Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My little stinker

Here is Remy (AKA Homer), my six-year-old stinker. Check out the fake tattoo on his right arm. (His right, YOUR left). Then, the friction burn on his left arm...more on that later.

He's a Guitar Hero Rock Star. Seriously. This little guy can outplay everyone in the family.

He just lost a front tooth the other night. The tooth fairy left him $5!! I may start pulling out my own teeth to get that kind of cash.

But, the real detail you need to note in this picture is the hat. We are Texas Longhorn fans. My husband's family is rather fanatic about it...and very anti-Texas A&M. So, my little stinker begs me to buy a hat recently...he completely bypasses the Longhorn hats and chooses...yep, you guessed it...

And he told me I could email this photo to all our family. He LIKES being a little stinker. I totally have my hands full with this little guy.

Oh, and here we are in Houston. Our house doesn't have a balcony like this....so he can't resist.

Following laws of physics, boys must throw balls off balconies.


Jennifer said...

that little rebel!! :) that's pretty funny. Maybe he wanted to change his name (yes! I'm finally on the same page as everyone else and understand that it was REMY and NOT Donny that wanted to change his name!! DUH!!!) so that family couldn't track him down about that A&M hat he is wearing. lol

that is funny that he wanted that hat and that he likes being the little stinker!! :) I can totally see that in his smile and his eyes!! :)

I also LOVE that they had to throw the ball off the balcony!! :) My kids would have done that THE. ENTIRE. TIME we were there. lol

they sure are QT's!!


Jennifer said...

OH. no way... I was first to comment on this... I hope I didn't comment anything dumb that others might read... um, you know like that last post I commented on. er.


Mama Dawg said...

Hey, drop me an e-mail at twodogsrunningsouth@yahoo.com

I gotta secret for you.

Angie's Spot said...

Wow, for that kind of cash, I'll start pulling my own teeth. :-)

What a rebel with that tattoo and hat! You've got your hands full it sounds like. LOL!

OHmommy said...

A rebel.

Love that kid. LOL. ;)

Dirty White boy said...

The photo of me in an apron is now up.

Insane Mama said...

Arn't the longhorns and aggies major rivals?
$5 for a tooth? Can I come live there? PLEASE.

Indy said...

Love the missing tooth. My oldest is 5 and I am so looking forward to being the tooth fairy. Good to know what the going rate is. I had no idea.

Dirty White boy said...

I was glancing over your previous posts and noticed your kids at the space center, what part of texas are you from?
I briefly lived in pasadena at one point in my life, and my grandmother lives in houston (River Oaks area).

Jen said...

ok, so when did the tooth fairy start giving out $5, when I was a kid it was 23 cents.
I think that Jeff want to play Guitar Hero with Remy. He loves to play and always pouts b/c there is no one around to play with. Maybe someday, they can find each other on-line

CrystalChick said...

Mother always said don't play ball in the house.... as the ball goes over Donny's head and crashes into very expensive vase from the Ming Dynasty.

I think I better start saving now as with inflation my daughter won't be able to afford $5+ per tooth for her little guy and I'll have to chip in. Dang, I think we used to get a quarter.

Unknown said...

Being a former Austinite myself, I can't believe he did that! He wants to get a rise out of people, doesn't he? Stinker is certainly right... ; )

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

That is hilarious. And sounds so like my children. Who know how to press all my buttons.

And look at all your multiple posts in one day!

Anonymous said...

So glad I have a one story ouse right now. Probably the only one in McKinney who does. I can't even imagine all the things that could potentially be thrown overboard!

Anonymous said...

*house* not "ouse" (sorry)

Skeller said...

Funny, funny post!!! He's totally going to keep you on your toes :-) Such a quirky, funny, clever little fellow!

Anonymous said...

Your little boy has a big personality. He sounds fun. I like your page! Very interesting to read.

Rhea said...

Our house is mainly one story, but we have ONE room upstairs...it's a game room, and I swear, I haven't been up there in months! We rarely use it. I think as we meet more people we'll use it more. We're still newbies around here.

KatBouska said...

Oh man...he's gonna give you a run for your money for sure. It helps that he's cute.

I think I'd throw stuff down from there too.

Anonymous said...

oh, yeah, that balcony is just askin' for it. at least it was a squishy ball and not the cat or something!

Anonymous said...

p.s. when I lived overseas the American school I went to had a football/cheerleading program that I participated in. My team? The Aggies!

Jules said...

Isn't it nice that they can indulge in scientific activities even on vacation?