I think I could be a forever student. I love learning new stuff. There's just so much out there TO learn.
If you could have studied one subject in school that you didn't, or that wasn't offered, what would it be?
I asked Texas Homeboy, and he immediately answered, "Accounting." No hesitation.
My favorite classes were creative writing, photography and medical terminology. I loved language classes too, like Latin and Spanish.
I think if I had to choose, I wish I had taken a practical course that taught me useful skills, like how to clean, sew and organize. Or how to check basic car functions, like oil, water, and tire pressures. Or how to raise children without screwing them up...
Are there class like that out there?

I'm not done with college yet. I'm mostly done, 3/4ths the way, but I keep starting and stopping due to getting married young, having babies, etc. I want to finish. I've been an English Major, but I want to go pre-med. I'd love to be a doctor. It's not too late to be what I want to be when I grow up, right?
So, once again, my question for you is, if you could have studied one subject in school that you didn't, or that wasn't offered, what would it be?

Ummm...I'd have to say, photography. I took one class in high school, but it wasn't enough. I'd love to be a pro-photographer.
Cool question.
I would do graphic design...I love it, but I've only been able to do a couple online classes. That would be so much more fun to teach than chemistry...and a lot more lucrative!
I would say..."how to successfully raise children"
This ...learning as you go shit sucks!!!!!
Other than that...I'd say, wildreness survival...something outdoors.
Mama Dawg - I wouldn't dream of getting in a pissin' contest with you over Trooper, girlfriend, he's yours. :o) And he smells like pee now. hehe
Krystyn - Graphic design would be a fun thing to learn and teach. I have never taken a course, I think I'd love it.
Tent Camper - I'm with you on the wilderness survival or more outdoor skills. That's awesome. Then maybe people would have a greater appreciate for the environment.
Hey Rhea~ Thanks for stopping by Hokey Pokey and your kind words!
Congratulations on your publishing success! Keep writing!
Off to have a look around your blog now.
i always wanted to take a photography class in college. they had one, but it never fit with my schedule, and it was just going to be an elective anyway. i think it would be so much fun to be a photographer for a magazine, and spend your day taking pics of all the latest fashion items :)
OKay, you're gonna laugh...either aeronautical engineering, jet fuel propulsion (make things go Mach 2) or Meterology...I too, love learning...love it. I want a quadrillion degrees.
When I was in High School someone asked me what I would do if someone gave me a million dollars. I answered instantly - voice lessons, dance lessons, music lessons, etc. I did end up being a music major, but I gave it up for computer science and now that's what I do, so I guess it worked out for the best.
I do wish I'd taken more psychology classes. I'm fascinated with stuff like that now, but my school days are long over... They just had our 30th reunion this month.
I would go back and take photography for sure!
hmmm, that is hard.
i wish i'd taken some business classes--being an education major teaches you NOTHING about running your own business. i'd love to take graphic design classes and more photography classes, of course. My photography classes involved a 35mm and a dark room. Things have changed so much--I'd love to learn more about photoshop!
You'll laugh. I got a degree in Early Childhood Education, spent my career before babies working in accounting, when all along I just wanted to learn about photography. What a mixup!
I'm taking some informal classes this fall in Photography, so no more procrastinating for me!
I think that if you are interested in medicine, you should do it. It may take a while but you should go pre-med or you can always be a nurse. Just a thought.
My subject would be... something in business or finance or culinary. Maybe in another life.
You should be proud of yourself for being 3/4 done. Way to go!!! I think I would have liked more acting classes. I did in college and was in a few plays but it would have been fun to start earlier in high school.
I could be a student forever. I want to finish my dissertation. Or not. Or get my masters in library science. Or get a PhD in history. Learn languages. Like mandarin. Or Urdu. Or Hindi.
Or, on another tract entirely - learn how to use my camera. And photoshop.
Or take a gardening class. Or sewing. Or cooking.
Or piano...
Daggum, your making me think deep today! I know I would want to do photography. If it had have been overed back then, which it was probably available, but in its infant stages, would be web designs, and computer graphics and stuff.
My legacy that I am leaving, Wow now that makes me think a bit. What am I leaving?
I studied History, which loved. If I went back for something else, I would love to be a midwife.. weird, but true!
Photography & Photoshop (of course, back in the day, when *I* went to school, there wasn't no stinkin' digital photography, thus no PHotoshop). But still...
And, of course, with the whole classical homeschooling thing, I guess a little classical ed for myself woulda been a little helpful (some Latin, Greek & Great Books!).
And, by all means, you go get that pre-med degree (just be sure to FIRST check out those nasty insurance rates for docs protecting themselves against lawsuits...)
I'm a high school English teacher, and we went back to school today. Thanks for helping me celebrate the start of another school year. I really enjoy dropping in to see ya!
I have a great thirst for learning, too, and I LOVE anthropology courses. When I was in college I regret not majoring in it......for what's the point? I knew I wanted a family and it's not like there are a ton of jobs out there. So, I didn't, and I regret it because it was something I enjoyed. And, I've never done anything with my degree anyway so it doesn't matter! :) When my twins go to kindergarten I'm heading right back to school for my Masters.
I would have liked to take a culinary class... or maybe one of photography.
I took three years of French in high school but have always wanted to learn Russian. I'd have liked a class on that, too.
What a good question!
Photography for me too
My dreams change daily.
Today I was a doctor, just ask the hubby AND our doctor, lol
I don't know, really! Sad, huh? LOL
More advanced accounting and an excel class (which I don't think they offered that many moons ago)
I always wanted to take comparative religion classes, but they were just too darn early! I wish I could go back and schedule based on interest rather than ideal sleep schedule!!
I loved art history. So many things to study that kept my interest. The rest: well, hate school really. Not too into much else other than the partying. ha ha
I wish I would have taken more science classes and done well in science. I love medicine and hospitals. I would have made a great doctor or nurse if I could have gotten through the science. I don't have it in me. Great question.
Sex Ed., baby!
Ok, just kidding...it's not always about sex with me. Really.
Probably photography--'cause I suck at it.
And you would NEVER have to write on the blackboard in any class that I helmed...because I would require your head to be adorned with that pink hat for every lesson. Yep, sho' 'nuff.
It is never too late, Rhea! I can say that from personal experience.
So go for it!
If I could go back in time..I would go beyond drama club..I would take acting classes. :)
What a great question!! I would have taken economics, photography, art, sewing, how to clean your house and how to raise kids. I would call it "Mommy B.S."
Ooh midwife is a good one...or a labor and delivery nurse.
Learning forever is awesome! U go girl!
How to cheat your way to good grades! *GiGGLeS* xx
If I could go back and major in something different...it would be something more creative...like graphic design. I don't have enough creative expression in my life.
Good question!
It is never too late... education is wasted on the young, along with lots of things.
I once had to choose between Drama and Computing... I chose Computing and have wondered ever since what my life would have turned out like if I'd chosen the other.
Hi, btw... came via Giggles (as you might have guessed).
Ooh, this is so intriguing, and something I don't think I've pondered very much, because I'm stumped! I took accounting in HS and that blew. Boring! I absolutely HATE numbers. I didn't go to college, but if I had, I probably would have taken courses focused on creative writing and such. God knows I could have used that kind of education!
Justine :o )
ooo, good question Rhea! I think I'd like to go back to school for photography at some point.
I think I too would be a better student than I was. I never focused and was bored a lot of the time in school.
I always wanted to take a pottery class and major in art. However, I'm all thumbs when it comes to all things artistic. I also wanted to major in Shakespearian Literature. That is until I barely survived the first class and realized that I was in love with the teacher. Not Shakespearian Lit. If I could have majored in Bowling, that would have been it! I kicked arse in my Bowling class. Instead, I settled on majoring in Accounting. I loved it. I'm good at it. There it is.
How to be a millionaire without even working ... do they teach *that* somewhere????
Raising kids and Maintaining Sanity is a class I should have taken. Really, I wish I would have taken the class my high school offerd on composing music. Wait, I took that class. I wish I would have shown up for class.
That's a tough question but I'd say maybe photography. Actually I was thinking a language at first but then remembered I had either 2 or 3 years of Spanish and don't remember a bit of it.
I guess if you don't use it you lose it. But I've always loved taking pictures so more skill in that department would be great!
I went to school to become a high school math teacher. So I was a math major.
I did become a high school math teacher and loved it. I never thot I would do anything else. Boy was I wrong.
Life comes along and pulls the rug out from underneath you.
I am no longer teaching math. I miss it. I don't miss the disrespectful students and the awful bureacracy of the school system. But I do miss the teaching.
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