Rome was founded 1, 255 years ago on this day.
The twin brothers Romulus and Remus, became the founders of Rome. However, they quarreled resulting in the murder of Remus, leaving Romulus as the first King of Rome. The traditional date of Romulus' sole reign and the subsequent founding of the city, April 21, 753 BC, is still celebrated with festivals and parades today. Here are Romulus and Remus being suckled by the She-wolf...

On this day 172 years ago (April 21, 1836), there was the battle of San Jacinto during the Texas Revolution where the Republic of Texas defeated Mexican General Santa Anna. A very important day in Texas history!!! Here is some Republic of Texas currency.
And, finally, 31 years ago, on April 21, 1977, Rhea was born in Texas! This silly, goofy girl!
And, you do not say my name "rhee-ah." I say it "Ray" or "Ray-ah." Listen to the short clip below...
Happy Birthday!! Is this a good excuse to make cupcakes? No...not for you...for me?!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday-rhea-whose-name-sounds-like-play-ah....happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday!!! Also love the history lesson. :)
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Rhea, you lovely former virgin goddess you!
Happy birthday to YOU!!!!
Yo, I'm from Jursey. We say it RheeeAh. Ah ite??
Ok, Kat, you're right, good excuse to make cupcakes...for YOU, of course...or for blog fodder...right? hehe
Karen - love the play-ah. lol too funny.
Gretchen - glad you didn't mind the history lesson. :o)
Crystal Chick - Ah ite, just this once, you Jursey gurl, you.
Thanks, everybody, for the birthday wishes and songs! I love it!!
Happy Birthday, Rhea!
Happy Birthday Rhea, cute piccie
Wishing you a very happy birthday!!! Great blog.
Happy Birthday!!!
I was calling you "Ray", but when you say it with a southern drawl like I do the "ah" ends up on there anyway. :)
happy birthday Ray ah!!!!! hehehehehe
today is my 15th wedding anniversary too. whooohooooooo my husband forgot. lmao
Happy Birthday again. Do you all do presents? Or are you like me and buy your own gifts and then inform people what they are getting you? :-) I decided that after blogging about food today that I needed to make brownies in your honor. And figure out how to taste test them while making my children wait until after dinner to have their square...
Happy Birthday! I'm really enjoying your blog. Glad you stumbled onto mine last week, so we can get to know each other. And you know, if you eat desserts in really small bites, the calories disappear into thin air! :-)
A big myths and legends fan i love those photos. A big birthday greeting
Gwyneth, Kim, Britgal Sarah, Audrey and Valarie, thank you for the Happy Birthday wishes!!!
Burfica - Happy Anniversary! 15 years is awesome. Today is also my little sister's anniversary, I completely forgot to post about it...I may have to add that in a second.
Kat - We do gifts. My mother-in-law was in town this weekend to bring me gifts too. She gave me a cute beach bag set and a big gift certificate to Barnes and Noble. I'll post pictures about it tomorrow. I did buy myself one or two things for the kids to give me. hehe Brownies sound wonderful!
Angie - I'm so glad you're enjoying the blog! Good to see you!
Babooshka - I'm a huge myths and legends fan also. Thanks!
Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope your day is fabulous. BTW, that is a super cute picture.
I happened to bake cookies today. They will be there next week. You don't mind them crumbly, do you?
I finally fulfilled my meme obligation (applause inserted).
Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope your day is fabulous. BTW, that is a super cute picture.
I happened to bake cookies today. They will be there next week. You don't mind them crumbly, do you?
I finally fulfilled my meme obligation (applause inserted).
Just in case you were wondering...I did bake brownies. I had one...and then put foil on top! After dinner the kids had theirs...and I had one. And then another. Just for you :-) I ate it standing up...those calories don't count.
Me wanted a high comment count on your birthday, right?! I just did the book meme. You have been warned. It's not pretty :-)
Happy Birthday, Rhay-ah!!! :-) Hope it's been a fantastic day!
Ok, I just went back to peek at your age, and what I should have originally said was:
Happy Birthday, you young thing, you!!!
Happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Rhea! Did you get your new camera?! I hope you had a very special deserve it!
Good grief, got to get in line to wish you happy birthday! Singing the Barbie birthday song for you...!
Happy Rhea Day! =)
What a Rhea of sunshine. Happy birthday and have a great day.
In answer to your question on my blog, ``billabong'' is an Aboriginal word for a creek, river bed or water hole.
Andrea - cookies sound wonderful! lol Thanks! I'll head on over to your site to see the meme, good for you!
Kat - those brownies sound wonderfully yummy. I didn't know eating them standing up made the calories not count. lol And, wow, I read your book meme...that was quite an exerpt!
SKeller - thanks!! Love your dog pics today (and some words sprinkled in, I noticed, are you starting a new trend?)
Emily - Thanks!
Kiera - I did get a new camera! I am beyond excited. I'm going to post about my gifts soon because I'm so excited.
Erin - I'm afraid I don't know the Barbie birthday song...only boys around here.
Dawn - Thanks! I like the sound of that, Rhea Day. It rhymes!
David - Thank you! I like being a Rhea of sunshine. I should have looked up billabong, don't know what's wrong with me. I have an online dictionary! Thanks for explaining anyway.
For a minute, I thought this was a My Town post and you'd moved to Rome. lol.
Happy Birthday! Many happy returns.
I must confess to pronouncing your name incorrectly in my head.. now I know better.
Josephine - It would be awesome to live in Rome for a while. Thanks for the birthday wishes, and I forgive you for pronouncing it wrong. It makes sense to say it the other way, I know, and I realized in the blogosphere people were probably thinking it wrong.
happy birthday! I always thought your name was pronounced Ree, like PW.
I learned about Romulus and Remus in my art history classes, when we were studying that sculpture!
OK it's 10:50 on the west coast, so technically I didn't miss your birthday. Sooooo
Happy Bithday to you
Happy Bithday to you
Happy Bithday dear "Ray-ah"
Happy Bithday to you!
That's Birthday.
Sheesh, the one time I copy and paste and look what happens.
Tearese - I honored to have shared a name with PW, even though I don't pronouce it the same way. lol The story of Romulus and Remus is way cool.
Jeff - Thanks!! Happy Bithday, I love it...haha BITHDAY!!!
Everyone starting with Kat and on down to Jeff...I have something for you on my blog today.
I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to stop and read my blog and wish me happy birthday. It really added to my day and made me happy, so I have an award for all of you! I also posted my birthday gifts. :o)
Thanks, all of you!
Happy belated birthday! I'm so sorry I'm late.
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