Monday, August 11, 2008

A Texas Love Story

Once upon a time, a young girl and a young boy met in Latin class in seventh grade.
They fell in love and started dating at age 14...
dated through high school.
Here they are at age 15.

And here they are at age 18.

They went off to college together and talked about getting married one day,

perhaps after they graduated. Fate had other plans though, and they got pregnant.

So, at age 19, they got engaged.

And, quickly began planning a wedding.

and here they are opening wedding gifts at her parents' house.

And here's the young, pregnant bride, writing lots and lots of Thank-You notes.

And, here's the bride at a kitchen shower thrown in her honor.

Everyone had to wear hats, so the bride chose to wear her veil as her "hat."
She opened gifts, discovering utensils and gadgets she'd never used or even heard of!

And, then they had wedding portraits done.

The bride was battling severe morning sickness as she wore her wedding gown in the Texas heat, posing in the flora for hours. But, she smiled. :o)

The bride and her mother threw together a large wedding in two months.

And by the end of the summer, there was a wedding.

And, they left the church a married couple, in horse-drawn carriages,
to head just a few blocks to the reception site.

This wedding was twelve years ago, yesterday.
Happy Anniversary, Texas Home Boy.
I love you.


Anonymous said...

wow - what a special post. and that's quite a love story. Happy Anniversary!

Shannon said...

What a great post! Happy (belated) Anniversary! :)

Unknown said...

What a luverly post!!!

Congratulations and here's to many, many more :-)

Unknown said...

What a wonderful post Rhea! Congratulations and hopes for many more to come!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

How sweet!

Happy anniversary! And, I'm glad you didn't puke on your dress.

Unknown said...

Awww thanks for sharing and what a happy ending - Happy Anniversary!

Jennifer said...

OMG!!! oh my gosh!! (*I had to write it twice for added effect!)
that is such a sweet story!! I love that you have been with your Texas Home Boy since you were 14! :) that is so awesome. :)

You guys look so cute together!! And I mean that for every. single. picture. :)

That is a great story. I guess even when you are young you can recgonize true love!! :)

The last picture of him kissing you is just so romantic. I have one like that of husband & myself at our wedding. i love it. :)

BEAUTIFUL story!! Thank you for sharing!!


Jennifer said...

OH yeah. I also wanted to comment on how beautiful your wedding portriats came out... I like the B&W one but both are really pretty!!

I love the church you got married in... how regal!! Very pretty!!

And horse drawn carriages?? Wow can you get any more romantic and fairytale than that?? that is perfect!! Where was it that you got married... it looks very nice. :)


Jennifer said...

AND DUH!! one more comment on this and I promise I stop stalking you... honestly. ;)

Happy Anniversary!! Here is you and your Texas Home Boy and to many many more years of wedded bliss!! ;)


Angie's Spot said...

Aw, what a cute couple! I love weddings. Happy belated anniversary!

I am Laura said...

Happy anniversary. I can't believe you have been together since 14. That's wonderful!

Amy said...

Happy Anniversary :D

Aunt Julie said...

What a sweet photo chronology! Happy Anniversary to both of you!!

Jen said...

That was an awesome post. Happy Anniversary. I hope that you are going to do something fun and amazing.

i beati said...

Hat's off you 2 !!! sandy

Mama Dawg said...

That was wonderful!

Lula! said...

Rhea, I loved this! Loved the story, loved the pictures, loved your happily ever after.

p.s. I had that exact same outfit at just looked way better in it than I did!

CrystalChick said...

Happy Anniversary! Such a nice post. Your Texas Home Boy is very lucky to have a real sweetie!!!

I also had a *whoops* and got preggie a little before we maybe should have. Unfortunately, there was no beautiful gown, or portraits, or horse drawn carriages. You really pulled off a major celebration in a very little bit of time! Wow!!!! Nice!
We had snacks and champagne as his parents house, more snacks at my parents house and then dinner out with our best man and maid of honor *the only two people at the service in the mayor's office* and then went to the casinos in Atlantic City. LOL It took us 6 years to save for the honeymoon!
So I'd say your gala looks much nicer! Altho we are doing 25 years this year, so I suppose we can just overlook all the beginning stuff, like when I refused to let his parents into the Mayor's office for the vows. LOL Another oops.

CrystalChick said...

p.s. I haven't posted in a few days... maybe I will later?? Some days I'm either too busy or at a loss for what to put up.

But definitely tomorrow I have my blogaversary giveaway on autopost!!!
I've been wanting to do something for awhile and when I saw the one year blog was coming up I was so excited!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Look at that wedding! With the carriage. And the dress. And the showers. And not a single shotgun in any photo :-)

But that about fairy tales! You guys are too cute. Happy anniversary!

What did you do to celebrate? I am guessing you were not made to play softball like I was...

Valarie Lea said...

Awwww how sweet!!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!

sassy stephanie said...

SEVENTH grade! Wow! Happy Anniversary!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful "fairytale!" Happy Anniversary!

P.S. I've tagged you...

Amy said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Jeff B said...

What a cool retrospect. Happy Anniversary to you both!

Andrea said...

The pictures are luv-uh-ley!! Thanks for sharing a special time of your life!

We celebrated 12 years also in May-it was a good year for getting married! :)

Have a happy celebration together!

Karen said...

Happy Anniversary! What a fun story. How fortunate to find your other half so early in life. It seemed like I had to look forever to find mine. I love all the pictures.

Insane Mama said...

Happy Anniversary. I love the carriage... You are adorable. Did you throw up in your dress? I hope not. When did Annie join the family?

Debbie said...

I can't beleive you pulled off a wedding like that in two months. Unbelieveable. Great post! Happy Anniversary!

Hope4Grace said...

Happy Anniversary! You look as happy now as you did then!

Anonymous said...

Nothing beats a veil at a kitchen shower. Nothing.

Anonymous said...

Sweet post!! And you were a beautiful bride!!

Rhea said...

Thanks, guy, for all your sweet comments!!

Kelly said...

Happy Anniversary!!!
You married you're highschool sweetheart?! I cute you guys were!! You and your Mom put together one kick ass wedding in 2 months!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww, so sweet! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both!

John Deere Mom said...

Wow! That's amazing. Great pics, by the way!

Anonymous said...

MY FAVORITE POST!! TOO CUTE!! I think that is the sweetest thing ever! My hubby and I met in HS too, but we didn't date until right before we got married. Courthouse wedding, lunch at Outback Steakhouse and went home and took a nap. 6 weeks later...pregnant with Tristan. Next post, I will write how we got together. Literally, unbelievable. I just wish we would have had pics from the old days.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and many, many more;)

Chatterness said...

OMG....what a beautiful tribute on your anniversary! It made me cry. Love on, girl! Love on!

miri68 said...

Wonderful! Many, many more to you!

Cathy said...

Awww Rhea.. congrats.. I think about me teenagers and wonder if they will have a love story like this.. Congrats again..

Hey.. I have a question. I know your background is custom but how did you get blogger to give you 3 columns. I can't figure this out and I have too much going on on one side..

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. You rock. Congrats! And great post.

Skeller said...

What a lovely post :-) I know I've said it before, but you do really tell a wonderful story with photos. I can't even begin to imagine the time it took to pull together all these wonderful photos from throughout the years, scan & post them.

Maternal Mirth said...

You two are so cute ... I could pinch you both :)


Jules said...

Aw..... too sweet. Happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Aw, I loved this post!

Cristin said...

So sweet!! Happy Anniversary!

Indy said...

Loved this post. Loved it.