There once was a young mannequin named Anna who was happy and content with her life.

She loved to stretch and dance.
And dance and stretch.
And dance and stretch.
She never worried about her hair or clothes,
or even a face for that matter.
or even a face for that matter.
Anna lived in the moment.
She was one with herself.
She was one with herself.
She was happy and content with her life.
Until she caught a glimpse of Holiday Barbie 2008.
and realized what she was missing.
and realized what she was missing.

After that Anna couldn't bear to be seen, so she put a mask on her head.
But it didn't hide her pain.
But it didn't hide her pain.
She thought she'd never be happy again.
Until she met Sergei, a Russian Nutcracker Prince.
They fell in love.
They fell in love.
Sergei loved Anna just the way she was.
But he had to tell her that he was only going to be around for a few weeks.
And she was devastated.
And she was devastated.
These star-crossed lovers are enjoying their time together while they can.
And Anna is patient.
She can wait til next year when Sergei comes around again.
And Anna is patient.
She can wait til next year when Sergei comes around again.
Now THAT'S a woodie.
I hope Anna learned to love herself just the way she is too! :)
Bravo! Bravo! Love- If it were that easy.. Nice story telling..
Get bored more often...dang you're so friggin creative!
I absolutely love it!
Nutcracker Ballet, the Texas Word Tangle Version 2.8
Rhea, you are having way too much fun. LOL Great tale. Oh and all the work of posing, taking pictures and then posting. I think Anna is a natural model. Think she will make big time and big bucks. And remember where she came from. Then she can treat the Nutcracker to his own lil castle. And holiday Barbie will be jealous.
This was great! I loved it.
Let me tell you from experience that Holiday Barbie is a HO who loses her dress in about 3 minutes and whose hair looks like she rolled in the hay in about 5 minutes....
Just what I needed this morning! I had a good chuckle!
My new favorite love story ..
Oh, and if you see Anna, tell her Barbie is a skank. All the ones in my house run around without their clothes, with their nekkid boyfriends, hair all a mess, make-up only in place because it's been tattooed on. Their impossible figures maintained by not eating.
I'd rather be a dancing, faceless, hairless mannequin any day.
That is AWESOME. What an imagination you have.
tremendously clever :-)
This is my favorite holiday story EVER!
Awesome, but I want to know what part the nesting Santa's have in this relationship.
I've got a few GI Joe's around if she gets tired of waiting.
That was wonderful! Everyone should have a wooden Prince!
- Jennifer
That was very cutie! I must admit, I was waiting for some dirty punch line thought lol!
Rhea you are cracked! But I love you just the way you are...
I love it! Can't wait for the sequel.
What a cute story!
That sky is very different and truly amazing.
Now for why I came, :-) the pictures of your doggie are really cute.
Have a wondeful Christmas!
That is acute story! lol man you are creative! lol
Holiday Barbie is sooo..plastic, everyone knows that wood is best - especially for a nutcracker!
I don't buy it. Where is that Nutcracker going? I think he is off to get it on in a cozy Siberian hideaway with Holiday Barbie who is so much hotter than Anna. Sorry Anna, but really, if you would embrace Plastics you too could be hot. You could do it Anna. You're really such a blank slate. And I think you could even be as hot as a Holiday Bratz doll, kick that Barbie's ass and then we'll see who's got nuts to crack!
I think Sergei may be gay anyway Anna. What kind of guy is that obsessed with nuts, wooden or not?
Better luck next year. In the meantime, I suggest you keep working that pole you have up your... um... you know. Whatever helps you stay fit!
Very cute:-)
OMG, it's official. You have definitely cracked! Someone get the straight jacket and prepare the padded room! Rhea has been playing with dolls today, putting them in obscene positions and photographing them with glee. I think I saw Sergei with a woody. Get it? He's wood? Woody? heeheeheeee
Justine :o )
Brilliant! You're a riot! :) I love it!
I have questions:
Why are you such a genius?
Why aren't you being read by 3.8 billion people?
Why is Anna naked?
p.s. Yesterday I was thinking of potatoes and Idaho and seats in the 11th row of a United plane and I got all wistful and stuff. Kid you not.
You are very good!!!!!!!!!!!! Cute cute story!
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