While in Houston we visited Space Center Houston and took a tram tour of the Johnson Space Center NASA next door. One of our stops on the tram tour was Rocket Park, where there is a complete Saturn V rocket launch on display.

Only seven nearly-complete Saturn launch vehicles still exist. These are the last of the powerful machines that launched the Apollo lunar landing missions. Houston has the only complete one.
Here are Donny & Remy standing near the bottom of this powerful rocket.
And here is Donny holding up the moon on his shoulders. hehe

I've always told my boys to shoot for the moon. It's pretty amazing what we've accomplished in Space travel in our lifetime, goodness knows what will happen during theirs.
I loved the pictures! I am so jealous! I would love to visit those places! My Rocket Scientist tells me that NASA says we are going back to the moon and onto Mars. (He works on the next crew launch vehicle.)
Cool photos. That last one though reminds me of the end result of what happened to me after eating Indian food.
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Great pics! I loved visiting the Huntsville, AL space center when I was a kid. It fueled my interest in all things solar system. That, and the astronaut ice cream. And the movie Spacecamp. :-)
Those are awesome pics! I would love to visit there sometime. One of my favorite things to teach is about space...and the kids love it too!
My hubby went to Space Camp in Alabama when he was a kid, and I really hope to send Donny next summer. He'd LOVE it.
I'll have more posts about our NASA field trip coming up this week!
Sounds like a fun, educational trip. I'll be in Galveston for a week of fun with friends in a condo next month.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love to write, too!
i wanna go!! i wanna go!! take me! take me!!
Please oh please, if I promise to be on my bestest behavior can I come vacation with you guys??? Pretty please. I will even clean up after myself and promise to only cry and whine when it is absolulely necessary!! ;)
This is FREAKIN' AWESOME!!! wow!!
I would love to go to see this. I'm glad that you guys got to do this!! GREAT family trip!!
that is amazing how big the rocket is! I bet Trevor would get a HUGE kick out of that!!
And I must say that your boys are looking as cute as ever!! :) I love the pic of Donny holding up the moon!! :) too funny!!
oh yeah...
and I must be almost due for my period...I'm very emotional these past few days... b/c when I read the last lines of your post.. how you tell your boys to shoot for the moon, and all, I was a little teary eyed.
my friend found this great quote...
"don't tell me the sky is the limit, when there are footprints on the moon."
I LOVE that quote!! :)
I love going there, haven't been there in years!!
Good advice for your boys!
That Saturn rocket launch sure looks BIG but yet compared to space, but a tiny little speck.
Those are great pictures. I wanta go. It looks like it was a lot of fun.
my family would Love this!! My FIL worked for NASA... so there's lots of emotional history for us.
Looks like a terrific time!
Jennifer, that's a GREAT quote. Thanks for sharing!
Wicked fun. I hope you can get Donny in... Is it hard to get in?
That is soooo cool. I'd love to go there one day. Alas, my fundage is in a recession right now.
size perspective with the boys in front - good
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