The most recent search terms that have led to the most visits are:
Bottle Tree - I still haven't built a bottle tree but I really want to!

Science - I think most of the visits are through Google Images for this one.

Hogwarts Castle - Yep, we visited The World of Harry Potter a year ago when it first opened.
Letter to End Friendship - This was a letter I wrote about my husband.

And then some just plain weird ones:
Alien Chicken
Uterus Cake
Barbie Elvis
League of Pessimissim
Red Grass
Sexy Hobbits
Alien Escape Plans
What are some of the strangest things you've Googled?
Do you have a blog and what search terms lead people to it?
Just wanted to say HI... been a while... I am not a very good blogger any more... life gets in the way... But then I find my way to all of the bloggers who inspired me in the beginning...
Hope things are well in your corner for the world.
If Hogwarts was real, I will certainly love to live there.
I've seen a bottle tree..they are pretty cool!
Alien that a recipe?
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