Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Texas Homeboy

Introducing my Homeboy, the father of my sons, my husband.

So, I cornered him while he was in the shower this morning before he left for work.

Me: So, choose a name for Blogger, so you can comment on my blog.
Him: What?
Me: You know, if you ever read my blog, you'd need a name to leave comments.
Him: I don't even really know what a blog is. I don't know what you're asking me. Are you saying you want me to leave comments?
Me: Well, you know, in case you ever want to...yes.
He stares at me stupified.
I know when to retreat.
Me: Ok, you just think about it, and when you're done with your shower, we'll pick a name.

Now I head back to my room and talk to the boys.

Me: We need to pick a good name for your dad.
Donny: How about Jackalope?
Remy: Farty pants!
Donny: Homeboy
Remy: Poopy pants!
Donny: LawyerDude
Remy: Hairy balls!

Thanks for your help, boys.

What we decided on, finally?

Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see when he comments...if he ever comments...

Ok, that may take too long.

I can't stand the suspense.

His blogger name is:

drum roll, please.




Skeller said...

Hilarious. The id you chose for him is perfectly appropos!!! Does he know that we're all waiting for him to show up now?!?

Valarie Lea said...

Ha HA that is so good!! Mine just likes to comment to me directly, or he goes in under my name.

I didn't think I had met him before. Tell him its nice to meet him, and we look forward to hearing from him soon. :)

Jess NBP said...

LOL "my wife made me do it" too funny.

Anonymous said...

That's a good one!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Perfect! So...does this mean that he might actually read your blog, too? And find out who I am. And come after me for suggesting that you feed your family ramen noodles in order to have a housekeeper? Tell him it wasn't me. ;-)

And what award did you win that included those boots?!

Word verification today: xqkkbw

Why can't they use real words? I took mine off completely. Hopefully I can leave it off...

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

That is hubby would do the same! Can't wait to see if he ever comments.

Jen said...


Anonymous said...

Personally, I liked Farty Pants and Hairy Balls, but whatever....


CrystalChick said...

I'd be horrified if mine read mine. OH GODDESS, what a disaster that would be. LOL
Hey, your guy looks like a mafia lawyer with those dark shades. hehe

Anonymous said...

OMG Hairy Balls!?!? Is my son there?!?! That would have come right out of his mouth! LOL

CrystalChick said...

p.s. I just noticed the Parent Trap on the last post. Great movie, the one with Hayley Mills!!

angela | the painted house said...

Those are some imaginative boys!

Okay, your hubby doesn't know what a blog is for real??? What does he think you are doing in front of the computer all evening--looking for Russian brides? (I'm guessing, naturally). :)

Jess NBP said...

and thx for the comment love on the recipes.

Angie's Spot said...

How appropriate! And hilarious.

And I'm with Kat on wanting to know what's up with those boots under your award banner?!

TentCamper said...

I have to say that it seems fitting!!!!

Now we just need him to use his newfound identity.

the mama bird diaries said...

Perfect. You are so funny.

Karen said...

That is perfect! I love it. My husband likes to leave his comments anonymous. (Like I don't know it's him.)

Anonymous said...

SOOOOO funny. I love the wifely knowledge of knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. It's an art form, really. But he DOES need to comment. Spouse-ly support and all.

Anonymous said...

oh, wait. my hubby has never commented on my blog! i'll have to get on that...

Jules said...

Oh yeah! What a guy!

Anonymous said...

Rhea! I've been giggling over you comments on Sunshine and Lemonade for some time now - it's about time I got my butt over here!

This post is HILARIOUS - I can remember having a similar conversation with my hubby a few months back. How dare they be so clueless about something that gives us all a reason to not shoot them.

Thanks for visit SuperMom Central - I'll be comin' back here often!

i beati said...

falling over with laughter

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I'm gonna be sneaky and hide down here. Cause I don't want the Complaints department to yell at me. But did you see what Jennifer did to my title? ACK! It's wrong. I am supposed to be #1. I lost it. Got it. And now lost it again.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

And I'm still thinking that you should have outed your smutty book collection in your last post. Your grandmother might have wanted to read some of them.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh...and on Wednesday nights when we go to church...well...the girls are in choir...I sometimes go into the sanctuary to read. Because the seats are padded and comfy. And I am usually reading smutty books.

One time our Pastor walked in. And asked what I was reading. When she saw what it was...she went to get a pen and paper so I could make a list of smutty books to get for her grandmother :-)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Am I close to the top yet?

Mama Dawg said...

Is it wrong of me to say that I think your husband's cute?

Your boys, however, are MUCH cuter!

Rhea said...

Hubby has read some of the blog, and I'm not sure if he will comment eventually or not...

The boots under the awards picture is just a cool pic of boots I found. If you click on it, it will take you to my awards page. :o)

That wasn't a fun answer, was it? Let me come up with something better...

I won a stomping award in my new cowboy boots for toughest Texas on the web. hehe That sounds better. Untrue but better.

And, Mama Dawg, I think he's cute too.

Debbie said...

What doesn't he think it's cool? Tell him that my Duke University MBA, Senior Executive husband not only reads, but comments on mine. Who knows what your hubby will learn about you if he does!

Jennifer said...

LOL!! I'm trying to clean my house today... can ya tell??? lol I'm the BIGGEST procrastinator!! Since I was here to see if you posted about your other family members, and you didn't yet, I didn't feel like getting back to cleaning just yet... so I'm back tracking.

THIS now, this is a funny post!! I love the names the boys came up with... BUT I love the final vote!! :)

It would be funny to see a comment from him... just to see his new name... mywifemademedoit!! hehe!!
