My six-year-old son, Remy, informed me yesterday that he wanted to change his name.
I told him very sweetly that he would have that right never when he turned eighteen.
Then I asked him what name he would like to change it to.
His answer? Homer.
Now, surely he meant Homer, the ancient Greek poet
who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey,
who I studied for years in Latin.
He meant this dude:

the rude, overweight, incompetent, clumsy,
thoughtless and lazy cartoon character.

Funny!! My son is going through a stage where insists we call him Puss-n-boots. He's been calling his dad "Ogre" for a week now.
No he dih'unt!!! Did I spell that right? I'm trying to be funny and I can't even spell my punch line. Pitiful.
hahahaha... to funny.
Oh, THAT's too funny!!
I suspect there are alot of men out there who probably could change their name to 'Homer' and everyone would be in complete agreement. LOL
Your sweet son is just going thru a little phase and having some fun.
So does this mean you are Mother Simpson. Can I call you Mona???? LOL
Hey, when I was younger after watching Laverne and Shirley I asked my Mom to call me 'Shirley'.
And even now, I would love to be called GODDESS, but that's a hard one to request without acquiring a few more skills. Working on it though. ;)
If I was you I'd tell him no woman will ever fancy him in those underpants! Mind you at his age he might be in the girls = yuk stage!
Priceless...I guess you need to have a bit more PG on viewing!
LMAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOO!! I remember changing my name to "Marie" when I was younger. Actually, Marie is my middle name and I wanted to have the same name that was connected with Donny Osmond b/c I loved him sooooo much!!
Start calling Remy, "Homer," and see how quickly he will want you to STOP!!!
The stuff that comes out of little boys mouths often leaves me speechless too.
This is hilarious! I LOVE your blog!!
what is wrong with Homer??
Okay... I'm so glad this is typing and not face to face... b/c I would have NEVER been able to hold a straight face while asking you that. lol
I think this is hilarious! :) Donny is a cutie!! I love his sense of humor!! (he was JOKING right??) ;)
Chatti Patti, ooooh, I still love DONNY!!! And my favorite color is still purple!!
Hey...the Simpsons are brilliant. Best show ever. REally. But to aspire to be Homer? Not so much. Then again...his name is better than what my girls want to change theirs to. Madalyn wants to be called Cupcake Levetta. Katie thinks her pen name should be Diamond Wake. I can't bring myself to explain to them that they sound like stripper names.
Feel better?
Definitely a proud parenting moment, no?
Homer? The real one? The GREEK one? I'd be speechless, too! I think that might mean Remy is the philosophical type--a good thing, you know! He has a lovely name, though, so why change it? Is it a family name? I ask, because my family name is "Ramey," which was changed several generations ago from "Remy." My kinfolks hailed from the Alsace region of France. Huegonots (sp?), who fled to the US because of religious freedom issues. BTW, Aunt Julie needs help planning the rehearsal dinner for her son's wedding, and needs your help. Plus, she's giving away a complete set of Pop'rs in the bargain-the best way to encourage your family to Eat Their Veggies! Please drop in sometime and check it out!
Hey, at least he didn't want to change it to Marge.
Funny ~ we all have our goals in life right!
Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! Have a great day!
Yikes, LOL
You know, it could be worse. I'm not sure how, but I know it could be worse.
ouch from a Mom standpoint - all go thru it but what a great name he has alreadyh how did you select it??
Remy is short for Remington. We just chose it because we liked it. :o)
BTW, I have another post about Remy that will auto-publish at 4pm my little stinker...
um, er, duh!! sorry! for some reason I could have sworn that this post was about Donny!! I'm a moron... sometimes.
sorry about that.
but Donny is a cutie too... Remy is also very hilarious... and this is a lot more fitting now that I know it was Remy that would like to change his name to Homer vs Donny wanting to. lol
sorry about that.
having a totally blonde day!!
I love his Aggie hat! I am a UT grad, but hubby thinks the boys should go to A&M. We even went to the A&M college on Galveston Island so our older boy could check it out!
So, he wants to be an Aggie named Homer. Sounds about right. ; )
LOL!! HOMER SIMPSON...looks like my hubby! lol...Especially in front of tv with beer!!
That's classic - hey, we've all got our role models. I'm sure Homer would be honored. Doh!
Okay..... such taste, such wisdom....... so...... ya gonna let him...... when he's 18 that is?
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