Thursday, September 11, 2008

Don't try to cure me


Anonymous said...

oh i LOVE scholastic book order forms. I would obsess over them for hours when I was a kid (and probably still would if I had access to one!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Wow, you brought back such a wonderful memory I had totally forgotten about. I used to love getting those in the mail. And I did order lots of books too. Thanks for the memory!!!!

Skeller said...

Yup, I'm an addict, too. Also not looking for a cure... ;-)

All Things BD said...

Oh,no! A dissenting opinion! I can't order from those things. I get hives because I feel pressured to buy something to PROVE I care about my kids' minds.

This despite the trouble I get into from The Man about how much I spend at Barnes & Noble for them. I know, that makes me no sense and makes me seem completely bizarre. But I'm glad YOU love them! :)

Unknown said...

I do the same thing!!! If the fam takes me to Barnes and Noble, they get mad because I never want to come out. I once spent over $100.00 on one of the book orders and the teachers started fighting over who would get the kids the next year because they wanted my book orders!!! LOL, I knew we were kindred spirits!

Lula! said...

Me, too! Me, too!

Libbey came home with her first Scholastic flyer last week and I bought way too much. But it's so fun! I discovered my most favorite book in the world, The Westing Game, by Ellen Raskin, via Scholastic. I remember reading the description of the book and my 12 year old brain surmising, "Now that sounds good!" Little did I know...over twenty years later and I still reread it every year!

Jennifer and Sandi said...

HAHAHAHA I completely forgot about those and I'm sorry about your addition?

12 Step Program for "Book Additions Anonymous"


- Jennifer

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I'm not an addict..I'm too cheap.

Now, when I have time, I will go to the library and try to pick something up! I like "FREE"!

Jen said...

I love those book orders too. I can't wait to have them start coming home. It is going to be really hard to restrain myself.

Valarie Lea said...

Yep I love looking at those things. :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

We always look. But being a book addict myself, we don't spend a lot there. Sometimes we already have the books from Katie. Or I don't want to get the lastest unicorn book - which is what Madalyn wants.

Now, get me in a Borders or Barnes and Noble...well, then I truly have a problem.

Matt said...


Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

I spent $200 at the school's fall book fair last year. We are pretty new and our library needed lots of books, which this fundraiser would help provide. Right? Can't I claim that as a legitimate reason to spend cash I didn't have on books we didn't need. So, now the school library is stocked and I cannot step foot in the book fair next week or I will have no reason for my insanely large purchase. I just can't say no to books!

BTW: Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciated your comment.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean! Not only do I still have three kids that bring them home, I also give them out for my daycare kids! Those order forms for the toddlers and pre-k books are adorable!

Claremont First Ward said...

Me too. Me too.

The best part is that the kids enjoy the books at home, and in the classroom as the teacher benefits with book credits based on order values. Perfect.

sassy stephanie said...

So with you.

Some dumb dumb came to the door a few weeks ago trying to sell me a kids' book package of 12 books for..get this...$350. I said "why would I do that when I'm high on Scholastic?"...can't beat 'em.

AdriansCrazyLife said...

Yep, me too. Although this year I got smart. Blake wanted the Star Wars boxed set from Scholastic that was $28. I found the exact same set, plus a whole other 4 book set in the used section at Amazon for $33 including postage. Score!

I've got a major habit to support here, so I save $$$ when I can.

Mama Dawg said...

Oh, heck yeah. My daughter has to constantly ask me to hand it back to her. I'll hog it all night if I could.

We totally support Scholastic.

Chatterness said...

girl...we do have too much in common! i thought i was the only goofy adult to love scholastic books!

Anonymous said...

I probably shouldn't even tell you this... but I do the ordering for Scholastic for my girls' school. That means I process the order, then sort the books when they come in. For that little effort, the school allows me to use teacher points for our books. Love it.

Unknown said...

Yeah .. I'm a book addict too !! I love looking through the kid's scholastic book order forms...

And we have a Book Fair next week . I have my eye on 'Pirates Don't Change Diapers' , 'Fancy Nancy's Favourite Fancy Words', 'The Key To Rondo' and 'Seekers:The Quest Begins'....

CrystalChick said...

My kids are older so we don't ever see those order forms anymore but OMG put me in Barnes or Borders..... well, it's as bad as when I'm loose in a craft store.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I miss the book sale at school :)

Stephanie Carper said...

Wonder why our school sells Summer Sausage instead of books?

Karen said...

My kids bedroom could double as a library. The only thing worse for me than Scholastic book order coming home with my kids is when my BFF sold Usborne Books. Ya...that had potential to bankrupt me.

Anonymous said...

let the games begin! the kids always want to order at least a dozen and we have major bargaining to do. the first few years, my shelves filled rapidly. now we must go with the one in, one out policy. pick some winners!

John Deere Mom said...

I sent them home 2 weeks ago with my students. I LOVE when parents love them because the more book the kids order, the more free books I get for the classroom. WOO HOO! BTW, are you safe from Ike? You are the first person I thought about when I heard it was coming to Texas...but I don't know where in Texas you are. Hope you are safe! I am guessing you are...otherwise a post about Scholastic book orders might not be real high on the priority list.

Britt said...

Non-fat, no sugar, carb free, no jittery feeling, no filmy after-taste, no hang-over ..

I do believe there is nothing better to be addicted to than a good book.

Change you? Never! I do believe I'll join you. :o)

Susie said...

12-Steps...are you sure you don't want them? Let the healing being:-) hee, hee,hee.

Tiffany said...

I LOVE looking at the Scholastic "catalogs" my son goes through and circles the ones he wants... and then I cry because I have no reason to buy "Fancy Nancy".


Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I'm a book addict too! Our used bookstore is one of my favorite places on earth.

Utter Basketcase said...


I was never fussed on the books as a kid... but MY MUMMY... Like you, would use me as an excuse to buy them heehee!

My Mum writes the most gorjus childrens stories! A series named 'Sambo and friends of apricot lane'

She never got them published.. she just wrote them for us as kids!

But one day she would like me to illustrate them for her and then maybe think about them getting published.

P.S. I love your hat!! I want one! :-P xx

Justine said...

I'm a book addict too but not kids books! LOL

Justine :o )

Misty DawnS said...

Hello, my name is Misty Dawn, and I'm a book addict too ;-) We'd get along just fine together.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I was thinking of you yesterday. Madalyn got her first book order. She got that unicorn book that comes with a purple pen with feathers. One of the kittens stole it - no clue where it is.

But, anyway, she sat down to read the first chapter. And told me that when Santa brings her a pony for Christmas, she is going to name it "Willow."

I told her that Santa knows we are not zoned for ponies - but she is convinced she's getting one. Crap!

Angie's Spot said...

I'm right there with ya. My kids don't even know what these forms are because I confiscate them like a thief in the night. Sad.