Remy and I were in the car the other morning with Annie,
and Remy was playing with Annie's orange leash.
Little did I know he had big plans regarding that leash...
and Remy was playing with Annie's orange leash.
Little did I know he had big plans regarding that leash...

Remy: I'm going to use this leash to catch a chicken. See, I can put this around its head like this.
ME: What are you going to do with the chicken when you catch it?
Remy: (giggles like a maniac)
ME: What are you going to do with the chicken when you catch it?
Remy: (giggles like a maniac)

Remy: I don't know, sell it.
Me: Really? For how much?
Remy: For a million dollars!
ME: For a chicken? It'd better be a special chicken.
Remy: Well, it'll lay golden eggs that sing.
ME: That IS a special chicken. What are you going to do with that million dollars?
Remy: Buy things.
Me: Yes, but what things?
Remy: I don't know. A car.
Me: But you can't drive yet!
Me: Really? For how much?
Remy: For a million dollars!
ME: For a chicken? It'd better be a special chicken.
Remy: Well, it'll lay golden eggs that sing.
ME: That IS a special chicken. What are you going to do with that million dollars?
Remy: Buy things.
Me: Yes, but what things?
Remy: I don't know. A car.
Me: But you can't drive yet!
Remy: (more giggling)

Remy: I'll buy the world. From God.
Me: Huh. You think you can get the world for a million dollars? That's a good deal.
Me: Huh. You think you can get the world for a million dollars? That's a good deal.

At least he thinks big, right?
I'm keeping my eye out for special chickens now...
I'm keeping my eye out for special chickens now...
We need to introduce Remy to my hooligans. Not the kitty hooligans, but the children variety.
They are constantly asking me "what would happen if everything only cost a penny?" "What if we could buy that house for a penny?"
I cannot tell you the number of times we have had discussions about communism. :-)
And who does Angie think she is? Vying for my top spot? And Shannon is messing with me on Angie's blog for that top spot.
I'm going to have to take a lesson from the master herself, and leave at least three comments for every post. Or more. Or something.
Sooner or later you will all concede... my goal of top commenter domination will be accomplished!
Remy is so cute... what a curious mind he has!
Oh, and if you find a chicken that lays golden singing eggs that I can sell for a million dollars... you so gotta hook me up!
I'll get both of you.
Rhea...don't you love how we are taking over your comments?
p.s. We must discuss that Ho-ish place. I am all set in stone now.
Funny! Little business man!
I wondered how you had so many comments and you just posted this an hour ago. Could Lula come to my site and leave me some love too?
I love that idea. You must let us know if he ever gets one of those chickens. Then I am sure you will not need a job.
I know you know this but you are going to need to keep a special eye on that one. ;)
So Rhea,
I think that you have some VERY competitive readers. I am not sure but I may be right.
Too bad my squirrel can't do special things. Otherwise, I'd be rich.
I love how his mind thinks.
I think he might have something here.
I mean golden eggs that can sing!
That is just the most awesomest thing ever!
He could so sell that chicken for much more than a million
Tell him to go for at least 10 million. :)
Excellent idea. It's always good to think ahead.
Where did I miss the memo about posted like 20 gazillion times on this post? :)
A million IS a good deal! :)
Give Remy credit but yourself also. As my wife, know as Pony Poop Girl, (gotta read the blog for more{shameless plug I know}) but children become and think that way mostly from positive influeances. Keep it up
I miss those years. Remy is awesome. My 16 year old boy is at the "that's what she said" phase in verbal development.
I love Remy's imagination. He is my kindred spirit. Did you ever read about indigo children. I often think I was one.
He has a fabulous immagination. I love the things kids think up!
He's a smarty! If he can get the world for a million dollars then he needs to just drop out of school now because he is obviously smarter than all of us!
Hah! That was cute!! Have fun reading ALL your comments :)
For a moment there, I was so tempted to leave 10 commnents so that I cold beat out Kat. But you'll be pleased to know that I resisted that little ol' devil ;-)
Remy has such a vivid imagination. Wonderful !!!
Very sweet. I miss those days. Mine will still come up with some good stuff, but the Cute? Sort of gone.
remy cracks me up. i especially like the drawings. haha!
Jenny the Bloggess has a magic chicken post up at her site.
But for realsies -- you're kids are so adorable. I love how little one's minds work.
Also - thanks again for the book. I can't wait.
I'm working on getting my meme up this week. I'll let you know.
Million dollar chickens in Texas? Do they just walk around? I'm so coming to your state.
Must... resist... urge to quadruple-post...
I don't think my son ever went though the million-dollar-chicken phase. Although he did have an eighty-foot-tall invisible friend named Dr. Hero.
What a great imagination!! Don't kids just keep you laughing all day long.
..and this is how an entrepeneur is born. Keep thinking big, Remy!
That's terrible about the ride home. Poor thing.. We were once at a cemetery in the middle of nowhere and D had to go. I grabbed a walmart bag and he held the handles and went to town. Then we put it and the napkins, diaper wipes or whatever he used in a ziploc and threw it in the dumpster. He thought that was the coolest thing to poop outside.
Remy cracks me up with his funny thoughts
Seriously? I can sit here for like an hour I have nothing to do
I think Remy needs to study art.
Was Annie injured? By the evil leash?
Remy is SO cute
So is Annie- I love Annie
Did you hear that my bird is cussing? Cool huh?
I just linked to you through The Nuthouse. I love your blog. Gorgeous. I shall be back.
LOL. Not only does the chicken lay golden eggs, but the eggs sing? This kid is just too much!
Justine :o )
So funny. I need to move to your town..I am totally in the wrong business!!
I love kid thoughts. Especially when it involves entrepreneurship. (did I even spell that right??)
Business genius you have there!! Someday he'll have his own reality show. hee, hee
LOL if he catches that special chicken, you better call me. I'm just down the road :)
I love how his mind works!
You rock the interviews, fer sure!
And if Remy can find the whole world for $1M, let him know I'd like to be an investor. You can't even buy a shack on the beach here for that much....
Oh my God, that's priceless! So cute--I would've been like, "what is God going to do with a million dollars?" I love the things that kids come up with sometimes!
ROFL - great story!
ROFL - great story!
You know, I'm not even on your stats ... that's just not right!!
I swear I was on the stats last time I looked!!!
I was right on the bottom !!
I love a kid that thinks big! Go Remy, go!
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