There aren't a whole lot of males in the blogging world, or at least the area of the blogosphere I frequent. But, I've found a handful of men bloggers whose sites I enjoy reading. Daily.

The man who's been in my life the longest, is Jeff from A Word In Edgewise. He's hilarious, sincere, and such a loving father and husband. He has these great mystery photo contests (which I have won!) and you can get an award for the funniest answer (which I won also!). He's also a writer and has a cool new writing exercise on his blog you should check out.
Not long after discovering Jeff, I found a new man. Ron with Vent. He's hilarious as well with a more dramatic flair. I think the first time I commented on his site I offended him, but we moved past that and have become friends, I'd like to think. He's had a million occupations, so you never know what you're going to learn from him, and his site is a place for him to vent and find humor in it. Check him out.
I think David McMahon came next with his site Authorblog. He's a Melbourne-based journalist and internationally-published photographer. He was born and educated in India and has lived the last 20 years or so in Australia. His website is full of great photography and witty posts. He cracks me up with his Verse and Worse posts which are "random wit, errant rhyme. Not a literary Crime."
The next man in my life, Tent Camper, popped up because I read the love of his life's blog, Insane Mama. I'd never met a couple who both had blogs before, and I was instantly intrigued. I love how they comment back and forth on each others sites, and at one point they were both sharing the intensely emotional story of how they met, yet I was reading each one's different viewpoints on the others blog. It was fascinating! They're a unique, fun and sexy couple. So, check out Tent Camper at I Pee in the Wind for some great writing, great humor and great fun. He's also my top commenter right now. :o) A man with such good taste, how can you now check him out?
The next two men are the newest men in my life. Trooper Thorn from Dogs and Jeans sucked me in with his hilarious Olympics commentary. He was inventing new sports, observing the ins and outs of all the various outfits/uniforms the athletes wore and had me laughing to the point of tears with some of his posts. He also recently asked me to come up with a picture to illustrate "shame" after seeing one of my posts about animals that I gave one-word labels to. He's a man who's turning his life around and having a laugh along the way. Lots of laughs. Check him out!
And, Trooper, here are a couple I have come up with so far. I'm still looking through my animal photos for a good one:

Finally, last but not least, the newest man in my life is Black Hockey Jesus at Wind in Your Vagina. I had seen the name of his blog around, but never visited it because I was turned off by the name. It sounded pornographic. But, eventually someone turned me on to him, and now I'm intrigued. First of all, his name is so creative, you can't help but wonder how it came about. Black Hockey Jesus. He's a dad, a husband and a writer...I think. He writes crazy, yet insightful, thought-provoking stuff. I can't really pigeon-hole his writing except to say he has an edge. A scary, razor-sharp edge that will either cut you or dare you to dance along the edge.

So, these are my men. I'm willing to share. Enjoy them, if you dare.
You are so nice to "share" your men. Because I refuse to share mine. Particularly Jason. Thank God he doesn't blog...or else I'd be fighting off ladies left and right. Yeah, I'd take 'em DOWN. He's kind of mine, you know?
Good for you spotlight the guys! We are os happy to see them spotlighted!
Just put your button on my blog.. CUTE!!!
I am off to get a dose of testosterone!
They sound interesting. I think that I may have to check them out. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the love Rhea. Glad I make you laugh. Both those shame pictures are great. I will alternate them daily on my desktop. I've got another challenge for you: ennui.
Why is it that I get excited when some of these guys post on my blog? And why do I continue to lurk over at Trooper's?
Ooh, great post, Rhea!!!!!!!!!!! Now I've got MORE blogs to check out. I have been to "vagina" once before and boy was it kooky!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, can you spread the word about my needing votes in the SITS Girls Recipe contest? Pwease? Thanks!
Justine :o )
Already a fan of Mr McMahon, I will checkout the others
This is like SITS but for boys, cool! and I think that tenter is desperately trying to become everyones top commenter, I think he might have a blogging problem, Wait, or is that me?
LMAO!!! One thing that amazes me is that the male Bloggers always seem to have the best blogger names!!!
I think it's time I made some new friends! I seemed to have lost a lot of readers when I disappeared for all that time! :-( *sigh* xx
Wahoo, I've been in your life the longest. Sssssh though, we wouldn't want Mr Rhea to find out.
Seriously though, thanks for kind words about some of us blog dudes.
I just might have to save your men for a time when I have more energy...I'm a little scared.
Good post, Rhea! I'm a fan of Trooper's... will have to check out the others!
OMG, I'm flabbergasted!
Yes, ME...flabbergasted!
This is so sweet of you to highlight the "guys" in your blog world, because like you...most of my readers/bloggers (with the exception of my buddies, Jeff and Dave) are all women.
And yes, dear lady...we ARE friends and am so grateful to have met you!!
Thanks again, Rhea. And I look forward to checking out these other guys in your life - they all sound awesome!
Happy Labor Day!
Thanks for the tips! I'm off to check them out.
Thanks for that Rhea. You know us guys....we always need a god ego boost.
By the way...did you know that Insane Mama and I had sex while wearing your pink hat? it was HOT-DIGGITY!!!!
Trooper - I had to look up what ennui meant. Sheesh. Some English major I am. I will try...
Tent Camper - I'm so glad the pink hat was an inspiration for you guys. lol
been lurking on lotsa those boyblogs myself. I enjoy David's pics from down under, D&J is very witty and well-informed. And BHJ is just looney-tunes. (I mean that in the very best way!) gReAt idea to spotlight the dudes.
I bow to you.
Thank you, Rhea, for that citation. You are a very generous soul.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and live up to your expectations!
Again, thank you ....
Seems we share a couple of the same men. Atleast you are leaving Keanu alone!!! hehe
How nice of you to highlight how wonderful the other sex are at blogging! I'll have to check out a couple of the others you mentioned.
I recently started reading some "daddy blogs" too. Trooper Thorn does have a really funny take on the Olympics.
I went to I Pee in the Wind and it will come up, but then go to google search. Is anyone else having this problem?
Ooohhhh...Trooper threw down a challange with that one. Can't wait to see that pic.
Glad you're reading my bloggie love, Trooper. However, he's mine. You can't have him. You can only borrow him.
I've peed on his leg, marking him forever.
That's quite a list- I'm off to explore...
I've been looking for a few good men. Thanks for the heads up!
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