Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Your Momma's so ugly her birth certificate's an apology from the condom company.

This week, I go into work later than usual, so I'm able to take both my boys to school. The downside is I'm getting home pretty late at night.

In the car this morning, my 12 yr old, Donny, was forcing upon me sweetly sharing a new app from his iPod Touch. (For you who don't speak ilanguage, an "app" is an application for entertainment or a game or something like that.)

This app is called "Your Momma." And yes, you guessed it, it spits out tons and tons of "your momma" jokes. Sweet Jesus.

The first twenty were funny...but after a while...I might make him walk to school tomorrow. That was pure torture.

Guess what?! I've been invited to my first puppy baby shower! Unique idea, yes? Any good gift ideas?

And, nope, I haven't slept in my car this week. Things are looking up!

And, no visits from the hormone brothers, thank goodness.

Now I've just jinxed myself, haven't I?

I'm behind visiting everyone and replying to comments, but I will get to you, I promise!


lmt1073 said...

Your momma jokes can be so cruel but the one you posted as your title has me cracking up and sharing with the guys at work... lol.. it's an ongoing thing between some of us to cut on each other's mommas... of course, without taking it to far.

Red from Ktown said...

My husband is so into his aps, he has a 'light sabre' that he actually pulls out to impress people. No, he's not retarded, and you'd be surprised how excited people get when they see it! haha.

Might have to check out the your momma app though.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Please tell me that you came up with the one in the title!

Mama Dawg said...

Puppy baby shower? Do tell.

And I have to say, I love "mama" jokes.

Anonymous said...

It's the pink hat girl! =)
Well I had stopped over to say hello from a fellow Welcomista. And then I was going to snoop around. And I was going to finish reading the paintball story, but now I have to go change a horribly wrong diaper. Which means I have been neglecting my motherly duties. SO I will have to hit you up later! But I did click on the ad!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

In some parts of town spouting off momma jokes can lead to some trouble. I have seen the app for sale on my touch. Haven't gotten it, but now I hink I might have to.

Jen said...

glad things are getting better.

lynette355 said...

puppy shower
ok i feel that is taking the gift giving just a bit far?

Lula! said...

Rhea...I am sooooooooooo in love with you. In a non-lesbian kind of a way.

Best. Post. Title. Ever. EVER EVER EVER!!!!!

Sally-Ann said...

I must admit that the title of your post sure got my attention!!
I am illiterate of all things IPod and cell phone. I have both of these and barely use them.
Puppy baby shower?? Things are starting to go a little over the top! A nice chew toy or bag of puppy food - gift suggestions.

Swirl Girl said...

Puppy baby shower? Seriously? Isn't that what that crazy Octo-mom should be asking for?

Valarie Lea said...

I think I would be telling him to find another app! :) One that did not involve you having to listen to those jokes over and over.

Ash said...

A puppy baby shower?!

Thanks for renewing my faith that rampant consumerism is not dead.

Wow. Did it come with a registry at Petco?

LOVE the title of the post!! Em

Sunny said...

A puppy baby shower? Now, that's exclusive.

Anonymous said...

Is it horrible that your title has me cracking up? Am I really that mean? I guess so!

A puppy shower? You have to tell us all about it later.

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

That title still has me cracking up!

Anonymous said...

a puppy shower is a cute idea...

toys to chew, a pooper scooper..or one of those bag holders that go on the leash...a mini flashlight so they don't step in "it" at night...

CrystalChick said...

I have an iPod, I have a cell phone. I don't know what a 'touch' really is. LOL But it sounds like there should be a 'YOU'RE GROUNDED' button on it. LOL

A puppy baby shower??? It *almost* sounds cute. Eh, I dunno though.... even my girlfriend who has no children and considers her dogs her babies probably wouldn't go that far. I guess if people need a reason to throw a party or get free stuff, the sky's the limit on theme get-togethers. LOL

Susie said...

Puppy shower? How about a pooper scooper?

Gladys said...

Could I borrow your son? I need a Barney Style Breakdown on how to operate an IPOD>

Misty DawnS said...

I feel like all I've done for about ten months is apologize to everyone for not visiting blogs... I finally had to realize I'm not Wonder Woman (I still try to be though)... I'm still trying to convince myself that people come to my blog because they want to read what I write (I hope that's why they come, anyway).

What I'm trying to say Rhea is you don't need to apologize to me. I'll let you in on a little secret - your and PW's blogs are ALWAYS open on my Firefox... it's cuz I enjoy both of your blogs so much. So, hopefully I just made you feel a little special amongst all the stress. ;-)

John Deere Mom said...

I can't believe there is an app for yo momma jokes. Hilarious. And a puppy shower? I need more information please.

Cristin said...

I love 'Yo Mamma' jokes....

And puppy baby shower? I'd rather have a colonoscopy.

Justine said...

Don't you know how to tell your kids to hush when they're driving you nuts and making your ears bleed?

are you serious about the puppy baby shower? OMG, that is too cute!

Justine :o )

Shannon said...

I've never been to a puppy shower before...

But my sister did once throw a birthday party for her dog.


Unknown said...

A puppy baby shower? Really?? That's a little much, dontcha think?

Love the title of this post. BWAHAHAHAHA!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Puppy shower? I'm an insane animal lover but that's a little much even for me. LOL
My gift would be urine stain remover for the carpets. =D