I'm a people-watcher, and I love writing about life, ordinary life, in a fun way, because everyone can find a way to relate to it.
I think there needs to be a Starbucks' blog that focuses on what happens IN Starbucks. TRUE LIFE. Because, I'm in awe of all that goes on. Job interviews, old friends meeting up, blind dates, meetings, support groups, and who knows what else? When I stand in line, I see all kinds of activity around me. Groups who gather there regularly...are they friends meeting? Or have they all become friends through running into each other at this Starbucks?
I propose a blogger hangs out in different Starbucks around the state or country and gets the scoop. She could take photos and feature these customers on an Internet blog, willing participants who make STARBUCKS A PART OF THEIR LIFE. Because it is a part of so many lives, in so many different ways.
I think this would appeal to people, because I think people are more about personalization these days. And making things more personal, bringing it home...
Don't you think Starbucks would like this idea? I posted it on their idea site. Any suggestions how I should promote this? While I'm in the middle of job interview land, my mind is working overtime...
Have you ever gone to Starbucks for more than a drink?
I had a job interview at one the other day
(the interview wasn't WITH Starbucks, we just met there to have an interview).
I had a job interview at one the other day
(the interview wasn't WITH Starbucks, we just met there to have an interview).

What a fun idea!
I once overheard a group of people that were significantly overweight comment very loudly that a lady that had just walked in was tooooo skinny. It was funny and heartbreaking at the same time.
I've always wanted to be a barrista (sp?) just for the people watching.
It would be fascinating...
Hey Rhea! Thanks for stopping in my blog. I appreciate the sweet comment you left on my post about my son and preschool. Wow! Your blog here is amazing!!! And I totally agree...there needs to be a Starbucks blog! I've bookmarked you and will be reading along from now on!
wow I think you are on to something! Why nt just start this blog idea by yourself. you could have contributing writers (for places you can't visit)
I love people watching .. but I've never been into a Starbucks. Actually, I've never been into a coffee place, period. I've never even had a full cup of coffee. But I'm totally diggin' this idea. So creative :o)
Ooh, I have not one suggestion, but I love the idea of Starbucks blogger interviews!
Justine :o )
Man, our old house was within walking distance of a Bux. Sweetie would take the kids each week, one at a time for special "daddy" time. Now, our nearest one is about 20-30 minutes from us. I so miss it, but not missing the expense of it!
Btw.... if you don't put me on your blog roll soon, I'm not comin' to see you anymore! Waaaaaaaaaaaaa
Justine :o )
I love people watching, too. But I don't do Starbucks. I could have written a lot about what I saw today at the county fair. Like a couple with a 3ish year old daughter. She was too short to ride something. So, instead of moving on, dad rode without her - while she stayed with mom to watch (ie, cry rivers of tears at the injustice of it all).
Ohhhh I'm such a people watcher it isn't funny! What a good idea! I need to hurry to jump on this band wagon tho, I heard they are closing quite a few of our local Starbucks:(
I think that is an excellent idea. I was just thinking the other day that I wished I could take pictures of random people because they intrigue me or made me smile. But strangers are not to into having their pictures taken. Oh well, on the other hand maybe I could get a spy camera. Is that legal?
I'd totally participate. You could call it Starbucks Saturday and we could all post something from one in our area then send you the link. I am TOTALLY in if you want to do this.
I love watching people on dates, not just at Starbucks. But it is more fun there because they're not really first dates, they're "first meetings". You know, when you don't want to waste more than 20 minutes over coffee with someone. I get such a kick out of the awkwardness.
You won't believe this, but I've never been in a Star Bucks in my life. I have a sign in my dining room that says "the best coffee in the world is served here to the best people in the world"...come on over, I'll pour you a cup...maybe even let you take my picture!
I love the idea!!
But, I'm sorry... I don't really like Starbucks Coffee, actually, I think it's nasty... (Cristin ducks and runs for cover as Rhea takes a swing at her.)
We love going to Starbucks and taking pictures. We find they have this thing, the wi-fi, that we need on our travels. We've been to a few, most recently in Kuwait.
Sam and Max, the gnomes who travel
Hi Rhea, I think you've got a great idea. Maybe make it a group effort with a select few that have access to post from different areas. I think Starbucks would call the law on me if I went in one. I can't afford the stuff so I'd look like a stalker taking pics of people while not buying anything. But I'd be willing to give it a shot. We don't need no stinkin badges.
BTW, thanks for stopping by & commenting. I've added you to my favs & will be stopping in to 'see' you.
How interesting your starbucks post...I am meeting someone at one tomorrow.
Would be an interesting blog. :)
When I am alone in Starbucks, I have wondered how all these people know each other. I just met my old playgroup there (without our kids) and we caught up. Love the place and I don't even drink coffee. Tea for me. Great idea.
This is genius...brilliant...you are onto something here, Rhea.
Let us know if the S'bucks peeps go for it. And when to ask for your autograph, 'cause you're gonna be FAMOUS!
That's a really good idea! I've had meetings in Starbucks as well as casual get-together with girlfriends. It's such a great gathering place for all sorts of things.
Rhea, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your blog, and I think the Starbucks idea is fantastic!! I usually have to go to the drive-up, but will probably try to go and spend some time. We have a Starbucks right next to the outlet mall, what could be better!! I'm hope it's okay to add you to my favorite places to visit. Thanks, GinGin
I think that is an awesome idea!! We met there for my bible study over the summer a couple of times but decided that the blender was a little too loud. I think it would be cool to know what's goin' on at Starbucks!
I love sitting in the starbucks and just people watching. I used to bring books, but now I don't even bother. Ha ha! For me, though, I have more fun either making up stories or just wondering about people.. What's really going on? I think it might ruin the joy to KNOW what's happening.
Having said that, I would absolutely not be opposed to surreptitiously taking snaps and posting stories about people. Think they'd mind?
I haven't been in a Starbucks except to buy a gift card in over 10 years. Yikes.
Love the idea. The people at my Starbucks are awesome and some of them acually read my blog. Which is weird when I write about them and then go down knowing that they read about me writing about them.
I've given myself a headache.
Does it have to be a Starbuck's?
My hubby and I were actually at Starbucks for breakfast this morning. We were early for church so we went for coffee. Hubby had a piece of blueberry coffee cake and I had the new oatmeal, yummy. He read the paper and I read the Sunday specials. We hardly spoke, but enjoyed the peace and quiet. Mom had the kids and it was great. That's my most recent Starbucks story :)
Well, now that pumpkin spice deliciousness is back on the menu... I'll venture in.
Such a cute idea!
That is a great idea. You are right that all kinds of things happen at Starbucks. I love to sit and watch what goes on in a coffee shop. The wierdest thing I have ever done in a coffee shop is to have a jewelry party. I played host by inviting people and my representative bought everyone coffee while they tried on sparkles. It was a hoot.
I came over after reading your interview at David's place. I loved the quote you gave by the novelist. That was really inspiring.
They totally have blogs like this, where it's only one topic but many people submit posts...
kids funny quotes,
new York City funny things...
YOU could do it, go girl!
Pretty cool idea! I love to people watch, too...
I actually own an independent coffee house in Clifton,Virginia. I have had this idea a million times, but it would be bad for business if I started writing about my customers. However I do twitter bits and pieces. Like the time when I had to call the police because a schizophrenic lady had hitchhiked all the way from California and had taken up residence in my shop demanding free food and handing out two-sided photocopies of her conspiracy theory. Apparently rich white men with nuclear weapons make her hitchhike around the country so they can rape and pillage rich white women. Or the time when a husband freaked out that his wife had been having secret meetings there with her lovers daughter. Which is weird cuz why meet the daughter unless something was going on with them too...or the poor guy who kept having his internet dates meet him for their first official date at the shop but they never showed up. What are the chances? - three different dates. Poor guy. I think he gave up. The best was when two of the local fireman came in and asked for the back room special. You know- the "massage". Listen here buddy, I might be like 1/8th Japanese and all, but there is no back room special happening at this fine establishment. Although strangely enough I have had customers offer.
So yeah- GREAT IDEA!
I love Starbucks, but I hate coffee. I normally drink green tea.
The Starbucks I frequent most often is in a Barnes and Noble, so there is always a cafe full of interesting people. I sit there ALOT and read, but also just listen and watch. You are right, there are people having dates, and interviews, and meeting friends, etc. There are alot of regulars at the one I go to. Us regulars don't necessarily all know each other personally but we all know the baristas and they us. Just this morning I was chatting away with Janet while she was making my drink and bagel. And being in a bookstore I know alot of those employees too and what department they work in and who the managers are, etc. Occasionally me and hubby go with our son and meet friends there. I have taken my daughter and wee little Alex there after Doc appts. to grab a quick bite and get my cocoa.
It's a world I love and couldn't do without!
I'm a photographer, and I meet client's there all the time! Yeah, I'd totally be into your idea about hanging out there, drinking coffee and taking pictures of people all day. That's my dream job!
If I were Starbucks, I would hire you:-)
Must get title back from angie.
And I must admit that I am missing the Rhea-Shannon rivalry.
Does Tentcamper leave comments for you anymore? He has abandoned my blog because he cannot win top commenter spot from me.
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