Saturday, April 26, 2008

Big Kitty

It's Sunday and time for Camera Critters meme. Feel free to join in!

Camera Critters


threesidesofcrazy said...

He looks like he means business.

Anna said...

That looks scary hahahhaha. Great shot, and thanks for sharing..
Mine is up:
My Digital Snapshot

Mom Knows Everything said...

BIG kitty is right! Great shot!

the mama bird diaries said...

The lion is cool but I LOVE that pig. Oh my god... I can't believe you had a pig. How long did you have him?

Rhea said...

Mama Bird Diaries - I had him for three years, I think. My mom found him a new home when I left for college, because she didn't want to care for him and I couldn't take him to the dorms with me. lol We found him a home in the country with a little girl pot belly pig friend. He was pretty awesome. So smart and loving, which was surprising to me!

Ingrid said...

Indeed it's big ! would take a lot of room in my house, lol !

Lilli & Nevada said...

That is one BIG kittie

Cherrye said...

Wow. He reminds me of my High School alma mater! Go Kountze Lions!!

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

As a child, after watching "Born Free" I became intrigued with lions. I have never tried of looking at the beauty and marvel of this king of the jungle.

Jane Hards Photography said...

That's amajestic looking lion. Fabulous capture.

Sharon said...

I love your critter! It is beautiful!

Misty DawnS said...

That's a really awesome photo! What a gorgeous guy. He looks like he knows he's beautiful and he's posing for the camera ;-)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

That is a great photo. I never manage to get good "kitty" photos.

Blessings From Above said...

Gorgeous picture!

Anonymous said...

Now why can't I capture a beautiful photo like that? He is so majestic!!

Chatterness said...

Hey! That's the same lion that's been chasing me in my dreams!!!

Jeff B said...

I'll bet he's got a cat box I wouldn't want to clean! What an awesome shot to have captured.

Jenny86753oh9 said...

Wowzer! He's got a beautiful face...

Rhea said...

Thanks, everyone, for your sweet comments on the Lion photo! I took that picture at the Fort Worth Zoo. He kept his eyes closed for most of the pictures, but then I snapped ONE with his eyes open, and it turned out great, thank goodness. He roared while we were there, and it was IMPRESSIVE.

Jeff, I nominate you to clean the litter box!!

Sandy Kessler said...

The other little dog was given to me this Christmas by a student . He is 7 months old and not thriving as well as I would like .My grandaughter named him Gingy a name he came to right away because we were making gingerbread men..I love him a lot . My other chihuahua died a few years back at

bcmomtoo said...

He's so handsome.

Rhea said...

Sandy - Thanks for explaining about the other dog. Hope he does better soon, healthwise.

Anna - Thanks! A majestic kitty.

david mcmahon said...

He looks so regal ....

San said...

Looks like you had to get pretty close for that shot. Too close for my comfort...but just stunning, Rhea!

Rhea said...

San - Thanks! I actually didn't get that close. I have amazing zoom capability on my camera.

Catherine said...

I showed your picture to my 4 years old, who's an animal specialist ( to your question tag "you are happy when?" he answered : "when I'm at the zoo of the tigers, lions, and black panther.")
"Can we go to THAT zoo?"he answered me.
"No that's impossible" I replied.
"Why, does he escape?" He asked quietly.
Answer pleeaaase ! Is it true?
Love your photography. Every thing perfect, posture, background, model! Fantastic.

Rhea said...

Catherine - I love how your 4 year old is an animal specialist. lol What a sweetie. Do you guys have any pets?

Last I heard, no lions have escaped in the Fort Worth Zoo. They do display the animals in a way that you can get great photos though and get up close. I have a lot of great pictures from our trip to that zoo. I haven't been to the Dallas Zoo yet though.

Catherine said...

Just a little grey "lion" who is called "cannelle", "Cinnamon" for you but I doubt she will cock her head if you call her so, as Annie do. : )
We live in an apartment! in Paris! Not the better place to get pets.