The artist consented to an interview about his work. This first drawing is
a car made out of water. The deep blue water keeps the car together, the lighter water is normal water on the outside. It only travels in the water, it's like a boat. There are two drivers. The driver on top is a
robot driver who is there to drive in case the bottom human driver
falls asleep.

This next piece is a volcano erupting onto the guy, and the guy is so hot that
fire is blasting out of his head. Are you sorry we asked?!

My...he is quite the creative "artiste"...and adorable, I might add.....
Love the thought process.....
Wow, I'm first! Very interesting take on things. Remy has quite an interesting thought process. Cute!
Oh well, maybe first next time.
Ha! I don't think I've EVER been first....sorry Angie...
He's so creative! I'm glad I at least got the water part right!
Now I don't know if this is a good or worrying thing - but I had the water car, robot, extra drivers thing sussed, really!
What a cutie-pie, but you might want to encourage his basketball ambitions ;-)
now that is what I call a creative artist.
Are kids and their lives just the greatest fodder for both writing and conversation?! Thanks so much for visiting my little world.
Technical question - what in the heck am I not doing? How do you format different font/size/type color etc.? I used to at least be able to center text etc and that little icon disappeared.
And you've been a saucy chef!!! You are busy. I can barely tie my shoes. (Who am I kidding - I wear flip flops all day - but you know what I mean).
How lame was my suggestion?? An airplane... I can't compete with Remy when it comes to imaginary modes of transportation!!
That car is such a cool idea !!! Remy has got a great imagination as well as being ather cute :-)
Awesome. Can I have that robot for long driving trips????
What a great imagination!! You need to bottle some of that:-)
I'm predicting a major gallery event in his future. And I will be there, requesting autographs. Because he is worthy.
Will there be wine at the gallery?
He needs to watch the Abyss. And see the aliens that manipulate water. Oh, wait. It's rated R. Nevermind. Just tell him about it.
I love his art and creativity.
I was sooo close
I did say the first one was like a submarine which, in essence, is an underwater car - right?
I didn't even leave a guess for the volcano one - too edgy for me!
wow, that kid has an imagination!!
Ha! I knew I had it close with the volcano one!!!!!!!!! Am I good, or am I good?
Justine :o )
Your artist does good work!
awww kids art is the best! xx
I have to say the car seems eminently practical, safe and presumably you can drink it if you get stranded in the desert, or near a volcano.
Good stuff,
Those were really cute! I love that age .. kids are so creative in a kooky way. Thanks for the giggle :o)
Oh, and I'd love that water car .. talk about cool. Except I'm terrified of deep water. Darn
A car made out of water! I would have never guessed that.
Don't you just love kids' imagination?
Ask Remy where I can get one of those cars?
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