Monday, August 4, 2008

Answers - Vacation mystery photos

Thanks for playing, guys! Here are the answers. But, first, another photo from the Guadalupe River vacation...
Now, Insane Mama was the first to get this right, but Sassy Stephanie got it most accurate...

They are peaches, but most importantly Fredricksberg peaches!! Delicious!

Surprisingly, this is the one that had most people stumped.

Here is the picture uncropped...does that help a little?

Let's back out some more. Yep, Sassy Stephanie got it right again,

jars of jellies and preserves and such.

The peaches and the jellies were all purchased at Burgs Corner, a time honored tradition on our hill country drive. We can't drive by this place without stopping, every year.

Now for the final photo, the one I thought would confuse everyone.

Clearly I should have cropped the photo more and made it harder.

Insane Mama got it right off the bat. It's a horse thingy made out of rubber that you hang in trees for kids to swing on.

Thanks for playing! Hopefully I get some harder pictures next time.


Aunt Julie said...

You are sooooooooo creative! I especially love up-close pic of the peaches! The trouble with me is that I think so hard I go cross-eyed on these kinds of things. But they're fun to try! BTW, Uncle Lynn has given me the go-ahead to do another Great Pop'rs Giveaway--it kicks off tomorrow, so please tune in!

sassy stephanie said...

river rats rule!

Anonymous said...

Cool pics!! I can't wait to go on vacation!! I think we are going to Sea World.

I love the new profile pic too! I went to the gym today. When do you usually go? We went around 3 and it was empty. I like it empty.

Jen said...

better luck next time for me. I don't really think that you need more difficult picture, I never get what they are suppose to be.
But very fun game all the same.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame you for stopping there! The Georgia peaches are in Florida now, and they are delicious!!

Loved the army on your coffee table too! eh,eh,eh

Thanks for sharing your world!


John Deere Mom said...

Poo. I missed the mystery pics. Not that I would have guessed correctly, anyway! :)

Insane Mama said...

I'm a genious!

Kelly said...

I always check in too late (after the answers have been posted). I then have to skim quickly past the answers so I can still play...I know, pathetic!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Hallelujah for answers. I was kinda close. Kinda.

The river looks so peaceful. How often do you do reunions? Are they always on the river?

Munchkins and Music said...

I don't know if I could have guessed those! Fun post!

Unknown said...

Looks like a wonderful vacation spot Rhea. Btw those horse thingies look decidedly S&M! ;-)

Unknown said...
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Jules said...

Nice pics as usual Rhea!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Totally didn't get the jar ones! I must be too "city!"

Great pictures! Keep me guessing.

Cristin said...

I was going to guess jelly jars too!! Darn it!!

Jennifer said...

those are GREAT pics.. the first one is really beautiful... and reminds me that we were talking about a river trip... but haven't done anything about it... damn. I gotta talk to hubby about that... thanks for the reminder... although by the end of the day I bet I will have forgotten again. lol

I love the other pictures... I would have gotten the peaches... and maybe the lids on the jars, but never the last one... WHICH they are sooo cool!! I want them for our swingset!! I need them!!! :) I'm going to try to find them on the internet to buy!!


The CDM said...

Peach shameless.

Unknown said...

Too bad I missed this! I would have totally gotten the peaches one! LOVE me some Fredricksburg peaches. You are making me SO homesick girl!