Thursday, December 31, 2009

My 7-year-old wants to be a sniper when he grows up.

I blame it on HALO.

And he got a NERF Tommy Gun for Christmas.

So my soon-to-be-ex-husband set up targets for him to shoot at outside.

Paper Christmas cups.

Does everyone's sons shoot guns on Christmas?

And heaven help us, the older son got a semi-automatic.

I don't know whether to run for the hills or just coat the house in velcro.


Anonymous said...

cute kids...
happy new year..=)

Cristin said...

We love shooting things around here. All we shoot at is the Wii games though... still, wicked fun.

Screwed Up Texan said...

That is a cool nerf gun! Happy New Year (and happy birthday to me).

zenmasterlars said...

this is so awesome!!!! love his little target set up :) I can't blame him...I just got my first shotgun and I'm itchin' to shoot it!!

Justine said...

This makes me sooooooo happy I have girls! LOL

Justine :o )

Jen said...

Yup, I totally see some type of law enforcement in his future. :)

Barb Mann said...

You know, it's a genetically male thing. I had one friend who was determined to raise her son without any gun or war toys, which was mostly okay with her poet husband. But then one morning
she watched the kid chew his breakfast toast into a handgun shape and run off yelling, "Pow! Pow!" So she bought him a Nerf gun.

mrs.invisable said...

I have 2 girls and 1 boy we all hunt so they have real guns they love to go to the range and target shoot so I don't think its just a boy thing LOL, But with that said once they got interested in guns this way we have not allowed any type of toy guns we teach them gun safty constantly and don't want them to forget what they have is not a toy and it is not to play around with. my youngest got her first gun when she was 6, by that time the older kids already had guns and already spending their free time in the woods with dad.

Susie said...


Bushman said...

Congratulations on Blog of Note.
Your blog is neat. I like the whimsical humor involved. The dictionary game is cool.

Stephanie Ann said...

Congratulations on being a Blog of Note! It's a very fun and inventive blog.

I'm relieved to see that my family is not the only one that breaks out the weapons for the holidays. Of course, ours are all real. Just feel good that you didn't have a cousin showing his 2 year old twins how to "shoot just like daddy!"

Technocrat said...

hi ,happy new year to u and ur family.pls visit my blog and tell me how is it....

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Congrats on your Blogs of Note. I also have an almost 7 year old who is a complete tomboy and loves all these sniper games too. she loves the paintball gun and Bakugan.

From a Scots lass in South Africa.

High Internet Savings Account said...

Happy new year for all of you...High Internet Savings Account

Jennifer said...

I'm convinced that boys have the shooting gene! I'm a mom of 5 and have had my share of Nerf guns:) Congrats of you Blog of Note!

sync said...

Being a sniper don't seem like a bad resolution at all. Goodluck.

HalfCrazy said...

Oh man, my brother gets his air soft and shoots the stray cats from the window. Cruelty to animals! Of course I scold him. But then again, I really don't want those cats around too.

Much Love,

shamoood said...

fluent photography...

congrats! being a blog of note.

Harley D. Palmer said...

So is this what I have to look forward to? My son is only 18 months old but I'm already dreading his boy/teen years. *sigh* Thanks for the glimps of my future!

Harley D. Palmer

LaCeY zAwAcKii <3 said...

Those toys must make you soo HAPPY!! hahahaha =]

Crotch Rocket Racer said...

Be careful, the little rugrat looks to me like a hoodlum already. Let me guess, mom & dad are in the sack playing hide the sausage while Lil Johnny is left unsupervised running wild in the neighborhood. Am I right? Listen, here's the thing..... get him some help. It may already be too late for the little punk. Just don't let me catch him climbing through my window late at night. I don't care what weapons he is into. By the way, have a happy new year.

Misty DawnS said...

I've missed you and your blog. I always enjoy your posts.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw the other day "God bless our troops...especially the snipers!"

AdriansCrazyLife said...

Nerf guns are the bane of my existence. I am a fervent anti-gun activist and my son is obsessed by any form of guns. He practically sleeps with his Nerf guns and every kid who sets foot in the house goes straight for them. Makes me insane.

Sicilian said...

I raised girls. We had a sling shot once and a bebe gun. None of us cared about it.
I think a nerf is a great way to let him play and pretend. We seemed to have forgotten that kids just need to play.