Friday, September 12, 2008

Answers to today's Mystery Photos

So many of you were completely stumped,
a few of you got at least two kind of right,
but only one person managed to get three items correct!!
Congrats Gingela5!!

These two had answers that made the laugh the most:
Cristin & Pseudonymous High School Teacher

A big THANKS to everyone for playing!!

Here are the answers:


Jen said...

Ok I did not get to play but those were really hard. I would have never gotten the right answers. I am glad I was able to 'cheat'

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Cool pix. You are having fun with these close ups aren't you? Do you have a macro lens, or are you just zooming in?

Insane Mama said...

I'm really glad you pointed out the boy sock, cause that mad me happy!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh, I just suck at these mystery photos. And it just makes me want to have some of my own. But I also suck at figuring out what to make into a mystery photo.

And are you the most prolific blogger on the planet?

Aunt Julie said...

You are one talented gal, ya know that? I'm amazed at the things you can do!

Indy said...

You are so darn clever.

Anonymous said...

YES!! I that made my day! haha That was fun!

Valarie Lea said...

I only got one :\

Britt said...

Wow! I was totally confused by those .. I was convinced the first two were something gross!

I agree, I need a new microwave. I'm just too cheap to throw out one that still works lol :o)

the mama bird diaries said...

This game is way cool.

Utter Basketcase said...

*sigh* Stoopid acorn!!! :-P xx

Stephanie Carper said...

Do it again!

Justine said...

Hey Rhea, come to my blog. I've got an award for you!

Justine :O )

Anonymous said...

Wow! I would've never gotten those, which would be why I didn't even attempt answers....

Lula! said...

I thought that acorn was a witch's boob in the mystery shot.

Just sayin'.

Unknown said...

Those were definitely hard!!! But fun.

I think I sort of got two of them right and was almost there on another one...

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I always come in late on these! Oh well, I only got one right anyway. lol

Mama Dawg said...

I never would have guessed ANY of those!

Great job!

CrystalChick said...

I wouldn't have gotten most of those but it's fun to look anyway!!

Angie's Spot said...

Even after seeing the answers, there are still that I'm amused and amazed by. You're so good at this feature!