Kryptonite was the only thing that could bring down Superman.
The Greek Hero Achilles was invincible, except for his heel.
Well, these little guys are just about everyone's Kryptonite.
Everyone's Achilles' Heel.
I dare you to see them, hold them and then walk away.
It's HARD.
The Greek Hero Achilles was invincible, except for his heel.
Well, these little guys are just about everyone's Kryptonite.
Everyone's Achilles' Heel.
I dare you to see them, hold them and then walk away.
It's HARD.

We walked away...just barely.
Whooo's numba one? I say numba one? It's Sassy, go Sassy!
So cute...I want one!!!
My mother would just have to read this and she'd be running off to buy one.
I have a hard time walking away too.. until I remember that they turn into giant, shedding, attention hounds... then I run away.
They are just the cutest of darlings - how did you ever manage to leave them behind?
Awwwww! Those little guys look like they could about fit in your pocket. Kind of puts a new meaning on Pocketful of Kryptonite, doesn't it?
I don't know if I could have walked away. You're a stronger woman than I!
Awww they are adorable! What adorable little furballs. I want one!!
Where exactly is this one? The sign looks so familiar and I'm in north Texas, so I'm just curious:)
Kristi - Third Monday Trade Days in McKinney, Texas.
Oh my looking at those little faces how could you be so strong to hold them and walk away?
Thanks for visiting my site! I love your writing style!
Puppies cure what ails ya.
Tooooooo Cute:-)
You're right--I've never met a puppy that I could resist!
You promised us cute, and that's what we got, three times over! Just look at that child's face!
Yowza, those puppies are irresistible! I don't think I would have been able to walk away, heh.
I want a puppy, I want a puppy! Only for a sec though cause they are more work than Child Husband!
On another note, my sister emailed me some pictures of my former best friend from high school who has went from a Double AA to a Double DD. Your Title photo up there on the left, really is reminding me of her. These photo's I just saw, with the tanks, shorts and boot, hmmmmmmmmmmm are their words. So she lives near Texas, in OK. So maybe that is how you all dress down there, huh? lol
They are so cute. I would have had to distract my girls. Tell them to look in the other direction. I am sure that this is the reason we have kitties now. That my mother somehow ended up at PetSmart while her car was being washed. And they were there with the rescue kittens. It's a conspiracy I tell you...
What's not to like about a puppy.
You really wasn't joking about the cuteness factor, it's overload.
You got away without a cute puppy. I bet that was hard to do..
New Rambling Woods Site
I don't know how you walked away.
The last time I walked into a pet store, I walked out with my terrier, Harry. John has never let me wander the pet section again. He's a smart man.
OMG that is very cruel!!! I don't even stop and won't even let my son, cuz I know I can't walk away. hahahaha
I want one!!!
I'm weird and like puppy breath. They are soooo cute!!
I'm impressed you were able to get away without one. They are so cute.
Awww, went to see Bolt and that made me want a puppy too! Adorable~
They will destroy your wallet. What a brave girl you are to have gotten so close.
Adorable! I would have a terrible time walking away...
Run away! Big dogs are....big. Get a little yipper like mine;-)
So cute. I hope they find a good, loving home :)'s so hard to walk away, huh????
Thanks Rhea! That's what I thought. Would you believe I'm only like 30 minutes away and have never been. From looking at your pictures I need to get over there:)
I don't know how you got out of there without taking at least one home...
You have incredible willpower... how on earth did you manage to walk away from those cuties? Wonderful post!
No way I could walk away. I can barely stand just looking at images. I want one. Of course, I'm wanting a puppy bad these days (as a way to not want another baby). Sigh.
Aw, so so cute. I have to keep walking and not even look. Too hard otherwise.
Wow! what a cute puppy! The other day my daughter asked me "Mommy I want puppy"she's 4. She will be excited to these!!
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