I've discovered a conundrum (and it's a good thing I have spell check).
I've determined how to access an extra bit of brain percentage
(do we really only use 10%? Nope, that's a myth, I just Googled it).
When this special moment occurs, where I am able to break free from regular thought,
my creativity bubbles over like pink champagne
and my mind froths with inspiration.

I come up with amazing story ideas, brilliant blog posts
and solutions to cure world hunger and spread peace around the globe.

You think I'm kidding?
I kid you not.
What's the secret?
Drugs? Alcohol? Deep meditation and transcendental transcendence?
The secret lies in those last few minutes of consciousness before I fall asleep.
Those moments in my trance-like slumber state,
the house quiet, the fan whirring, the dog snoring,
the deep even breathes from my children
and the wind brushing tree branches against our windows...
this is my nirvana.
Just before I drift away to dreams of colored pens, blank paper and mountain retreats,
inspiration hits me.
My mind suddenly hikes paths through a forest of ideas.

I meander through the trees, stopping to explore caves of plot and jump into fast-paced rivers of insiration, plunging eventually over a waterfall of deep ideas.

It's all so wonderful, so magical, so right, that I know there is no way I'll forget this by morning. I'm certain I'll awaken tomorrow with this immediately on my mind, ready to explore further. Potential rumbles like a thunderstorm ready to break loose.
The negatively-charged ions release, dancing into the air.
Briefly it occurs to me, like a glimpse of an eagle soaring overhead, that I should grab a notebok and jot down some of these thoughts and ideas...

Nah. It'll still be there come morning.
How could it not?
Then I burst through the forest into a field of flowers
and lie down among their colorful softness to fall asleep.

Happy. Replete with a whirlpool of visions swirling in my head. Ideas to explore come morning...
And then I wake up the next morning with a slight hint of pine, a wet leaf stuck to my foot and no memory of what I found in the forest, the caves, and the river.
I'm going to capture that cool mountain air and map those forest paths.
One day soon.
Maybe tonight.
Wow, nice description of those ephemeral epiphanies, so easily lost. The pictures are purty too :D.
After all this, I'm still laughing because you wrote "deep medication" instead of "meditation"!!!!!!!! OMG, what a nut job you are, Rhea! Seriously bonkers!
Justine :o )
This was a wonderfully written post and I especially liked the slowly rocking pentameter...it really relaxed me and now I want to go take a nap. I completely get what you're saying here and I loved the way you did it.
You are so deep...I need to swim in you for a while.
I mean that in a purely non-sexual kind of way, too.
Dude...I'll have what she's having:-) Hee, hee, hee.
Wow, that was some deep thought. I hope you find it.
I finally resorted to putting a pen & paper on my bedside table for this very reason. It helps. :-)
haha...I have the SAME problem! I need to keep a pen and notepad by my bed. Or maybe I should just keep my laptop by the bed and post right before bed.
I'm trying to catch up here! You've been busy.. thanks for the nod on the mystery photo...that's two weeks in a row for me... now next week, I'll feel pressured to be funny...I hope you give me some good material to work with!
Good luck bottling that inspiration.
How pretty this post is. I loved reading this.
Keep a digital voice recorder next to your bed. I keep one in my car for those thoughts I have in my hour long drive to and from work.
Dick Jones doesn't know what he's missing.
I think you need to write that book. But will it have cooly edited pictures from picnik?
Wow....Rhea, that was beautiful. I do have ideas at certain times that I think will be there for me the next morning but they're not. Even when they are, the passion & raw feeling is not. But you said it much much better!!!!!!!!!
Ok I realize I do not stop by as often as I should....but this is my favorite post of yours that's I've read yet! Probably for selfish reasons...this happens to me ALL. THE. TIME. I finally decided to put a notebook next to my bed and it worked for awhile...sometimes the ideas were great and sometimes my ideas were ridiculous and I'd be thinking "I was seriously going to blog that!?!"
Now....even though the notebook is there, I've been slipping back into that "I'll remember" mode (because it's so exhausting to pick up that pen) and alas...I do not.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who wakes up with damp leaves stuck to my feet. Love the analogy.
I'm with Kat on this one. This was downright enjoyable. Some of my best writing has been done in the middle of the night when I wake up with a thought and go with it. That's why I keep my laptop right by my bed. :)
Try meditation. Seriously works.
I know this feeling. This occurs daily. I'm brilliant for about seven minutes each day. Too bad the rest of the world has yet to realize it.
That was heavenly!!!!
- Jennifer
Um, I would like a whole bottle of that "fizzing creativity" right now. If people question my drinking at 2 pm, I will just tell them it is NOT alcohol... it is Fizzing Creativity!
I love all of the pictures and photos you use. Plus you crack me up and always put a smile on my face.
Yeah! You are an awesome photographer! I LOVE the effect of the photos! Especially the witty words you insert into then :-P xx
I agree with Kat .. I haven't even "known" you that long and I think your pretty great. :o)
I have often written down those brilliant ideas I find in the miasma of wakeful sleep, only to read them in the morning and wonder what the F is wrong with me at night.
I once found out the secret of the universe this way. Just like Trooper, when I woke up, was super confused. And I don't even do drugs.
whatcha drinkin' before bed, there, Rhea?! no, it's so true, i love those final pre-sleep inspirations. so entertainingly told. Keep a notepad on your bedside table! (but then you come out of that fuzzy numbness and have to start all over again...)
what she said.
Tell me how you do it. My pre-sleep is always a short nightmare. Serious. It must be the way I like to fall asleep... on my tummy. It brings on the bad dreams. I try to remember this and try to fall asleep on my back. But it's hard.
What position do you fall asleep in. I am totally serious. I have bad pre-sleep thoughts.
I know exactly what you mean. But, I never would have been able to communicated it so beautifully.
Maybe get a bloggy notebook for your bedside table?
I came here to leave you a comment about your "inner peace" remark you made on my blog...but then I got all wrapped up in this post and well, darn it, now I forgot what I was gonna say.
Oh yeah! Now I remember. You know that inner peace thing you have a problem with, well, I'm praying you find it.
And today's post? Totally beautiful and totally you. Becauase, well, you are beautiful.
Love to you,
Melissa at Stretch Marks
I, too, have solved many of the world's problems just before going unconscious... Gotta invest in a notebook, for sure!
This post is perfection. I am going to bookmark it and read it before I go to bed each night.
How beautiful, Rhea! I enjoyed winding through this post, following the words.
How beautiful, Rhea! I enjoyed winding through this post, following the words.
slipping into sleep produces mindless yet brilliant thoughts, that I am sure of.
Ah, a poet at heart, I see. Lovely post
Oh please capture it soon and share it here! Sounds idyllic!
I love the pictures on this post, and I just love the way you write!
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