Annie and I share several things in common.
Our love for the boys
and our escape plan.
She escapes below the desk, and I escape above it.
Our love for the boys
and our escape plan.
She escapes below the desk, and I escape above it.

How do you escape?
Do you write? Or Quilt? Or dive into a book or a workout routine?
Or do you lock yourself in the bathroom?
It's so funny how the dogs must lay at my feet. Yours too!
Since discovering the world of blogging I escape within the computer.
Just think, all those years of being trapped...
Our cats go under our bed, sadly that's too tight a squeeze for me, so I hide behind a book!
Come pick up your award at mine!
My dog is snoring gently beside me while I write this. I escape through knitting and he escapes through snoozing. Too old to easily chase the squirrels these days, he runs with abandon in his sleep.
escape at?
food, books, blogs, sleep, tv
normal places
use to go and sit in a cemetery
would sit, think, hide, escape, dream there.
My dog goes under the covers on my bed!
Me....I either sew or crochet.
I escape to the park with my dogs - great comparison really lovely photo Sandy
I have started doing crafty thing, or just hide in the bathroom. :)
What a dedicated dog.
I go for a run, pour myself a Makers on the rocks, and write something ridiculous on my blog.
Why I blog of course. I can lose hours doing it, don't ya know.
Thanks for the winners shout out. I am sooooooooooo excited I won.
Cute picture......my dogs are always at my feet!
Cute. Really is playing to the camera.
Rhea: Out of site, out of mind, a perfect hiding place.
I lock myself in the bathroom. With my laptop. Two birds, one stone.
There are many ways I escape- I read; I write; I sit in the corner and put on my fav. tv show.
And ALWAYS with a vodka.
Well I like you zone out on the computer but sometimes my cat thinks I have ignored him long enough so he stands on the desk in front of the screen.Cute shot of the dog hiding under the desk my dog goes there when he is scared.
When I'm sitting at my desk I usually have one dog under the desk and the bigger dog behind me on the floor. Its very comforting isn't it? :)
For big stresses I drive out on country roads looking for photo ops. For small stresses I get lost in photo editing and blogging.
I escape the same way that you do. Ahh, sweet escape.
Aw! She looks just like my lab.
My escape is a dark room with my laptop, or a good book with NO kids around.
I write. It's the only way I survive.
Well...my camera and laptop!
That's a cute dog!
I dive right into my computer!
Aw, look at Annie! She's so damn cute. I either read or sleep usually!
Justine :o )
Locking myself in the bathroom doesn't work. Either kids or pets are always on the other side. Scratching, knocking, yelling. Sigh. I escape in a good book! Doesn't get any better than that.
I try anywhere I can. It's usually the garage. How sad is that?
A lot of my escape is done through the computer. Maybe too much. If not the computer, I'll go for a walk or open a book. These days, my school reading has required so much that I can't do any recreational reading unless its complete froth.
My escape? Sounds sick, but I like puttering in my classroom after 3:30. My 16 year old twin boys never miss me (unless they want the car)and my husband knows better than to call me.
Oh, how I love that Annie!
One of my escapes is blogging, and I usually have one dog on my lap (as I do right now) and one at my feet. Sometimes the cat tries to crowd in, too.
My other escape is reading, especially outside. I have a glider under a vine-covered arbor and I LOVE to sit there and read!
I bake or garden:-)
Annie is a smart girl! My escape is knitting and reading... I only wish I had more time to do both!
Cute photo..I escape into the yard or into a book...
great post.
i would love an escape... I have NONE! no matter where i go I am followed... i really really could use a break. just a few minutes to myself... some escape time.
PS i love your desk!!
My Molly always goes under the desk or end tables - she likes small confined spaces.
I escape through blogging, writing, photography, and reading.
Smart! Just plain old smart-you AND the DOG!!!
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