A few days ago (or last week?) I saw someone posting a meme about the contents of their purse. I'm not big on these silly tagging events, because it makes me feel like a 3rd grader again, but I thought it was really neat to see what people had in their purses, so here's my take on it:
This is a purse I've never used. It was a gift some Christmas or birthday a ways back...and I think it's outrageously awesome, but it ended up in a box and I just found it again recently. I will be using it soon...it's empty currently.

This is a bag that has gotten LOTS of use. I think I bought it at Stein Mart ten years ago in a rush because I had to go to a ball that night and had no nice purses. It's basic black and reusable over and over again. It's tiny, but big enough for a cell phone, keys, an ID and some money, a little make-up (special occasions are pretty much the only time I wear make up!). However, not big enough for my favorite brush.

Now, what is this monstrosity? This is my Target monster bag that I bought when my favorite purse broke (picture coming up below). I just needed something, anything, as long as it was cheap and BIG. Hense the scary, maroon monstrosity!

This bag gets used mainly on trips. It's my favorite messenger bag, pink Kate Spade. I could so easily collect bags...if I had the money!
This is my favorite backpack. I use it when going to any sports practice or game for the boys. I can throw in books, notebooks, pens, toys, snacks and water bottles, extra clothes, the camera, etc. It's nice and easy to cart around.

This was my favorite purse that I have used for years and years. It's a black nylon Kate Spade and it's slightly beaten up, as you can see. It's strap broke! I was so sad...and I can't sew! My stepfather bought it for me in South Korea years ago. I miss this purse...

Now for some examples of what I've been carrying around lately in the big, maroon, Target monstrosity. A notebook that is full of creative writing, To Do lists, random scribblings and important notes, and of course some child doodling...here's one of my To Do lists...

And, my trusty
Sudoku book...

See, I promise I use it...it's almost completely filled up!

Here are my keys...which are sometimes in my purse...sometimes on the desk..sometimes in the kitchen or on the bookshelf....or sometimes left in the car!! The clicker doesn't work (will cost like $200 to fix, no way!), the bronze Texas I got at age 16 and the kids displayed of course.

This was my old wallet that went in the now-broken-strapped black purse...and as you can see it has seen better days. So, I had to retire it (but can't seem to throw it away?). I love the color green...before it got really dirty...

This iPod stays in any purse/backpack/bag I carry around.

and, here is the new wallet, so nice and pretty and clean!

and, finally, here is a purse (not mine) that costs around $5,000. Can you imagine spending that much or much, much more on purses?!!

I know my huge monstrosity purse is lacking fashion...but it's better than this below...

What else is in my purse? Lots of clicky pens, some pencils (for Sudoku), a pencil sharpener, a cell phone, a charger for cell phone, tampons, gum, and absolutely no make up! There are usually some kids' toys as well, sometimes a Nintendo DS, pain relievers, old batteries, curlers and receipts. You name it, I've probably had it in my purse. The one thing missing? MONEY!
The most unique item in my purse right now is a Cream of Wheat packet (I love CofW).
What's the most unique item in your purse?
I despise carrying a purse. I have no shoulders...so the straps won't stay...and I am too lazy to carry anything...so I use a backpack purse. Right now I have a Brighton one. I am the type of person who has a purse...and uses it until it dies. And then I get depressed.
Most unique item in my purse? Ummm...probably Madalyn's dirty socks. We were in Walmart yesterday (no, not my happy place...but my MIL gave them gift cards, so we had to go...yuck!) and her socks were full of bark from the playground and it was hurting her feet. Naturally it ended up in my purse. And there it remains.
What a fun post! :D I recently just changed over my purse so at the moment there is nothing too exciting, however, what strange things did I find while changing over my purse?...
*My son's Hot Wheels (3 different ones)
*I had a tape measure (don't even know where it came from! lol)
*I found a random key...I still have NO idea what it goes to!
*I also had like 7 different half colored children's menus from various restraunts...my son insists he needs them and then they never make it out of my purse! lol
Too funny the stuff we end up with in our purses! :) Again...cute post!
Kat - we sound similar about purses. I don't like carrying one also...much rather backpack like things. Also, I use one until it dies and get sad. Dirt socks, huh? fun.
Crazy4Danes - Random key, I like that. And, wow, that's a lot of kids' menus!! lol Thanks!
I'm affraid I'll have to sit this one out, but the armadillo one did make me laugh.
Jeff - no murses in your household?
Oh my goodness. I hate purses. I need my hands to be free! I also never wear anything but sneakers in case I have to break out into a run for any reason! :-o As women's close really don't seem to have any place to put a wallet (even with or shorts jeans, which is basically all I wear), the pockets just aren't big enough, so I tend to wear a....FANNY PACK! Although, they've changed the name...I think they are now called waist packs. Anyway, I have on that holds my wallet, hand sanitizer, camera (you never know when you'll come across something you'll want to take a picture of!), my keys, the tracfone that is almost never on, (I refuse to get a 'real' cell phone...the tracfone is for emergencies) a couple of pens, some paper and my son's battery for his cochlear implant. If I don't have the battery with me you know it's going to be needed, so a spare battery is with me at all times! That's all I have! And my wallet is small...it contains my driver license, cards (credit, library, Costco, science center membership, etc), and a few dollars. That's it!
In college I carried a purse on occasion. It did not contain the typical purse stuff, though. I carried a wallet, juggling cubes, a rubix cube, markers, pens, an address book and keys. I'd take the juggling cubes out when things got boring or tense (I even did it in class once in a while!) and start juggling. Usually broke the tension pretty quickly. ;-)
Ummm...please ignore that embarrassing typo. I can't believe I spelled 'clothes' as 'close'!
Geeez, I need to proofread better...that wasn't the only mistake I made! :-o
hehe. fun post with fun photo commentary, Rhea!
If I did a similar post, it would be pretty succinct. My "purse" is really just a wallet on a strap - all that fits in it is the credit & Costco card and a couple bucks, and my license.
oh I did a post on my bag last april just had a look at it and things don't change much....differnt bag and differnt contents but mostly the same sort of things.
my sudoku book is pocket sized and all the right hand pages are filled in now working my way through the left hand ones
Kim - Don't worry about the typos! I do that on occasional also...silly mistakes I could never make writing...I hope. I love that you use a fanny pack and that I'm not the only one who isn't a purse-person.
Susan - you probably take your camera everywhere though...do you use a case like a purse? I do sometimes.
Lady in Red - I'll check out your post. Funny it's still the same! Too hilarious...I've worked through all the right hand pages as well and am working the left side now.
I am a purse girl (much to my husband's chagin) and am in love with my current purse. hmmm, I'll have to do a post on it. Thanks for the inspiration!
Uberburber - I'd love to see pictures of your fav purses and what's inside! Do post about it!!
Glad I could inspire someone.
It just so happens that I have that very same target monstrosity(except in purple) and I bring it to work every day..filled with all sorts of unneccesary stuff..like lipstick I don't wear and tea bags that I think I will drink at work, but, have been in there for months. All hail the monstrous bag...contributing to all of my back problems! :)
No way! You have the same bag? That's quite a coincidence. I love that bag your NY friend BL gave you...with all those extra pockets. I bought a similar one from LL Bean because I liked yours so much, but I think I lost it when I moved this summer...
How many bags do I have.... oh TONS! Good to know I'm not the only one int he world with a bag fetish, lol. Forget shoes -- gimme bags, bags, BAGS!
Not the kind under the eyes. The practical kind. :o)
Elle - I love LL Bean totes a lot. haha about bags under your eyes..I think I might collect those too.
I will let you decide for yourself what my most unique item is (if you so choose). I was tagged to do this & finally got around to it.
Dawn - Oh, goody! I'll be heading over to your blog now to read. I can't wait.
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