It's origins go back two thousand years ago to India.
Each piece has a special stylized ability to move.
It's a game of strategy.
What am I talking about?
The Game of Chess.

My father taught my how to play when I was 10.
I became a chess dork and participated in some tournaments.
I passed on the love to one of my sons...and will teach the other son soon.
I used to play online at Red Hot Pawn, which was a lot of fun.
In the game of chess there is a move called en passant, a surprise move where the conditions have to be just right for a pawn to move in a unique way and capture a piece by moving past it.
And, as a surprise, I'm going to try to pass it on two of my loves (books and chess)
to YOU...
Each piece has a special stylized ability to move.
It's a game of strategy.
What am I talking about?
The Game of Chess.

My father taught my how to play when I was 10.
I became a chess dork and participated in some tournaments.
I passed on the love to one of my sons...and will teach the other son soon.
I used to play online at Red Hot Pawn, which was a lot of fun.
In the game of chess there is a move called en passant, a surprise move where the conditions have to be just right for a pawn to move in a unique way and capture a piece by moving past it.
And, as a surprise, I'm going to try to pass it on two of my loves (books and chess)
to YOU...

I'm giving away this book I just finished reading.
It's a book of strategy, historical fiction, romance, mystery and intrigue.
It's a book of strategy, historical fiction, romance, mystery and intrigue.

In the midst of the French Revolution, a young novice discovers that her abbey is the hiding place of a chess set, once owned by the great Charlemagne, which allows those who play it to tap into incredible powers beyond the imagination. She eventually comes into contact with the major historical figures of the day, from Robespierre to Napoleon, each of whom has an agenda.
The sequel is due out in a couple of weeks:
Leave me a comment tell me if you know how to play & who taught you.
What your favorite move? Or favorite piece?
If you know nothing about chess, then just say hi.
This giveaway ends tonight at midnight, Pacific time.
Leave me a comment tell me if you know how to play & who taught you.
What your favorite move? Or favorite piece?
If you know nothing about chess, then just say hi.
This giveaway ends tonight at midnight, Pacific time.
Hi! ;)
(I know nothing about chess!)
(checkers girl, here)
OK, I don't play chess. I had to look up the pieces when Breaking Dawn came out...knew the queen up front, but didn't recognize the red piece lurking in the back..."Ooooooh, it's a pawn...someone's gonna die!"
Yeah, I'm obsessive like that.
Even if I don't win I would love to read the book--and its sequel. Oh, and I read a fantastic one over the weekend: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Already begged Kat to read it. SO GOOD. Trust me.
I tried to learn years ago, but got frustrated. I think it had a lot to do with the person who had been trying to teach me.
Recently I've been giving it another go, using an online site to help figure things out ....
Practice, practice and more practice!!!!
I'm new to chess. But I absolutely love the strategy and the anticipation of it all. It was suggested I start up to excercise patience and long term commitment and follow through with tasks. I guess you could say it's sort of therapy for me.
Those look like awesome books. I have a glass and crystal chess set that Jeff got for me our first Christmas together. He taught me how to play a couple of times. I am not very good but I did have fun. Hayden has shown an interest in our chess set, I know that Jeff wants to teach him. We will see what happens.
I know nothing about chess. I'm intrigued by the game, but I never knew anyone that could play and I've never been taught.
Hmmmm...I smell a new goal!
Oh, and thanks for stopping by yesterday and leaving me that comment about my etsy stuff. I can make custom lanyards for teachers gifts for Christmas. If interested, I would just need to know the school colors.
The closest I have come to chess is eating a chess pie. :)
Before I forget, congrats on your photography/camera post being selected on authorblog.
I don't know how to play chess. In fact, just recently my husband learned I couldn't play and he was shocked. He thought all nerds play. Totally kidding. But seriously, I don't play. I didn't know the origins of chess, and the books look fantastic. I hope I win. I hope I win. Great contest!
I technically know how to play. As in, I know how the pieces move and have played a few games, but I have no idea about strategy or whatever. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'd really like to play more but don't have anyone to play with. My best friend's husband has a beautiful set but we're not allowed to even touch it.
...he's apparently not amused when I complain that the pieces are segregated and ask if he's racists while switching pieces from the black side to the white side.
I know HOW to play chess, but I suck at strategy and seeing moves ahead of time.
Now The Man is teaching my 5 year old how to play and she loves it. I'm sad that she's better at an adult game than her adult mother. :)
I don't know much about chess at ALL! My 7th grade science teacher tried to teach the class, so I did play--at least one day! I never caught on.
I know NOTHING about chess, but the book sounds very intriguing!
That is all.
Hi! A friend of my parents' taught me how to play chess but I was terrible at it. I am usually good at strategy but for some reason I was way too attack-y (made up word). I think my fave piece was the rook for the way it can move.
My dad taught me, which is kinda funny since that man knows nothing about patience. The knights were always my favourites.
I read The Eight a few years ago - really, really liked it. And I had no idea that a sequel was coming out. Very cool. I might need to re-read the book. Or at least refresh my memory. But, what I do remember was where one of the pieces was hidden.
i'm so impressed that you can actually play chess...
I am super impressed that you are such a chess expert! I know absolutely nothing about it, don't think anyoen in my family does so I'm impressed with anyone that does. Glad you saw the beat me to telling you about it :)
Have a great day!
Hi Rhea! Never played the game before in my life.
Thanks for stopping by today!
Don't enter me, as I STINK at chess, but I wanted to say you've got a great blog going!
Don't enter me, but I just wanted to say how cool this is of you to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Justine :o )
Don't enter me, but I just wanted to say how cool this is of you to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Justine :o )
Don't enter me, but I just wanted to say how cool this is of you to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Justine :o )
I have never played chess, but I've always wanted to learn!
Do you know what's weird? I don't remember who taught me how to play. But I do remember teaching my extremely bright little brother when he was about 7.
I beat him. Once.
He vowed never to let it happen again. And he never has. In fact, he can beat me in 5 moves or less most of the time. Sigh.
Thanks for your comment on my blog today!
My Mother taught me until I started beating her and then it was chess club, etc. Became very good when I was in the joint several years back, still frequently beat several people and taught it at several Boys and Girls clubs... Also thanks for your read today.
your very lucky to have learned chess. It seems like a hard game!
My dad taught me how to play 7 card stud poker when I was 5 and I would win my sisters boyfriends pennies. Good times.
I do not know a thing about chess. It's a game I'd love to learn someday, though.
I learned in 3rd grade. A boy tried to teach me at school, and then my dad taught me. I'm not very good. I remembered enough from that stint to play with my son 30 years later. My students play and I sometimes play with them.
And this year at school a bunch of us had our positions switched around for no apparent reason other than someone's political agenda, so I decided that I felt like a chess piece... :-)
The books look cool!
I am embarrassed to day I never learned to play sad huh?? Thanks for stopping by today please feel free to come back I welcome the company
I know nothing about chess, just saying hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Really love yours. Very creative with lots of fun ideas. Hope you visit again soon! I know I will!
:) Robin
cinnamon and honey
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm tempted to add glitter with the tooth, but then I will have to clean it up:(
But I do love glitter!
Oh chess. I like to think I can play. I mean I could play but not strategically(is that how you spell it?). I do have a marble chess set from Spain that is in my closet because I'm afraid the kids will ruin it. I should take it out.
Ohhhhhhh.........this soooo reminded me of chess tourneys with my dad! he taught us how to play when we were children. i used to love it!!
Hi! Never learned to play chess. Then one day my 6 year old took a chess class at school. She tried to teach me but I just couldn't grasp it...So no, I am not smarter than my 1st grader. But I do know how to read some big words...some even more than 4 letters...books look interesting
I tried to learn a couple times from a couple people... I'm too lazy and gave up....
I'll kick your ass at cribbage though!
Love a good book. Can't play chess to save my life.
Forgot to mention that I learned when I was 3 yr before I even learned how too read!! I do not have a favorite move except for Check-mate.....
I don't understand Chess. Hi
Looks like good books. Don't know much about chess. I technically know how to play it, but I never have a clue. I just sort of randomly move pieces around because I don't understand the strategy.
I made a resolution a few new years' ago to learn chess. I tried, I really did. it just didn't click with me. Or maybe it's because I also simultaneously had an unfinished knitting project, an altered book and a full teaching schedule on my plate. hmmm? I'm a cards girl. Euchre's my game. Hearts, Spades. Love 'em all.
look forward to seeing who wins!
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