Then goes back to business...chewing on her toy...
Then I instruct the wild little one (Remy) to attack! To grab the toy and pull as I lie on my stomach to get the best angle for good photos. Annie is surprised!

Yep, Annie. She lies back down with her tug toy in happiness.
And gives me a snarl for even thinkin' of messin' with her again...
(ok, just kidding, she wasn't snarling, just chewing on her toy and I happened to catch this funny look. She has NEVER snarled at any of us before.)
However, she's a smart dog and she knows I'm going to mess with her more...or have the little wild boy do it, so she decides to head for the hills.... She off and running, with the toy. This is the end of our "What the Bleep" story.
Thats funny how she looks so vicious, but she is just chewing the toy. She is such a pretty dog.
awwww she is so cute and so funny. Some of those pictures were so awesome how you caught them. She really does look vicious in that one.
Sweet Annie. I wouldn't have thought for a second she was mad at you. That reminded me of a pic, wonder if I still have it. I lost a few pics when our hard drive crashed, but it might be on a disc? It's of my Vizsla sitting in a chair on our porch in a pose of sorts but his eyes were closed just for a second when I got the shot. I'll post it if I can find it.
I knew that there was a cool story behind the first picture. Thanks for sharing. It looks like you guys had a fun time,
*GiGGLeS* She loves that toy doesn't she!!! Awesome post! SO ADORABLE! :-) xx
tee hee, the snarl is just too cute. you MUST have a better camera than mine to capture this sequence. My digital delay is pathetic...
Valarie - I was shocked by the vicious photo because she honestly NEVER looks that way. I don't know how I caught that on camera. I think she's pretty too, thanks!
Burfica - I can't stop taking pictures of her. You guys are going to get so sick of seeing her. lol
Crystalchick/Mary - Is your Vizsla a cat or dog? Where on earth did you get that name and what does it mean? I love cute pet poses and photos, so do share if you can find it!
Jules - Thanks for hanging in there for the rest of the photos. We did have fun...although it was more us tormenting the poor dog (oh, ok, she loves it). We know she's had enough when she runs off with her toy to hide in another room. hehe
VBF! - She is hilarious with all dog toys. She tears them up. My mom's lab is the opposite. He has a stuffed animal he will love and carry around in his mouth...our Annie just tears them apart. Hmmm...wonder what that means?!
Uberburber - I am actually hoping I'll get a new camera for my birthday (which is in a week and a half). The new one has a better action photo feature.
A Vizsla is a breed of dog. It's a type of hungarian pointer... bird dog. They have very short reddish hair. Ours is male, his name is Ollie and we didn't get him for hunting, my hubby just saw the breed and fell in love. They are very quirky dogs. He has to sleep under the covers every night and if we're on the couch he has to be too. Very very clingy and he gets nervous and must be reassured alot. LOL
I'll post a couple pics very soon.
Crystalchick - I have never heard of that breed, but I can't wait to see pictures! Ollie sounds cute and neurotic! lol Our Annie loves to sleep and cuddle with us. She's allowed on bed but not couches (because she's so big!).
Ok, Rhea...I'm in LOVE with Annie!
I want to hug her until she pops!
She looks so sweet and lovable! I really like her color and markings.
The snarl photo is hysterical. What a great face!
Anytime you need a dog-sitter...just let me know!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos of your baby girl!
Ron - I'm always happy to share my love for Annie with others. If we need a dog sitter, I'll definitely let you know. She's the only other female in this house (my hubby, two sons and my elderly father), so she and I have to stick together.
Thanks for coming by and all your wonderful, sweet comments!
LOL! What a good sport she is to be messed with.
Dawn - you're right, she's a great sport and very patient!
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