The older son
BB gun
with his saved up money.

a concerned mama.
*** no children or animals were harmed in the making of this post.***
And, to all weenies out there:
I buy my children toy guns.
I will allow my children to hunt.
We teach the boys gun safety.
We eat meat.
(The boys are not allowed to shoot animals or people with the new bebe gun.)
My sister shot my blow-up pool with a cross-bow when she was seven. I still haven't forgiven her.
Be careful.
"You'll shoot your eye out, kid." One of the best movie lines ever!
The boys can come here to Kansas. You wouldn't believe the number of rabbits and birds they could "practice on."
"I buy my children toy guns. I will allow my children to hunt. We teach the boys gun safety. We eat meat."
Yay, Texas! I first shot my daddy's pistol when I was five or six. I'm not Texan (or even American, LOL) but I believe in the importance of teaching kids gun safety from an early age. I wear fur and I love meat.
hehe. Brings to mind sweet, funny memories from a long-ago (pre-kid) vacation to my Grandma's home on the Colorado River. The Big Dude (yes, grown up...) and his Best Man were down on the dock, late at night, shooting roaches (water bugs) with bebe guns. The Best Man's Wife and I were standing up above, rolling our eyes. Good times.
ay-yay-aayyyy. We California girls are, well, gunshy. But I did buy a water blaster for my kids for the pool and that was oh so controversial.
Woo hoo...stand up for your right to be Texan!
I am so glad that you posted the warming and I am glad I am over here and not there. I hope he is safe and you are you.
Rhea, I love how you put it all out there!! We eat meat too. Your post made me think of the movie "Happy Gilmore" where the enormous guy who chases down "Shooter McGavin" is wearing a T-shirt that says, "Guns don't kill people, I do". Yep, that pretty much says it for me. Guns are just a tool to me too.
Nice shot, Donny.
I hope your boys have fun and stay safe.
YIPPIE, I too think the world needs more boys and less sissy's Well said
Oh boy, Donnie is packing heat! Just kiddin'. Let those boys be boys and I'm proud of you for teaching gun safety. The most dangerous gun owners are the ones who don't know how to properly use their gun. If they're brought up respecting guns, then they are much less likely to abuse that privilige.
Rut roh! Run for the hills, Donny is armed! I hate guns and hate hunting, but am totally understanding of it anyway. I've got plenty of friends who are into it. I just couldn't kill a pretty little Bambie and then eat it. Blechhhhhhh!
Now, what is wrong with you? You get your hair all done and straightened and don't post about it? What kind of blog is this? LOL
Justine :o )
Tell 'em if it is alive and they shoot it, they have to eat it. Kept us from shooting squirrels growing up. LOL
And that's how it should be. Thanks for not raising sissies!
I personally am no good at the whole hunting thing - but I can make some REAL arsy lucky-shots lol!!
I skipped school one day and the guy's house we were at was shooting at everyone with split peas through the BB gun instead of pellets.. I STILL have the scars.. and it ruined my fave t-shirt... (Not to mention it hurt like a you-know-what!)
But a few people had a turn, so it wasn't like he was skitz or anything. Just being dumb. (So were we for staying lol!)
Good on you for teaching the boys the safety of it all.
Reese's air soft gun arrives tomorrow, I may need to borrow this post;) LOL
I hope that goes a little better than my brothers and their bb gun. (shot out a neighbor's window)
Come move up a few miles north...I do all of those things, and the neighbors steer clear...not sure why.......
Were there any "you'll shoot your eye out" moments?
Good for you in teaching safety. Have they read "The Dangerous book for Boys?" There is so much that our kids don't do now that our parents did. Because it's not deemed safe. Or PC.
As I saw on Dooce:
"Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder."
I loved my bb gun when I was a kid.
I have to show my husband this post! He'd love for Graham to learn to shoot and hunt! When we were in Vermont I didn't lay eyes on him during hunting season...
I've only ever shot a .22 I liked it.. and I'm not a bad shot either if I do say so...
good for you!
my dad has a pellet rifle shooting range in his backyard and my when my husband was in school he shot from the back door, through the front door, to the fron yard in his townhouse with his pellet rifle!
Oh, the stories of my brother teaching my son how to use a bb gun out at my parents house. Unfortunately, I'm sure there was a bird or squirrel that was hurt during that time! Yikes!!
Funny! I'm one of those weenies out there though. Not like that will keep my 4yrold from making anything into a gun, right? We have all gone fishing once though? So maybe we're not such weenies after all?
My, my, what a harsh mother, won't even let her kids shoot people!!! You do live in Texas after all!
Awesome! Sigh, I wish I could have done that for my son. His recently passed grandfather lived in Idaho, and every time my son went to visit the farm, he got to shoot all manner of firearms. It was hard to convince him that he couldn't bring guns back to our genteel, suburban neighborhood.
I shot my first gun at age 38 and it went down the hall through the wall outside and into my next door neighbor's boat...LOL, really...I never told him that but I am sure he figured something out the next time he went out into the water with it!!!! I have since learned not to shoot weapons in the house.
Ha ha. Love the weenie statement!!!!!!!!
I love this post! As you know from my gun toting this summer, I like shooting guns. Little Logan has a bb gun or air gun thing, I don't like him shooting it only out of concern for the safety of the cows, donkeys and ducks. Oh and of course me. :)
All Right! A mama that buys her kids guns.
I'm just now learning how to shoot and I can't wait til I go hunting for the first time. I hope to bag a 10 point.
Yeah, right. I just hope I get to shoot the gun at least once!
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