Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Inside out?

Remy, my 6-year-old, asked me first thing this morning, "Can you turn a sheep inside out? With magic?"

Ummm, excuse me, can you repeat that?

I don't even begin to know how to answer this question.

Sheep: He said what?!


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

EWWWW...all I can think of is that movie "The Fly."

"help me, help me..."

Yuck. Why did he ask that?!

Let me repeat...ewww.

Oh...wait. It's a pun. Ewwwwe.

I am so funny. Baaaaa

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

That's an interesting one.

More importantly, why would you want a sheep inside-out?

Angie's Spot said...

With some movie magic maybe?

Anonymous said...

Does the magical sheep know a plumber? I just posted something about magic too!! Did you take the sheep pix? Awesome camera.

I like the post about the treasure hunt too! You are so creative, girl. Please tell me the boys will get easier and I will actually have fun with them one day??....

Valarie Lea said...

Hmmmm interesting question, very interesting.

trublmaka said...

*scratches head*

Oh Remy... what a cutie!!
There's always something interesting in that gorjus head of his eh?


The CDM said...

Those pictures are all ewe.

Chatterness said...

What an adorable question!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it is a perfectly reasonable question...like a reversible sweater. :)

Gorgeous shots of the sheep..I can almost hear them talking to you!

Loved the treasure hunt!

Good and creative energies to you,


Jen said...

Where do they come up with this stuff. I don't know if you could make it up if you tried.

Jennifer said...

so can ya?? huh?? can ya??

;) lol!!

I LOVE the questions, thoughts and ideas that little boys come up with!! :)

That Remy... always thinking!! And, pretty darn funny!! =)


Jennifer said...

oh and not to be pushy... but I was just wonderin' why I'm not on your blog roll?? huh lady?? huh? huh??


Karen said...

That was is like the day the Wild Child asked me if I had seen the inside of her skin. Where do they come up with these things????? Sheep will be staying clear of Remy for a while!!

Claremont First Ward said...

Well, can't you? :) Love this.

Claremont First Ward said...

Well, can't you? :) Love this.

Claremont First Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Insane Mama said...

I think you can... I don't know HOW, but I wonder if there insides are fuzzy.

Indy said...

Nasty. At least you have this documented for them to read when they are older. Ewww is right.

Lula! said...

I would've replied, "Of course, sweetie...see that soft blanket over there? It's an inside out sheep." And then they probably would've ran for the hills, but whatever.

I think it's a valid and thought-provoking question, AND sign of an intelligent and curious child. Yep.

Shannon said...

So did you ever find out why he wanted to know this????

CrystalChick said...

Hmm..... gotten alot of questions over the years, never that one!

Cristin said...

It's a good thing he didn't ask my husband... the answer would have involved a knife and some guts...

Anonymous said...

out of the mouths of babes. I want to snuggle with that sheep. But not right now. It's too hot.

Rhea said...

Hey, everyone! I will be responding to your comments and visiting each and every one of your blogs when I get back home.

Internet connection is a little come-and-go at the moment where we are in the middle of nowhere, so I can't stay online long.

Thanks for all your comment love!

i beati said...

so so beautiful sk