreta said...

i love the closeup of his face!!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

It doesn't get any sweeter than Annie.

Gayle said...

I love your pup...looks just like our Roscoe (who is still too puppy for those kinds of shots!). Very good match with the carpet! :)
See a Moose Here!

Susie said...

Cutest dog on the internet:-)

Anonymous said...

Now that is a well-told love story :)

And she love she receives shows in her eyes too .

Thanks for stopping by Rhea.
Do drop by to take a look at the pics of a fishing village in rural India :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Aren't you the smart one? Very clever to match your dog to your carpet. Your dog looks like a real sweetie.

Carla said...

she is so beautiful! What a lovely tribute to a family member!

Mama Dawg said...

I LOVE pics of Annie.

Jen said...

Oh she is just so sweet. I want an Annie.

Justine said...

Awwwwwwwww... I just loved this post! HOw old was Annie when you got her? Did I tell you we're getting a puppy next month? I can't wait!!!!!!!!!

Justine :o )

Cindy DG said...

What a cute pupster! :)

Dropping in from SITS :) I love this place.
