Why don't animals dance?
They can hear the music.
But they don't seem to get the urge to bob their head
or shake their hindquarters?

I twittered about it, but no one answered me.
Oh, yeah, did I tell you I'm twittering now?
Or tweeting?
Or whatever you call it?
I'm TexasRhea if you want to follow me.
So, yesterday I found out that like NO ONE knows how to play chess!
I was dumbfounded.
That's such a strange word.
I like it.
Anyway, I think I need to start an online class to teach EVERYONE how to play.
Chess rocks, people!
And, oh yeah, I'm giving away a book.
Normally I take photos of my kids drawing names out of a hat...
But this time I'm lazy, and I used the random number thingy.
So, the winner is...
She won this book:

This has been a tough week for me.
I didn't get the job I wanted, so I'm still job searching.
We've had lots of football practice and soccer practice
and some family drum workshop...don't ask.
Now my mother-in-law is visiting for the weekend,
which means I might go on a date with my husband,
which hasn't happened in months.
My creativity collapsed, and I didn't know what to write about today.
And, that's why you got this instead.
Saturday both boys have 8am sports games,
and I have a 6-hour long writing workshop...
And, I have nothing planned for Sunday,
besides driving my dad to church
and helping my eleven-year-old with two projects due Monday.
How was YOUR week?
Why don't animals dance?
Do you Twitter?
What are your plans for the weekend?
I didn't get the job I wanted, so I'm still job searching.
We've had lots of football practice and soccer practice
and some family drum workshop...don't ask.
Now my mother-in-law is visiting for the weekend,
which means I might go on a date with my husband,
which hasn't happened in months.
My creativity collapsed, and I didn't know what to write about today.
And, that's why you got this instead.
Saturday both boys have 8am sports games,
and I have a 6-hour long writing workshop...
And, I have nothing planned for Sunday,
besides driving my dad to church
and helping my eleven-year-old with two projects due Monday.
How was YOUR week?
Why don't animals dance?
Do you Twitter?
What are your plans for the weekend?
I don't twitter...I fleet, I float, I flop...
I think animals do dance they are just careful not to let us find out they are doing so...
My week was way too busy...and soaky and soggy and windly and floody.
I am going to see Nights at Rodanthe, shopping and spending time in the RIC!!! Richmond VA
Have a great weekend and ENJOY date night.
Woo-hoo! I'm a winner! Even if it was random, I'm still a winner! Would you mind writing a little note for me in the book? I love having books passed on or passing them on and having record of who they came from and thoughts they may have.
Sorry to hear about your non-job. You don't want to hear this now, but somethiing better is on the horizon.
I must go now and follow you on twitter. I'm not sure why animals don't dance either. Maybe it's because they can't do the white man overbite thing?
Random Rhea - yippee! I don't know anyone who knows how to play chess. I think Michael knows how. My dad knew how. He was supposed to teach Katie but never did. We even own a chess set that is meant to teach. But it is still wrapped in the plastic.
My week? Insane. Per usual. I have managed to overschedule. And then I did the swap. And I need to grade Latin papers.
I do twitter. Often.
Dancing animals? Ummm...I don't dance. Perhaps they are shy. Or they don't hear those frequencies. Or they lost thier rhythm. Or something...
Oh...and were you comment padding on my blog earlier? I like it...
I want to twitter. I am afraid though that I will never ever ever get anything done.
A job is out there for you. Even though I am wondering why you want to get one. Hey you can come here and have mine. :)
I don't twitter. I think animals do dance. And my week was crazy but lovely, because it is fall. My weekend, however, will be less so---my brother in law is moving in with us for a while.
I only twitter when I'm sick!
Larry and I are going to Lake Vermillion (MN) for the weekend. We lucked out and got a cabin that sleeps (8) because they were plum out of cabins that accomodated(2). So we will probably spend the entire weekend running around the place naked, drinking beer, fish and lay by the fireplace!!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!
- Jennifer
I didn't enter your contest yesterday since I don't know how to play chess. I didn't want to take the chance away from someone who really wanted it.
We got a new puppy yesterday so I will be working with her. Tomorrow I'm going to a craft show. Other than that I don't plan on much.
My week was the usual... nothing really exciting.
I think animals dance in their own way. The sound of music doesn't make Izzie's rump shake, but the sound of food going into her bowl sure does!
I do Twitter... or tweet. Whatever you call it. I don't do it that often but I want to.
Shane & I are going with another couple from church to grab dinner and then see the movie Fireproof tomorrow night ...woo hoo! Date night!
Congrats Jen! She rocks!
I twitter, but you already know that.
I don't know why animals don't dance. Let's do a study on it.
My week sucked, but that's because I work.
My weekend....Wal-Mart and that's about it.
I am sorry that you are having a rough week. Mine has been a week of getting caught up from falling last week. Here's hoping next week is better.
Yes, I am on twitter but I think that you knew that. I don't really get it and I can't do it at work. Sucks.
I hope that you get your date.
How was YOUR week? - long stupid financial crisis.
Why don't animals dance? - They lack ability to tie together beat and rhythm
Do you Twitter? - yes but not often.
Let's see...short week at work. Sick kid.
I don't know about the animals. Never thought about it before.
And, I don't twitter.
We're going to a birthday party and a friends' daughter's baptism.
My week's been ok--nothing to write home about! I have no idea why animals don't dance--maybe they can't grasp the concept of rhythm (<-that's a tough word to spell apparently) And I do twitter. The name's gingela5!
Tough week here too! No to the twitter for the same reason I deactivated Facebook. Just wanted to keep things simple. Blogging is enough for me. Answered the easy two! :)
My week was mostly good...thanks for asking. Yours will be better next week. I feel it in my bones.
Why don't animals dance? They do. Our cat totally shakes his groove thing to some Frank Sinatra. He's a hip cat.
I DO Twitter. Why aren't you following me? Or are you? I follow you. I'll go tweet to you now...
I tried to Twitter. I just can't keep up. Blogging, Facebook, email...my kids will go nuts if I am the computer for yet another thing.
I am following you (on twitter that is!) I am elainea if you wanna follow me too! Hope you have a great weekend Rhea!
p.s. I used to play chess but that was a LONG time ago! : )
My week was OK, I survived, so I guess that counts for something, right? LOL
Why don't animals dance? I have no idea, mine are too busy running from the 11 year old to stop and hear the music, lol
Do I Twitter? Nope...of course I should say not yet, since I am a follower, LOL So I probably will soon, hahaha
What are my weekend plans? Football tomorrow, Sunday...hopefully NOTHING!
Awh Rhea, I hate that you've had a bad week, hopefully things will get better next week!
Sounds like a very busy weekend--enjoy!
congrats jenboglass!
I'm learning to play chess again, does that count? :-)
Congrats to Jen ...
My dog dances, with me..
I'm really going to have to find out what twittering is all about...
I just walked about 5 miles with about 85 2nd graders and was a little perturbed to find out that I was fitter than the majority of them..
My weekend will consist of shopping, house work and sprawling out on the couch watching NASCAR with the dogs..
I stayed away from Twitter for fear of yet ANOTHA time suck. But I love it. Not real time commitment..only a wanna do it right now kinda thingy.
Damn, chess takes way too much concentration. I prefer a good game of quarters.
I've given my favorite Texas gal an award. Come lookie!
My week was great:-)
Animals don't dance because they don't have rhythm:-)
I don't Twitter but I do play chess:-)
As for this weekend, I am throwing a French menu dinner party for my uncle.
What's this Twitter all about? Should I be doing it? Are all the cool kids doing it??
I think I'm too old to learn chess.
I was supposed to work tomorrow but swapped my shift.... so I'm drinking tonight, recovering tomorrow...working Sunday...
I actually used to play chess a lot when I was a kid, but I fell out of practice because I had no one to play with. A refresher course would be awesome.
And I am now following your tweets!
Week = Vomit coated
Weekend Plans = None
Have a great weekend!
I don't twitter, or tweet or anything else, I have no plans for the weekend, and you're right, I've never seen an animal dance! But, I used to have a bird that rubbed itself on its perch over and over again until... well, you know... it had a little birdie O. Sick, no?
Justine :o )
I play Chess a little, have an electronic board that teaches too.
My week was knackering, you'll see why on Monday! No I don't twitter and I don't really understand it either!
Have a great w/end Rhea
You know you're a Mom when you say you have nothing to do "except..." and then you list three things!
If you're looking for a job, why not one that involves computers, creativity and desktop publishing? I think you'd be an asset to any firm...you should check it out! BTW, I'm celebrating a Sweet Centennial today over at my place--please drop by!
Congrats on your award from Laneboyzmom! Just popping over to say hi. For tomorrow, consider Weekly Winners (pics), hosted by Sarcastic Mom. Also, I've seen Soap Opera Sunday, hosted by Brillig? Or, you could just take a little vacation :) I'm sure you deserve it, with all the running around you do with those kids!
I twitter.
Sorry you had a bad week. Hope you have a good week. Im sure you will land a great job soon. ;)
Hi silly
Yes I twitter, yes I follow you and you follow me. WHAT FUN!!!
MY new bird does dance a little but he is not cussing yet, I'm working on it. I planned on doing nothing and so far I have done nothing this weekend.
My week was so great, better than normal. We're moving, & hubby got an unexpected bonus.
I'm sorry about the job, but I really feel like the right job will turn up for you.
We dance with our animals. They just look at us like we're weird.
I tried Twittering and Plurking. I just don't have time to keep up, I'm always the clueless one. I gave up!
I'm a Twitter Moron. But I have tried. Twice. :)
Sorry you didn't get the job you wanted!
once (if) I finally get my iPhone, I'll start in w/ the Twitter. had a few fun things to post about this weekend. gotta get caught up. : )
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