Friday, August 1, 2008

Bet you don't have an outfit like this anymore...

That's ok, niether do I.

I am eleven years old in this (goofy) picture.
It was a huge year for me.
I went through a lot of changes.
I hit puberty.
We moved from our sweet little ranch
in Kerrville, Texas
to the big city,
Austin, Texas.
I had to start a new school.
I hit puberty.
I had to make all new friends.
I hit puberty.


Cathy said...

Oh my... very Olivia Newton-Johnish.. Have to love those 80's

Jules said...

Wow! You're looking smokin' hot there Rhea! So how many new friends did this outfit make ya? A ton, I bet.

Angie's Spot said...

You are my hero! I seriously don't think I have the gumption to post such lovely pictures of myself from that bygone era. Love the leotard! Is that fringe I see?

Anonymous said...

That's great! You look so thrilled to be having your picture taken.

CrystalChick said...

UH, don't be so sure. This looks eerily like the little number I'm planning to wear out tonight!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend, Rhea!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Love the look! And, I'm pretty sure I don't have the outfits, but, I too have the pictures!

Connie said...

One has to ask if this was a normal day outfit or a special occasion ... like roller skating?

C and C Mommy said...

I love it. I think I still have a leotard that looks very similar. I saved all that stuff because I told my mom "one day I might have a little girl who wants to play dress up." I will laugh when we get them out!!

Mama Dawg said...

Oh, yes I do and my daughter plays dress up with them!

Yeah, I hit puberty that year as well....sigh....

I just now realized that we're the same age! Cool!

Valarie Lea said...

Aww bless your heart! But you look cute in your dance outfit.

Maternal Mirth said...

I am having total flashbacks to Kids Incorporated ...

Cristin said...

Puberty is the worst.... you really looked cute though...

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

So, were you loving the outfit when you had it on? And that was taken 20 years ago...cause I graduated in 88...and have my high school reunion tomorrow night. I really need to go through albums and figure out how to work my scanner....

Anonymous said...

I have 5 words: So You Think You Can Dance.

Anonymous said...

I have 5 words: So You Think You Can Dance.

Emily said...

So sexy! I love the streamers hanging from your waist. ;)

Anonymous said...

What I wanna know is what you were thinking when they took the pic?! That's the look I gave my mom when I had enough picture taking and people were watching! lol...

The 80's are back. But you won't see me at the gym like that. I'd scare off all the kids. I'm sure you could pull it off, but not me ;)

Anonymous said...

I love the side ponytail. That totally rocked! :)

Claremont First Ward said...

Wow. You had bigger boobs at 11 than I had at 16. :) Let me guess, jazz? The picture is seriously great. Love everything about it!

sassy stephanie said...

THAT cracks me up. And makes me glad the 80s are behind us.

Shannon said...

I've been lovin' your flashback photos!
I'm with Angie... I don't think I have the guts to show any old pics of myself! I cringe just thinking about my 7th grade yearbook photo... and 9th grade... and 11th and 12th, too...

All Things BD said...

Oh, honey. That's just... spectacular.

I gave you an award over on my blog, btw. Come check it out.

Insane Mama said...

Hellp Gorgeous...

Jen said...

OH MY GOD, I had a dance outfit just like that. Crazy!

Rhea said...

It was an outfit for our jazz production. lol

I'm still in the country with very little Internet access. I will be making the over 6 hour drive home tomorrow though, and I hope to catch up on everyone's blogs and comments then!

Jennifer said...

okay so the big question is... although you no longer have an outfit like this... do you still have a headband like this???

just wondering??


very cute picture! :)
And really who didn't dress goofy back in the day?? lol
