Today's theme is 8's.
First I saw a news story about a Hexapus. I like to root for the underdog, the odd man out, the weird gene mutation, the octopus named Henry with six legs instead of eight. I'm kind of surprised we haven't run into more of these. I have to admit, I'm not sure I'd stop to count if I did run into Henry...I'm kind of wimpy about scary looking sea creatures.
Secondly, I was reading a hilarious blog where a woman was chronicling everything in her pantry, and I ran across something I had never heard of before. She had an Octodog Frankfurter Converter. Oh my gosh. I was falling off my chair laughing at this thing. Such a simple little contraption, hilarious, not sure I'd ever use it, but I find myself wanting one. Not sure if the kids would love it or run screaming.
Thirdly, I'm going to share eight of my favorite websites today. Drumroll please...I know you're waiting with baited breath...
Amazon is my best friend. Everyone knows about Amazon (unless they've been living under a rock or in a cave for the past ten years but even then, if these people have access to Internet, then there's no excuse for you). If I'm not buying books online, then I'm spending time researching subjects, finding authors and titles for me and the kids to check them out at our local library. I have that nifty Amazon Prime service where everything I order shows up on my doorstep within two days (and since I do most my Christmas shopping on Amazon, it pays for itself!). Gotta love it. I also put up wishlists for the whole family for Christmas and birthdays, so relatives can find a variety of gift ideas.
WebMD is another old friend of mine. I go there regularly to research exotic diseases I'm convinced I have and to discover all the bizarre side effects I'm sure I have from the meds I might be taking. WebMD is the paranoid girl's best friend!
Sometimes a girl needs to just veg a little, and People is a good website for that. If you need to catch up on the celebrity gossip or see all those beautiful Oscar gowns you might buy one day. US Magazine is fun also, albeit a little more smutty. But, smutty is fun.
In case you're counting, those are four of my favorite websites. Here come four more:
I have hundreds (or maybe thousands) of photos stored on Shutterfly. I have tried other photo-sharing websites and most of them are fine, but Shutterfly is my favorite. I share photos, upload from my camera, and am constantly making photo books and photo gifts for people. I could spends lots of money there if I had it!! Photography is a big passion of mine.
I love the mother's bracelet I bought from Sterling Sisters. I don't visit this site much, but I've had my bracelet (and made other bracelets as gifts) for years, and they're beautiful!
Another great website for making photo gifts for women is Contessa Bags. They're awesome! I had pictures of the boys made into make-up bags for my mom and mother-in-law a while back, and I've made photos into pillows and purses. Great gift ideas.
Finally, each year I faithfully order my new Mom Agenda. I couldn't make it through the year without it and it's my lifeline!
This is just a small snipit from my massive favorites file.
Hahahaha, I love the Octodog! I hadn't seen such a weird thing in a long time, but it's hilarious! Would you eat one of those strange sausages? At least, they make you smile...
I was going to pop over here and say thanks for the sweet comment and that I hope Daylight Savings gets easier for you too. And then I saw the Octodog! I don't have kids, but shoot! I want one for myself! haha
Thanks for coming by Andromaca and Mandolin! The Octodog cracks me up too. What a hilarious invention!
I love Amazon Prime too! It amazes me when I see people who think its not worth it. Anyway, you may want to check out www.product-place.net . It lets you search Amazon just for free shippping / Prime items. It rocks!
Love the hot dog octodog!!! Long live the Octodog. LMAO
Hey, PictureQueen! Thanks for the link. Where are you from? I can't access a profile for you.
Anytime I need a smile, I'm going to pull up that picture of the Octodog. Seriously.
The Octodog grosses me out.
I just noticed your labels feature...great idea...how'dya do that?
The octodog cracks me up! lol There's an option at the bottom when you start a "new post." It is just below, asks for labels...look for it and you'll find it next time.
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