I didn't know what to post, all my creative ideas taste like sawdust and smell like dog poop (or maybe that's actually dog poop). Wait, I just think I made myself smile for a second.
Nope, just gas.
Here's the deal. Today, I'm feelin' blue.

My diet isn't working, I hate job searching, Texas Homeboy and I are really fighting, my children don't want to be featured on the blog, I hate job searching because I don't feel like I'm qualified to do anything, and my life just feels unfocused and messy. Shall I keep going?
I have a list a mile long of things I should be doing but I don't feel like doing any of them.
It's raining today, and I'd like to climb back in bed and just stay there. All day.
Shall I keep going?
Nope, better not, or I'm going to lose what readers I have! And, I really seem to need some comment love today.
So, on to some mystery photos, because I don't want to bring everyone down with me.
I can't decide, should I post the answers tonight or tomorrow morning?
Let me know what you think.
I seem incapable of making decisions.
I'm just not feeling happy today.
I'm sorry, you are blue. :( It must be the weather, I was that way yesterday. Everyone here at work was afraid to talk to me for fear of me going off the deep end.
So the first picture looks like rows of seats in an auditorium
second picture maybe the track of like a bulldozer or something?
After that I got nothing :)
Cheer up!!!! Things will all work out and everything will be ok!! :)
Oh and by the way the turtles are red-eared sliders. We got them at the beach, but I am pretty sure, you can get them at a pet store.
Right there with ya...it's not even noon and I've already had a couple of nervous breakdowns, 1 huge sobfest, and a couple of outbursts...all directed towards my almost-3 year old. Not good times. So yeah...I'm blue, too. Tomorrow's post will totally reflect it, too.
Most of these pictures are rather industrial...you're not searching for a hard-hat kind of job, are you?
Ah honey...cheer up... this too shall pass.
before I started working I felt like that ALL of the time.
What kind of job are you looking for?
Big hugs from Norway....
Sorry about your current state of mind. I can relate 'cuz I have been a bit down the past few days as well. Maybe I should talk about it more on my blog but my blog is more of an escape so I just go on with all about cooking & entertaining. My balancing act with the being healthy and cooking/entertaining is quite, well, out of balance and it's put me in a funk. I thought I would try to turn things around today. I hope you do too. Set one small goal for yourself and get it done. Even if it's something silly or unrelated to what's ailing you. Mine is to just get on the treadmill tonight. Good luck!!!! I hate the blues!!!!!!!!
1. auditorium seats
2. Bulldozer track
3. car/truck engine vent
4. inside car vent
5. front of a speaker
6. big ass hosey yellow thing (Hydraulic hoses)
7. House heating vent
post them tonight!!! jus make me win.
hope you feel beter miss Rhea
do you like my comment love?
looks like you need a little boost. Here you go!!!!
Oh, I'm so sorry you're having a crap day. Does it cheer you up to tell you my hubby put a large dent along the entire driver's side door of my van? The man who constantly criticizes my driving? Can you say karma??? Look for pics of that later. :)
Song lyrics I almost put on my blog yesterday: "How could I know the morning/If I knew not midnight?" Gotta get through the bad to appreciate the good, but it's hard getting there.
Things WILL get better. Hang in there!
I am so sorry that you are blue. Can you go do something for you? Like get a pedicure. Read a book. Have some retail therapy? Take some more mystery pictures to make me crazy because I've got nothin' with this group...
Making me crazy should make you smile. Even if it's slightly maniacal.
I am so sorry that you are blue. Can you go do something for you? Like get a pedicure. Read a book. Have some retail therapy? Take some more mystery pictures to make me crazy because I've got nothin' with this group...
Making me crazy should make you smile. Even if it's slightly maniacal.
I am so sorry that you are blue. Can you go do something for you? Like get a pedicure. Read a book. Have some retail therapy? Take some more mystery pictures to make me crazy because I've got nothin' with this group...
Making me crazy should make you smile. Even if it's slightly maniacal.
Darn blogger. But I have to do something to catch up with Tentcamper. Something. Cause I am not giving up. Want my title back...
It has just been that kinda week for me too. I am in a funk and can't seem to shake it.
I am sorry that you are sad. I say, since its raining and I am assuming that your kids are in school, you climb back into bed and sleep, read, whatever. We all need a day the this once and a while.
I like the mystery photo but I have no guess. So I think you should do the answers tonight. The curiosity is killing me.
I've got no clue with the mystery photos, but...
I've got plenty of blogosphere hugs and I'm sending them your way...
Hey...wanna come over and finish my laundry? Only have about three more loads to go.
Go outside and let this darn wind blow your blues away....I SO know how you feel.....
Oh, and blank on the pics...did you take those at Trade Days?
At least you're writing...my post is still from last Friday...
Rhea, It's the weather or the changing of the seasons, I have it too! I hate job searching also, it SUCKS big time. My kids don't want to be on my blog either, I just ignore them.
We all love you Rhea and you ARE capable of doing many things, I'm sure of it!
Go cuddle up with Annie
I think the first photo is auditorium chairs
I think the second pic is some sort of train track
The third- I have no Idea
4th an air vent?
5th- those things you put in your fridge drawers to absorb the moisture
6th-hydrolic hose of some type.
7th-Concrete design thingy
ps...I'll be back
Hello baby girl. I am not going to tell you to cheer up, that things will be okay...I am going to tell you, that you need to be still and listen to the words that you are not hearing...we have crappy, crappy days, things go wrong, people fight, kids drive us crazy, we can't decide what is the best rode to take...we just want to run away and scream at the top of our lungs...and ya know what...that is usually when we have the best break throughs in life. I have come to love ya as a much younger sister and I am here for you. Hug your kids, kiss your husband, and don't worry about the rest...it's not going anywhere anyway...Come have a Hannah Party with me...HWM is gone on a fishing trip. Yeah, that's it. XOXOXOXO
Oh, I'm sorry you have having such a blue day. They happen to the best of us, but they are never fun. Why don't you just crawl back into bed? Then take a bath and indulge in something delicious....just ignore everything else. (ha ha. j/k......I know that's impossible). Post the answers tomorrow......take a break today to just read......did you read the suggestions people gave me a few days ago in response to my "I'm stressed post?"
well, I'm happy to see you've gotten a lot of comments. I get blue, too. And I agree, job hunting as a mom is depressing. You are brave to blog about it. Hang in there!
You are a mom! You have mad skills! You'll find something! It's not like the job market is super easy right now!
Take a deep breath! And drink a glass (or maybe a bottle) of wine!!!
Sorry poor Rhea.
Cheer up.
Let this cool wind outside cheer you up today!
The first one looks like a keyboard but after that I got nothing.
I'm sorry you're having a bad day but we're sending lots of comment love your way. Cheer up! (Oh, and you are very talented! Don't put yourself down!!)
I'm so sorry your blue today. NOW GET OUT OF BED!!! Do your to-do-list and the job will come. I just know it!!! I can feel it. You WILL FIND A JOB!
Maybe ice cream is in order???
Hope you have a great evening!!!
- Jennifer
Or maybe go grab a beer?
- Jennifer
Or maybe........steak and lobster! That always works for me!
- Jennifer
Sorry you are in the dumpers. I thought of you yesterday. My sister called and told me about a job I could apply for. It was too far away and I still have a 4 year old at home and I still don't know if I want to get pregnant...but for a day, I thought I would apply. I freaked out. What am I qualified for? Who would hire me when I can barely string a sentence together right now? I would love to hear how the search is going and what sort of job you are looking for. I will be in your boat soon. Hang in there. Hopefully you will wake up in a better mood tomorrow.
I'm sorry you're feeling bad. I've had several of those days lately myself. You've completely stumped me on the pics, but comment love, that I can do! Prepare to be dazzled. Ok, maybe not dazzled, but mildly amused.
Awww Rhea sowwy you're not a happy bunny at the mo'.
Tell the boys to be glad of their infamy, ask the Homeboy if he'd rather have a dowdy non pink cowboy hat wearing boring wife and give Annie cuddles.
Failing that pop over to my place for a guaranteed giggle at my expense! HUGZ
Dammit! I somehow missed this whole post! Didn't have a chance to cheer you up, didn't get to guess at the photos! And I love the idea of this mystery photo thing! Did you think that up yourself? Ooh, what if I steal the idea? Would you then come to my blog and commit blogocide?
Justine :o )
That is EXACTLY how I feel today:(
Man, because I'm so smart (and I already read the post with the answers) I could TOOOOTTTTAAALLY take this game. But, since I'm such a moral player, I won't. ha ha
Glad to see in post no. 2 you are feeling better. Today just kinda sucks.
Sorry your blue. I'm late to comment today, so you may be feeling better by now. I hate feeling that way. When I feel that way, I call my BFF and she I go and get chocolate faced. Doesn't do much for the diet, but I feel better afterwards.
Your kids dont want to be featured? Remind me again, how old are they? I have heard of that happening while at BlogHer.
:( I hate days like this...may be you should just go back to bed and curl up with a good book and take it easy today!! Feel better soon!
We all have days like that. You are the best!!! Don't forget it.
There must be something going around... 'cause today was not a great day for me, either!
Let's hope tomorrow is a better one!
Sending hugs, I hate feeling that way.
Too late to guess the mystery as I see above the answers are posted. I'm just behind in reading.
I don't post every day because I know I'd be hard pressed to find something to say.
Hang in there, things will be better any day!
i'm late here on the comment love... sorry. i was at this horrible party myself... a party for one... a lonely, pity party for myself. and even that didn't go right. dammit.
i have been feeling in a slump and in a shitty mood lately too... not sure what is up, i think it is partially do to pms'ing but not sure... and i just am sort of depressed and grumpy. :(
so if misery loves company... i'm all yours... or my door is open too.
i hope by now though that you are feeling much better and are you happy self again.
there are a lot of things going on in your life now... the kids back to school... donny in middle school you looking for a job... all that is stressful... but i know you can and will handle it.. you are very strong and you are a great person. since you are a great person great things will come your way... and all will work out. i just know it.
karma baby. karma!! you deserve all the best.
and don't put yourself down w/ the job stuff.. you will get it... you are awesome... pick something that you think you will love and just go for it.. you can do it!! :)
xoxoxo best wishes!! LOTS of LOVE and support too!! ;)
I hate that I missed this post yesterday!
I hope you're feeling better now.
Aww ... well I still love ya! I see you already posted the answers to these pictures so i can't comment on that ... but I hope you're feeling better!
A little late but (((Hugs))).
Hope you're feeling better.
And what type of job are you looking for?
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