I drive the 12 yr old to school.
We talk about life.
I helped quiz him on the Middle East for his Social Studies test today.
In doing so, I realized I never really knew what "OPEC" stood for (the actual letters).
I learned a lot quizzing him.
He knows where all the countries are better than I do.
He's learning the differences between Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
He's learning why everyone's fighting in Israel.

Yesterday I quizzed him for his math test on isosceles triangles & other triangles.
I'd never heard of a scalene triangle before.

Lately I've been enlisting Texas Homeboy to take the 7 yr old to school. So that I can make sure I'm not late to work.
My ten mile commute to work usually takes 30 minutes or so.
I listen to NPR.
At work, I can listen to music on my iPod.
Which is awesome.
I'm not sharing my playlists.

I have an hour for lunch.
Sometimes I work right through it.
Sometimes I go get something to eat in a drive thru.
Sometimes I bring my own lunch and eat in the break room.
I usually read a book while I eat.
Wanna know what I did during my lunch hour yesterday?
Ate lunch? no.
Went shopping? no.
Read a book? no.
Worked? no.
I climbed into the back seat of my SUV.
Cracked the windows.
Set the alarm on my iPod.
And slept.
I wonder if the entire parking lot heard me snoring?
Have you ever napped in a weird place?
Oh, yeah! I take power naps in my truck all the time.
Sometimes it's just enough to get you through the rest of the day.
I've totally done the nap in the car thing. Refreshes me, I tell you.
I used to work across the street from a tanning salon. I had an hour for lunch but obviously you don't tan for an hour. The lady who owned it let me come in, and lay down on the bed, and a half an hour later she would turn the bed on for 20 minutes... I would sleep the whole time... HEAVEN!!! Get tan AND rested at lunch!!!
I'm way too paranoid to nap in weird places. My husband, though, can nap anywhere. Thay have a nap room at his work, so he'll come home telling me how rested he feels and I just want to throw his dinner at him..
The weirdest place I have ever napped was in an empty classroom at church during a way too late church youth dance. I had gotten up early that morning, worked my butt off all day at KFC, just to come home and HAVE TO go to this stupid dance.
Oh... the mid day nap. I love them, crave them. I have done this waiting for kids to get out of school. Yep, slept right there in the carpool line. I am so happy for you that you got a few minutes of bliss.
I used to take my dd into her ballet class, go out to my van, set the alarm on my phone and nap while waiting for her. It was awesome!
When I had a desk job with my own office, I took a nap in there. Just a couple of times.
I would nap in the SUV right along with you. I would.
Way to go! I've never really purposely slept in a weird place, but I've fallen asleep in dr's offices more times than I can count.
Have napped right here at my desk before. Just shut the door and went to sleep. :)
I have done that when I just couldn't keep going. It works! Do you like the job? How is it going?
I can't even nap in normal places, like cars and airplanes...but I do love to do it my comfy bed!!
what does opec stand for anyway?
Well that was a good way to spend your lunch. You must have really needed it.
Well that was a good way to spend your lunch. You must have really needed it.
I used to take naps in my car during lunch at work all the time in my 20's! Weird! I thought I was the only one that did that:-)
No, I haven't... but that's a dang good idea!
I haven't really taken naps in a weird place, but when I was a student nurse, one of the RNs would go and have a nap in one of the closed down empty wards that was only used for storage. She also had stealth shoes. You never heard her coming! All of a sudden she was there, making you jump out of your skin
I am insanely jealous. I don't nap. I can't nap. I can't even sleep at night, let alone during the day!
The weirdest place I've fallen asleep was in the lobby of the gymnastics place my girls used to go to. I was sitting on the couch and started snoring, with people all around me. this is before I was diagnosed with sleep apnea.
You're telling me about these smart kids? My God, Mikayla is learning all the Greek gods and goddesses, Socrates, Playto, blah blah blah, etc etc etc. The math she does is WAY over my head. It's pathetic!
Where the hell have you been?
Justine :o )
Don't feel bad. I have Narcolepsy ( really I do!) and I fall asleep at my desk all the time. And I suspect I snore a little. I'm sure my co-workers think I'm the weirdest chick on the planet!
How funny! Just yesterday, I napped in the van at Walgreens. I'm a night shifter and there are some days that I just can't make it all the way home (it's a 30 minute drive). So I just pull over in a parking lot and sleep! I've also slept at Walmart and Publix.
A nap in the middle of the day sounds amazing! Hope you enjoyed it!
welcome to what my world WAS when I was working up to just a month ago. I would nap in my car all the time. we had a mall across the street that I only went into ONCE in the 3 years I worked there. It always helped me get through the rest of the day.
Hope you're enjoying your new job!
The lady I worked with can sleep anywhere...me not so much.
Back in the day, when I was preggers with College Girl, I was often tired in the middle of the afternoon. The Big Boss had a large corner office, with a big desk and a huge leather chair, that rocked back when he leaned. He traveled a lot. I used to sneak into his office when he was out of town, sit back in his big leather chair, lean all the way back with my feet on the big desk, and take a snooze.
i could never fall asleep in the car. I can't even fall asleep watching tv. very impressive.
I'm a huge fan of naps.. I took one every day this week... I get home from work late and am up early with the kids so when Dottie goes for her nap, I go for mine...
In my younger days I could sleep anywhere... In my DeadHead days you could find me sleeping in parking lots... on the pavement....
I took a nap in class the day the Math teacher was telling us about scalene triangles!
I'm all in favor of taking a daily nap... love me some naps.
Just ask Angie... she usually calls me when I'm in the middle of one, LOL!
And I admit, I've napped at work before. Only I did it at my desk (don't judge me). I'd set my cell phone alarm and just take a 10-15 minute nap on my break.
Nowadays, I've dozed off while in the car rider line at school, waiting on the girls to get out!
A girl I work with naps in her car during lunch. I've always wanted to. I would if my windows were tinted darker.
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