Thursday, March 5, 2009

Don't look at me.

I found some of Remy's artwork in a pile of papers the other day,
and I had to scan it onto the computer.

It's a colorful, quirky, fun-looking snail!

He can be sensitive, so I decided to ask him first, before posting it online...
our conversation went like this:

ME: Remy, I love this drawing! Do you mind if I put it on the blog?

Remy: Sure, but I want 50 cents for it...

Good lord have mercy.

He loves to barter and make deals.

I don't know where he gets it.

Meanwhile...I told him that if he starts sleeping in his own bed,
I'll buy him a Star Wars Lego kit.

Oh, wait, I get it now.

Guess I shouldn't have started this when I bribed him with toys
to get through potty training at four years old.


Come on, admit it,
you've bribed someone in your life at some point, right?


Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

Oh, heck yeah - I bribed my kids all the time. And I'm not (too) ashamed. Love the artwork!

Jules said...

Ummm...YEAH!!! I like to think of them as "incentives" but basically they're just blatant bribes.

Red from Ktown said...

Hey, whatever works. Looks like he's going to be the next financial moderator for Fortune 500 companies.

Mama Dawg said...

Yep. I sure have. And I haven't been convicted...yet! LOL!

I love the snail!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, I just love that snail. It's perfect.

And, if a mom doesn't bribe....I don't know how she survives.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Every day I barter with the child. She usually wins. Sometimes, I sneak in a victory. I'm resolved..

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

I thought that was just part of parenting. Great drawing!

Screwed Up Texan said...

Hey! It's Gary from Spongebob! At least that is who the snail looks like to me.

sassy stephanie said...

Ummm, yeah. The parenting handbook says bribes are perfectly acceptable. Nothing like a stick of gum to quiet a kid in the grocery store.

Susan said...

I love that picture... definitely a framer!

Sapphire said...

Great snail!!!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Oh, yeah! And I hate when it comes back to haunt me!

Susie said...

That's an awesome picture!!

I bribe my kids all the time. Isn't that teaching them cause and effect? "If you do this you will get this."

Justine said...

Hey, that kid has got talent. That is an awesome looking snail for sure. Wait, don't even tell me that Remy is still in bed with you? Nope, not gonna let you say it.
Hmmm... have I ever bribed anyone? Well yeah sure, how else do you get your kids to do any chores?

Justine :o )

Cristin said...

I bribe my kids all the time...

So did you pay the 50cents???

lynette355 said...

chocolate and coffee can get me to do amazing things!! LOL
bribed my daughter with books.

Jen said...

I bribe the kids all the time! I think its a must.

Valarie Lea said...

I believe I bribe my kids on a daily basis :)

By the way is that Gary, from Sponge Bob :)

Swirl Girl said...

he has a future in politics...

amazing artwork!

Sally-Ann said...

I believe in bribery and I will take a bribe or two as well

Kelly said...

My daughter is two and a BITER!! But she only bites at school. I tell her that she can have Gummi-bears and cake when she gets home from school if she doesn't bite. It worked for 3.5 weeks! She bit yesterday-in the FACE!

John Deere Mom said...

I bribe my kids (both at home and school) all the time. It's a must and I have no problem with it! :) Cute snail, BTW!

Anonymous said...

I have to bribe my husband to put hang things up for me. I don't use the drill or anchors and I am always hanging things. Therefore I need his help. Instead of just helping me I have to make something for him or clean something for him. It's so annoying.

Momo Fali said...

Oh, for certain! I couldn't have gotten my son through have of his medical experiences without bribery!

Anonymous said...

Awesome he charges for his work. LOL!

Nice to 'meet' you and thanks for the welcome. Love your place, it's great!

Heather said...

That's so funny that he's already learned to sell his artwork! LOL! At least he didn't ask for like $20! :)

And Thanks for stopping by and welcoming me to SITS!

Aunt Julie said...

Which time, and for what reason? Too many times to count!
Bribe them to eat their veggies!
Bribe them not to give their veggies to the dog!
I can't go back that far back in hurts my head!

C and C Mommy said...

Do it all the time.....and now my son barters with me!! It makes me smile because he is always trying to make a deal!!

Jill said...

I am guilty of bribing. It works sometimes and sometimes the forget what I bribed them with so it all works out. Great pic!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I prefer to call it "Positive Reinforcement". heh heh
Whatever, it works!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I started bribing my daughter during infancy!

Thank you so much for the very warm SITS welcome! I'm reading through your blog now and it's great!

Mariah said...

The snail reminds me of the illustrations in The Hungry Caterpiller. It's REALLY good!! It would make a fantastic cover for a children's book. NOT KIDDING!

Shannon said...

HA! That Remy...

I bribe my kids all the time. M more so than H. And M is the same way as Remy... now, it's everything I ask her to do, she tries to get something out of it!