Well, her books have been made into an HBO series called True Blood. It looks interesting and starts this month:

HBO says: Thanks to a Japanese scientist's invention of synthetic blood, vampires have progressed from legendary monsters to fellow citizens overnight. And while humans have been safely removed from the menu, many remain apprehensive about these creatures "coming out of the coffin." Religious leaders and government officials around the world have chosen their sides, but in the small Louisiana town of Bon Temps, the jury is still out.
Local waitress Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin), however, knows how it feels to be an outcast. "Cursed" with the ability to listen in on people's thoughts, she's also open-minded about the integration of vampires — particularly when it comes to Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer), a handsome 173-year-old living up the road. But as Sookie is drawn into a series of mysteries surrounding Bill's arrival in Bon Temps, that tolerance will be put to the test.
A sexy, scary new drama from 'Six Feet Under' creator Alan Ball, 'True Blood' delves into the meticulously-crafted world of novelist Charlaine Harris. Described by the Emmy®-winning Ball as "popcorn for smart people" and featuring a colorful cast of local misfits, 'True Blood' promises an intense ride.
I'm the first to comment! Yea!! I loveeeeeeeee the True Blood ad....woo hoo....
I'm the first to comment! Yea!! I loveeeeeeeee the True Blood ad....woo hoo....
Vampires must be the "it" thing right now. Sounds like there will be another series to add to my Netflix queue next year.
Not really a vampire fan, well until Stephenie Meyers' Twilight series, that is. I might have to read this series.
Never heard of this series, but am at this moment nearly done with the last in the Twilight series. INCREDIBLE books.
Justine :o )
What is going on with the Vampires?? I read ALL the Anne Rice Vampire books years ago.. and just finished the Twilight series.. and now you're dangling this carrot in front of me?? I can't resist.... I'm gonna check these books out...
I'll try this series out--as long as it's not scary. Or creepy. Or scary. Did I say that? But I did read the first Twilight book, and that didn't scare me at all. I'm starting to become intrigued with all this vampiremania!
Would I feel like I was cheating on Twilight? HMMMMMMM.
Too bad I can't afford HBO right now... I'd so watch it
Are these books scary? I loved the twilight books but they did cause me to loose sleep because I am so scared of vampires!! And, yes, I know they are not real. Still have to cover my neck when I sleep!
Loved the Twilight series - also read the Anne Rice series, and LIVED for major Buffage (and Angel for a while) while it was on. Got started old school with the Count (Sesame Street).
Glad I don't have HBO!!! Insane Mama would never turn off that show.
She is reading some Vampire book that has her drooling and ignoring me.
Me...I don't know how to read.
by the way
I think
is trying
to outdo
you know I can't have that
Hey Rhea! I'm a total vampire fan. You name it and I've probably read it. LOL
I'm really looking forward to seeing this one.
Now I just have to check to see if we get HBO........
i am too busy reading self help books from Oprah...
I'm not even on the comment list..
at all...
That makes me...
OK.... promis I will stop now... : )
I'm so not into vampires. That picture on the front sort of scares me....I hope I'm not missing out too much.
No, haven't read these. I started Twilight at Barnes but am only 50 some pages in. I've got another one at home that I'm reading too. Too many books not enough time.
I did like alot of Anne Rice's vampire stuff though.
I will definitely watch this and maybe even start reading the series while I am watching...my Nannie Banannie would love these.
Wow, what is it with Vampires and pop culture lately?
I haven't tried Twilight yet, but I saw this preview for True Blood last night, ironically enough. Let me know how it is, okay?
I didn't know this series was based on books. And I love my vampire books. Loved Anne Rice. Read some of MaryJanice Davidson's "Undead and unwed" series. They got lame after the first few. And I LOVE JR Ward's series. So...I need to check these out. And then add this to my queue.
And Rhea I am so sorry that you now have three of us bombing you.
And tentcamper doesn't know what he has gotten himself into.
Maybe if Insane Mama would pay attention to him, my status would be left alone :-)
Kat, you and Tent Camper are crackin' me up!!!
And, I'm filled with comment love!! although I'm beginning to think this has NOTHING to do with me anymore. lol
I am so glad you are amused. And do you see how many comments I have now?! What's funny is in about 30 days, my numbers are all of a sudden going to reduce. Unless TC and I keep this up. Who will be the first to reach 100??
True Blood resembles Heroes at first glance (just rented the first episode from Blockbuster), though it still feels mostly original... for some reason this show makes me want to eat Cajun food and drink cheap beer
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