Saturday, February 14, 2009

Not a Valentine's post

I have no idea what kind of bird this is.
I found it while walking around our town lake with the kids and my mother.

Have you taken a walk lately?
Just stopped what you were doing and walked,
enjoying nature and a conversation with someone you love?

Anyone know what kind of bird this is?

What are you waiting for?
Come join Camera Critters!!

Camera Critters


Anonymous said...

It looks like a duck...but I am NOT the person to be asking such questions..can't wait to see if you find out.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

IDK...but it is pretty.

Pseudo said...

I take a walk almost everyday. It is what settles me and keeps the nerve less jangly. I did a photo post of my favorite walk last week Friday.

Adrienne Zwart said...

Oh, these are beautiful shots against the blue sky. I believe that bird is a double-crested cormorant. I love their eyes and how they spread their wings to dry after swimming.

Carolina said...

It's a Dodo!
Nice photo.

Toni said...

What a cool looking bird! We love taking afternoon walks!

Cristin said...

I did take some walks this week, with Dottie whom I love and one with a good friend whom I love...Dottie loves pointing out birds and ducks and dogs and cars and boats.....

Bruce said...

it's a big bird...ha ha:)

i beati said...

maybe the cormorant family i certainly do not know Hi Annie Sandy

Unknown said...

A very interesting bird I might add!

Misty DawnS said...

Dang Girl, these are AWESOME shots! I think you and I need to go for a walk together, K? hehe

Snap said...

I believe the bird is a type of cormorant. Walking is good for more reasons than one!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

For some reason I was thinking cormorant. I certainly don't know my birds though.

Great picture!

Barb said...

I'm awful at bird names. Can we call it Fred? :P

Erika Jean said...

no idea, but i did a bird post too! ;-D

david mcmahon said...

Rhea, your camerawork just gets better and better. Lovely composition on both shots.


Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I'm afraid I don't know exactly what bird it is. You've taken some great shots though :)

Swirl Girl said...

my first thought was some sort of cormorant too. for sure a water bird.

Dianne said...

I love your post title ;)

the bird is something to see

capperson said...

thanks for the comment. I just really didnt want that present from him

NoBS said...

Could it be a young egret!

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely pictures. It is a cormorant. I took some photos a few years back of one while down in Florida and I looked it up afterwards. I didn't realize there were other types. I'm going to have to do another google on double-crested ones, as identified by Adrienne in Ohio.

Grand Pooba said...

Wow, never seen a bird like that before!

Manz said...

Nice photos - I agree with david mcmahon - great compositions!!

I have no idea what kind of bird it is. But I see you have a few suggestions in these comments.

Sorry I haven't stopped by since "Goose Bumps" and your Bloggiversary!! I did get your email about Lost... I'm lovin' that right now... you?

Another good title for this post - I posted yet another valentines post... well I dedicated it more to love and affection ;)

If the rain stops, I'm off for a walk today!! Thank for the inspiration.

Amy said...

I saw you over at Jen's page. I thought I would say Hi. I am new to SITS. Happy V-day. Love the sunflowers.

Sunshine said...

Thanks for stopping by my brand-new blog. I'm so happy to see your picture of a bird and your mention of a walk. I feel like in my first week of blogging I've been a tad obsessed. Fortunately, I peeled myself away long enough today for a bike ride on a beautiful, clear day. I'm terrible at bird names so can't help you there, but it sounds like the other commenters got that narrowed down for you. Happy V Day!

Craig Glenn said...

Definately a cormorant.
Thanks for your visit today!
Nice photo.


Jen said...

I have no idea but it is a cool bird!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I joined SITS a few weeks ago and have already come across some awesome blogs. I love taking walks too. We have a nature trail not to far from our house and try to get out there whenever possible.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Marvellous close up of such a fabulous bird.

G. Crappy said...

Don't know what kind of bird it is, but it is a nice looking bird.

Justine said...

Wow, cool looking bird! I never take walks. I hate walks. They're boring. Hell, I don't even walk to the new rental house and it's 4 doors down. LOL

Justine :o )

Lauren said...

Great pics! Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog and for the encouraging words. :)

Sprite's Keeper said...

I think it's the bird that took a major dump on my van. Thanks, I was looking for him....

Tink *~*~* said...

Definitely a cormorant of some kind. Someone else in this meme had a cormorant today, too. Small world!

Tink *~*~*
NEW at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* : Respect The Power Of The YETI! at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Anonymous said...

Cool picture
I would say it's a comorant- probably a neotropic if I had to guess. (See below link for a pic of the neotropic.)

amy & lisa said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

I wouldn't have a clue what kind of bird this is, however, my Pastor would know!! He is a huge birding fan. He just took a large group of our church members to Ecuador on a birding trip. Crazy...I say! :)

Kathy B! said...

Hey Rhea - stopped over to thank you for welcoming me to SiTS and spent some time reading your blog. I really enjoyed your posts as I am a SAHM contemplating a re-entry into the workforce. And I really enjoyed your photography! I just got a Nikon D60 SLR that I'm working my way towards learning to use... Maybe we're twins!

Nice to meet 'ya!

Kathy B!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rhea, that is a immature Double-crested Cormorant, and a beauty at that. Excellent capture against that beautiful blue sky.

Adult Double-crested Cormorants are all black, up to the orange throat pouch. The juvenile has the pale neck and chest.

Tootie said...

Looks like a Cormorant to me too. I believe Dodo birds are extinct.

Mama Dawg said...

No clue on the bird, but I've been walking lately and noticing nature more and more.


Those are fantastic shots!

Kilauea Poetry said...

It appears it's a cormorant (because Denise & Craig said so..ha! Nice picture...looks big!