Tuesday, July 15, 2008


When you get three adult sisters together along with their seven children (ages 4 to 11 years old), there is excitement and chaos. If you close your eyes and just listen, you will discover hidden gems in the swirling activity and conversations.

Here are some of the things I overheard:

"I'm not telling you, you could be a traiter!" (overheard during covert operations in the pool)

"My dog could poop your dog." (When comparing our lab Annie to my sister's chihuahua)

"Look out below!" (hollered from the second floor indoor balcony to the den below)

"You stole my torpedo!" (heard over and over again during those same covert operations in the pool)

"What's up with the ponies?" uttered in disbelief by my eleven year old when he encountered a staircase full of the above plastic herd.

"It was a battle, but I got it," my sister said with great relish as she finished putting a ponytail in her daughter's hair.

I wish I had pictures to accompany this post, but you'll have to wait until I get back home.

I sang for my Starbucks again this morning. Free drinks for a little embarrassment.

We spent the day at Space Center Houston and NASA. Pictures and stories to come later!

AND, I finally started reading the Twilight series. It is Wow.

Finally, did you know that little girls can cry on demand? I'm impressed.


K.R. said...

At least you overheard nice things. My three year old son's favorite saying..."oh hell no!"

Shannon said...

Was it the same Starbucks guy that asked you to sing again? How funny!

Karen said...

I love the things one over hears when listening to kids play. There is nothing like it.

I love the Twilight series. I have read and re-read them so many times that it is embarrassing. When you finish that, the same author wrote The Host. It is just as good.

I am so aware that girls can cry on demand!

Rhea said...

Glamorous WAHM - Love your kiddo's favorite saying! lol They pick up the worst things sometimes. It's hard not to laugh when you hear it too.

Shannon - it was a totally different Starbucks server yesterday morning. They didn't know about singing for free drinks thing, but they honored it anyway! Who knew? Try it at your starbucks and let me know if it works?

Karen - I didn't know the same author wrote The Host. I've heard of that new release. I am so loving the Twilight series. Very, very good.

Angie's Spot said...

Ok, that's it! I'm going to starbucks this morning with my pipes ready to sing. And yes, little girls CAN cry on demand. It's an amazing "talent". ;-)

Live.Love.Eat said...

Thanks for stopping by Rhea!! Love your blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! I can't wait till my sister gets married and has kids so we can do fun family stuff. Can't wait to see the pics. We went to Space stuff in Florida, but I wasn't as interested as my husband was, I was busy working on the tan! OH and BTW...my sister has read the series and when she did, we didn't see her for 3 days. She read 3 books in 3 days!! (She is 16 and has nothing else to do)

Aunt Julie said...

These actual quotes are so much better than anything you could make up! I'm going to steal this idea and try it sometime--if that's OK with you. And, I'll make sure my SIL has her camera at the ready!

The CDM said...

Two days in a row of free Starbucks? Holy crap!

By the way, I know little girls can cry on demand, it comes in handy later on in life when they get pulled over for speeding.

Mama Dawg said...

I love gatherings like that.

And, yes, I knew little girls could cry on demand. My daughter does it well.

Rhea said...

I never cried on demand as a little girl. I never perfected or even thought about it. So, this is shocking to me. lol

I'm so out of my element these days around little girls. I'm learning. I was a little girl once, but little boys have become my life!!

Insane Mama said...

Crying on demand, is a gift that only little girls can do. It's disgusting. Nothing like a fammily get together. My dog can so poop a chihuahua also

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Sounds like you guys are having too much fun!

And, seriously, is the singing thing regional, because I might just need a fix!

Valarie Lea said...

Can't wait to see all the pictures! And yes I do know that little girls can cry on demand. :)

Chatterness said...

I bet it was a whole lot of fun!!! There's nothing better or worse than family, huh????

Jen said...

I love to listen to kids conversations. The stuff that comes out of their mouths is priceless.

Melissa said...

ha ha ha I love it! My dog could out poop your dog! ha haa

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

You are truly explaining the Starbucks money issue. They gave you another order just because you said it worked the day before? And you asked to sing again? Holy moly.

And the crying? Yep. Know all about it. They can come into the house just fine...until they find me. And magically the tears come forth. And did you know that they can stop on a dime, too?

Can't wait to see and read about the rest of your adventures...

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh...are you ever going to explain the boot award?

Jeff B said...

Looking forward to the photos. Safe travels to you.

~*Paty*~ said...

OMG! I'm so glad you've started reading the Twilight series! I read all three books in like 3 days! I could not put them down! My poor husband. Expect now I have to wait until Aug. 2nd for the 4th book. Then she's rewriting all of the books in Edwards point of view. Ok....can you tell I'm obsessed? I've seriously made everyone I know read them and have made them just as addicted. Hehehe. Let me know what you think of them!

CrystalChick said...

Sounds like a fun trip. Can't wait for pics!

Sandy Kessler said...

hahaha like the bird house

Cristin said...

Great stuff!!!

My kid could poop your kid.

Jennifer said...

I love all the things you have heard while on your trip. :) i should do this at the next family gathering we have. :)

AND of course little girls can cry on demand... the only thing they can't do is... STOP crying on demand. lol My two little girls are such drama queens some times it isn't even funny!! ugh!! little boys are emotional some times but nothing like a little girl. ;) say this with total love for both my little girls and my little boy. :)

:) hope you are having a blast!!


Rhea said...

My kid could poop your kid?! ROFL That's hilarious.

Unknown said...

Ok, the dog comment is completely hilarious!

Singing for Starbucks? That's a new one but I'd certainly be willing to try it if that makes it free! : )