It's an award she gives out to new bloggers to encourage and make them feel special. Well, Jules, it worked, because I feel special!! Thank you!!
This award will have a home on the right side of the page from now on. I love how bright and colorful it is, brimming with excitement, and I'm so honored! Thank you!
I just caught up on you last couple of posts. I really enjoyed the one about you and the "Bug".
Cool award too. I'm really gald to have found your site, cause it's been fun getting to know you.
Oh...how cool! I wish I had a brain to create cool bling to hand out to fellow bloggers...or even just to make my own :-)
Thanks Rhea, You say the nicest things.
And drat. You beat me to the sidebar. Well, now you're on my sidebar too. :)
Congratulations! Your blog is fabulous and I love visiting...
HA! Well aren't you a lucky thing! :-) I just popped over to tell you that I have an award for you!!!! *hehe* Lucky it's different! :-) Come and get it! :-) xx
congrats thats wonderful!
Yaaaay Congratulations!!!!
Woo Hoo! Congrats on that. :)
Hey... wait a minute... someone is VERY late with my award. Dang, I've been blogging like 8 months now and never got nothin'.
*insert pouty face here*
Jeff - I've enjoyed getting to know you too. Through your hilariousness I've found Ron and VBF, both who have made me laugh uproariously.
Kat - Making awards is probably a craft thing, and I know you don't do crafts. lol
Jules - Thanks again! And, thank you for all your picnik advice, it really helps! You've made me feel very welcome in the blogosphere.
Lorna - Thanks for visiting! I enjoy your blog as well...I've learned a lot from your posts! I feel like I'm homeschooling right along with your kids. :o) Love it!
VBF! - You are awesome!! I am so touched and honored. Thank you for the award!! I'm going to get a big head, two awards in 24 hours! To think that a few days ago I thought awards were stupid (and that's just because I was pretending I didn't care because I didn't have any!). THANK YOU! I'll come get it.
Through Thick & Thin - Thanks! It's nice to see you again.
Valarie - Thanks! I appreciate you always taking the time to read and leave a comment, you make my day.
CrystalChick - No pouting! You know you're awesome.
Congratulations. I love that it's very cool!!!!
LMFAO! You crack me up!!! Pretending to not like awards aye? Coz you were jealous of the rest :-P Well now they can be jealous of you! *GiGGLeS* You deserve all the awards my dear! xx
You ARE special!! ;-)
Burfica - Thanks!
VBF! - I know, I'm nutty like that, not liking awards because I didn't have any. lol Thank you!
April - You're too sweet, thanks!
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