Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'd like to see Barbie do this.

Do you know what these are?

This is where they are usually found...

Still no clue?
This might help...
or just confuse you further.

No, we're not aliens...

Seriously unflattering photo of me, I know.

Are my hints getting clearer?
Clear as mud?

Ok, I feel for ya.
Here, my boy and his best friend.

Have you ever gone paint ball warring?
It's a blast.

It hurts a little too.

BTW, don't forget, UpTake has a photo contest.
You could win $250.


Red from Ktown said...

Fun...I like the format..."Can you guess what these are?" I was gonna say bath beads. Fun stuff.

Jen said...

I have not gone paint baling and I will not go. I have seen the welts. No Thank You!

lynette355 said...

Hurts a little? Hurts alot when the paint balls are frozen first! OUCH! Yeah I know a sadistic lil one that looks for ways to really take you out in paint ball. Thankfully they had thawed some on the ride to where the war was being held.

Screwed Up Texan said...

Ha! My neighbor kid likes to paint his tree, the neighbors' trees, the road, the sidewalk, and our windows with those things. I knew right off what they were!

Looks like y'all had a blast--never been, but my husband has been begging me to go.

Hey, I also have a contest on my blog--I did a Magical Mystery Photo Tour after your contest. Check it out. Contest ends Thursday night and winner will be announce Friday with a surprise gift.


Anonymous said...

Paint ball I haven't done...but I have enjoyed me some Laser tag...

Alicia said...

Thanks for welcoming me to SITS. I love paintballing. Have you ever shot them with wrist rockets? They are totally fun too.
Have a great day Rhea!

Sally-Ann said...

My kids have been paint balling. Our neighbor down the road goes and participates in paint ball competitions. Our neighbors on the left paint balled our fence - neon green.
I've never been, would like to

Indy said...

I am clueless. I thought they were eggs. I wondered what you were doing coloring eggs so early. Looks like fun. You are a good mom!

Anonymous said...

Paintball is a whole lot of fun. we took our son last year for his birthday!

You look kind of bad-ass! Kind scaring me Rehea.
But then again...I do love an armed woman in a mask.

Karen said...

We had a friend who had to take his pug to the vet after it ate an entire pack of gum. While he was there he noticed a black Lab with neon yellow on it's front end and back end. Can you believe that dog ate an entire box of paint balls??? You would think they wouldn't be that tasty. Amazingly enough....a miracle happened and that dog survived.

Looks like it was a blast.

Shannon said...

You are awesome for taking them paintballing (is that a word??)...

I don't think I'd do it, even if I'd had boys, LOL!

Sprite's Keeper said...

And here I was thinking what the hell kind of screwed up bird egg is that?

Unknown said...

*ouch* You got me on that one I had no clue- great way to present the pics.

Britt said...

That picture of you is bad ass, Rhea. I've never shot a gun .. even a paintball gun. My hubs wants to change this. But I'm scared, because I know that if I'm shooting the paintball gun, I'll be shooting at people .. and they won't be all, "Oh Britt, you're so cute .. shoot me again!" They'll be all, "It's on, babay!" and start shooting back at me.

And everyone says it hurts like a cow bite .. I'm wondering if I can weasel my way out of it this summer? Or maybe he'll forget...

Mariah said...

You do look like a bad ass

Cathy said...

Ya know I haven't. I would end up lying on the ground crying or something. I don't want pain.

Swirl Girl said...

When good jellybeans go baaaad!

Anonymous said...

I haven't played at all. And had no clue what the first 3 pictures were. Yours gave it away for some reason.

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

I have always wanted to do the paint ball war thing they do in "10 Things I Hate About You". But the actual paintball war looks like it hurts! You go girl!

Susie said...

I have never been but it looks like great fun:-)

Justine said...

Oh cool! I've always wanted to do that!!!!!!!! I'd love to kick some paint ball ass on Jimmy!

Justine :o )

Misty DawnS said...

I've seen the welts those paintballs leave! Kinda freaky, but I still think it would be a blast.

P.S. I don't have enough self-esteem to enter the contest - Did I mention my fear of failure? How bout the fear of rejection? *sigh*

Sandy said...

I came by to visit one of my fellow Welcomistas!

I have never been in a paint ball war, but I bet my boys would love it. It looks fun, I'm not sure it would feel too good.

RandomWonders said...

Ooohhh I knew by the second picture and got so excited! I love paintballing!!! :)

Grand Pooba said...

I've never been! I love lazer tag but I heard paint balling is much more painful!

Unknown said...

Yeh I've done it, hurst like HELL and OMG the bruises are crazy...rather you then wimpy me!

Anonymous said...

That cracked paint ball looks so cool...like some kind of glowing cyber egg! I just caught up on a months worth of your blog posts...glad to hear what is going on with you and yours. You share way more on the blog than on the phone, you know! :)

Sunny said...

painball is mych fun indeed. We have to wear army uniform to play here... weird, but COOL!

Quiskaeya said...

Oh my! Would my son evah love that! Great shots!

Mama Dawg said...

I wanna paintball!

Anonymous said...

I have never gone paintballing. I looks like so much fun. Adding to my "Summer Time To Do List'.

Cristin said...

I went once and had a blast! It hurts like hell but it wouldn't be as much fun if you weren't scared of the pain... I had the biggest welt on my ass... I showed it off to everyone.

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