Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Painting Rocks


lynette355 said...

how beautiful
send the boys down we have a rock wall between us and the neighbor
i will let them make it all happy

rhea your a creative fun mom
can i have you too

Justine said...

What a fun project, and they did such a good job! Great host of Annie with her tongue sticking out.

Hey, do you have monogram chick's email addy? I've left messages on both her blog and her web site, but still haven't heard back from her. I want my car decal!!!

Justine :o )

tiarastantrums said...

awesome job! We just painted rocks at the library a couple of weeks ago -baby girl loved it - love the dog photo!

Anonymous said...

Too fun!

Jennifer and Sandi said...

I see that Annie is quite the little helper!!

Happy Tuesday

- Jennifer

Skeller said...

I love the rocks! And I love that Annie is right in there, too :-)

Anonymous said...

Cool rocks.

Why is your dog passed out and licking the dirt?

Was he out partying again last night?

All Things BD said...

Awesome rocks!

Cathy said...

This is one of the activites that I take along when we go to Gatlinburg and camping. It's a good low key activity that make the kids be creattive.

Beth said...

It looks as though Annie had had enough rock painting!

How fun! Quite the little artistes!

Mama Dawg said...

How cool! Are those gifts?

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Very cool rocks. I love that you even own paints. And brushes. And that you allow your children to use them. Can my girls come and spend the day?

What are you going to do with your masterpieces?

Shannon said...


I'm also curious as to what you're going to do with them...

The Stiletto Mom said...

That is a fantastic idea...and one that I fully plan to steal while the little hoodlums are out of school for two weeks over Christmas. That will save me at least four hours between hunting and painting of listening to "I'm boooored"!!!

Thanks Rhea!!!

Sprite's Keeper said...

Love this! If my child wasn't so intent on painting everything other than the paper she's supposed to aim at, I would totally let her do this!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Fun Stuff!!!!

Anonymous said...

I use to do that when I was little. My cousin and cut yarn about 2 inches long and hot glued it to the rocks like hair. Then we painted faces on them. They were really cute.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What a cute idea! I love how Annie helped out, too!

Cristin said...

We painted rocks a lot this summer... not as nice as yours though... Graham's all ended up gray or brown...

PAPATV said...

i love the pic of the dog camped out by all the rock painting business.

Our dog always has to shadow us even...um...when it's not really appropriate.


Anonymous said...

I love the last 'Happy Face' rock, heh. Great project! You can't go wrong with paintin' some rocks. :D

Jen said...

how cool. Hayden loves to paint rocks too. I should have known this is what the rocks were for.

Jennifer S said...

That looks really fun - my kids would go nuts over that!

TerriRainer said...

Markers are so less messy, but I would bet not near as fun (I am so not showing this to my younger girls)!

:) Terri

Susie said...

I knew that is what you were going to do with those rocks. For the record, I did not read ahead when I made my guess:-)

KimmyJ said...

Looks like they are having a lot of fun! Even with the cast on! :)

Twisted Fencepost said...

What fun!
Your boys are quite the artists!

cheatymoon said...

Oh I miss those painting rocks days...

Your kids are sweet.

sassy stephanie said...

You? Are a much nicer mommy than me. I see tuition for school as the reason I don't have to do these projects at home!

Britt said...

So cool! Now what are you gonna do with them?

My mom once took us to the creek and let us pick out a ton of rocks .. I mean, there was me and my fourth brothers and sisters, so yeah it was a lot of rocks. Anyway, we brought them home and she washed them, then put them in the oven for awhile .. then she let us color on them with crayons.

Those were some pretty sweet rocks =-) You're totally taking me down memory lane with this one.

Lula! said...

You know what I'm going to say...

LOOK AT ANNIE...hanging with her boys. I love it.

p.s. Just so you know...I am NOT a dog person. But for some reason I love Annie. I do. Has she ever been to Ida-HO? Would she ever want to visit there? No reason...just askin'.

WheresMyAngels said...

Those are so cute! How fun, my girls would love to do that.

Jen said...

This is such a simple idea but leaves room for endless creativity. I love it!! Thanks for sharing!!

AdriansCrazyLife said...

That's funny! I read the title as "Painting Rocks" as in painting is awesome, not literally painting rocks. Love the English language!

Linda said...

That is so cool ... what a fun project. My mom and I used to search for the perfect rocks on the beach, go back to our cabin and paint them. We would make ladybugs, butterflies, frogs, ducks. A few summers ago I introduced the tradition to my kids. You know, painted rocks make great gifts! Can be used for paperweights, door stops, garden decor. LOVE IT!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

What a fun project!

Jennifer said...

great idea. and very cool.

they came out great. i love the ideas that kids have for doing crafts and how to design and paint things. :)


Mariah said...

See, I was right. Painting rocks. My family's fav. past time. LOVING Annies lounge face.

Indy said...

First of all, you have a lot of commenters. Second of all, I am so jealous of the weather there. Do you know anyone hiring attorneys? We need to move to Texas and enjoy some of that snow free warm weather.

Unknown said...

Oh this bought back happy memomories of my childhood :-) That is a hysterical piccie of Annie!

Misty DawnS said...

I LOVE these!!! LOVE them! I'm gonna have a rock garden... you wanna lend me your boys to help decorate? hehe That photo of Annie is absolutely adorable.