Thursday, March 12, 2009

I run around like a crazy woman.

This is how I'd like to spend my day.

But, in reality, this is more how I spend my day...


Roxane said...

Annie is so cute! She looks so cozy just snoozing away. I'm jealous, I wish I was warm in my bed cuddled up with my cat :)

Screwed Up Texan said...

Wow, well both seem like so much fun. I dont know which I'd prefer...

Susie said...

Yeah...I have to shake things off all day long too:-)

Sprite's Keeper said...

You run around splashing water all over yourself all day too?! I thought I was the only one!

Debie Napoleon said...

I too, would rather be napping.

Anonymous said...

Without a care in the world...I sooo would trade places with my pooches...

Anonymous said...

that puppy is so stinkin cute!! I would much rather be napping also.

Teri said...

I wish I could get my ears to do that.

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

Hey.... do your jaws look a blubbery like Annie's? I didn't think so!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I am feeling the need for a nap today. is the job coming?? How are the boys coping with the changes?

the mama bird diaries said...

She is so cute sleeping. Dog's have the life.

Justine said...

ROFL! Is the new job getting to ya now?

Justine :o )

CrystalChick said...

I feel a nap coming on here! My daughter doesn't drive... almost 25and just still too scared to do it.... so I am starting to take her to baby appts. She's having my second grandchild after all, it's the least I can do!!! But between my son back and forth to school and stuff, and errands for hubs, and some other things I'm involved with and my small business, it seems crazy sometimes. But then other days nothing is going on. So I go from one extreme to the other.

OOPs.... I'm late right now though. Gotta get sonny boy from school. byeeeee

lynette355 said...

The life of a dog. Don't we all envy them.

Sandy said...

Ooo! I hear ya:0)

John Deere Mom said...

PERFECT post! Exactly how I feel most of the time.

Angie's Spot said...

I hear ya. My cats have such a tough life. They lay around all day and then have the nerve to antagonize me with incessant meowing when they're hungry. Makes me wish I had someone to wait on me hand and foot!

Shannon said...

She looks so comfy in that first pic...

Jen said...

I want the nap thing too.

Momo Fali said...

I know! My dog lays on my bed most of the day. She sleeps in it more than I do!

Unknown said...

LOL I could post something along the same lines with the kitties, minus the water of course!

Unknown said...

I LovE Annie!!!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...


Mama Dawg said...

Yep, that's pretty much every day for me, too!