Here's page 75 from the Twilight Movie Companion.
Lula said it was her favorite. She's our resident Twilight guru, so I had to mention her.
Lula said it was her favorite. She's our resident Twilight guru, so I had to mention her.

My good friend Kat is having a Twilight Giveaway this week, with tons of amazing goodies in anticipation of the movie...and a Lula-signed Twilight Movie Companion book!!
without further ado...
The Texas Word Tangle winner is
Jennifer from Crazy, Magic, Sometimes Hectic, Beautiful Life!
The countdown is on! I cannot wait to see the movie on Friday!!! Woo hoo!
Congrats Jennifer!!!
I'm so jealous.
:) Terri
Yay Jennifer!
I am planning to read the True Blood book next...
And thanks for telling everyone that they can console themselves over at my place if they didn't win your books. There could be chocolate involved.
Congrats to Jennifer! My wife is SO going to the Twilight movie Friday, heheh.
Congrats Jennifer! And yummy pic!
I'm so excited!! I haven't won anything on a blog before, and this is just the most perfect thing!! :)
THANK YOU!! You are the BEST!! I cannot wait to read the book and check out the movie campanion!! AND of course I can't wait till Sunday for another episode of True Blood and also Friday for the BIG movie night!! yay!!
thanks again.
OH!! duh!! thanks to everyone for the congrats on winning!! :)
Congrats Jennifer!
Sorry me....
Arghhhhhhhhhhhh! Foiled again! Wtg Jennifer, but ya know, i really wanted that damn book! I'll just sit here and sing my little song...
::::::::::nobody loves me.......... nobody cares.......... nobody lo-oves meeeeeeeeeee::::::::::::
Justine :o )
um. not to be pushy. i just wasn't sure if i was supposed to give you my address or not...
my email is jbrown31 (at) hvc (dot) rr (dot) com
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