Here's a close-up of the books. They are titled Letters from Your Friendly Cashier and written by fellow blogger, Carrie, from The Gremlin Wrangler. She has hilarious insights into the customers who come through her line and what working in a grocery store can be like. I laughed out loud throughout most of both books and wanted to share the love by passing them on.
And, here's Remy again, closing his eyes, very serious and about to pull out the winning name:
It needs a little trimming because it tries to eat anyone who walks in the front door.
Krystyn, from Really, Are You Serious?
Congrats, Krystyn! Please email me your address so I can mail you these hilarious books. Did you know Krystyn is a native Texas who is no longer in Texas? Yep. She's also pregnant with her second child. And, she also has a business called Krizzy Designs. Check it out!

Now, I won an award today!! Every Thursday, Jeff from A Word in Edgewise has a little contest where he shows pictures of mysterious objects and readers have to guess what the items are.
I usually get one or two right, but this time, not only did I get it all right, but I figured out the theme and got my answers in early (which is really the key. Early bird and all)
So, in honor of this, I won this special award, The Cracker Jack Award!! Now I am trying to win his other award...which is from the same contest but for the person with the most hilarious answer.
Wish me luck.

YAY!! I can't wait to read the books! Thanks so much! And, thanks for the shout out, too!!!
Congrats Krystyn! And congrats to you too Rhea!
totally awesome post rhea. I love the new look! I want that top hat!
Hey, who knew the Cracker Jack box would fit your color scheme so well! Your persistence paid off. Nice going.
I love the details of your pictures with this contest. It made it fun to read.
Greetings from a fellow SITSTA! Too bad I didn't come by sooner--I'm going to post a letter TO my cashier tomorrow, and I'm sure the ones FROM the cashier are better!
Congrats to Krystyn and to you!
Remy is such a QT!!! :)
Trevor was just standing here by my while I was reading this post and ask if he knew that boy... I said no. So then he said... aww man. I thought if I knew him he could come over and play with me. :) how cute is that?!! so if you are ever in NY and need a play date for the boys, come on over!! :)
i'm so going to buy these books the next time i get to the book store!! Which i'm excited about b/c now i have a list of things that i want to buy... usually i wonder aimlessly and have no clue what to buy... i have two from here, and the healthy body book from the bathroom post... and some from another blogger. ;) yay!!
AND!! congrats to Krystyn... and I LOVE your hand writting!! :) I also think your or your father's tree is kind of nice... maybe a little big, but not too bad. I'm very impressed by that b/c I had one of them and did the best I could to take care of it and love it and it totally DIED!! ugh! oh well.
have a good one!!
I came back by to see if you commented on my comment...cause ya know I am still in the dark ages and never remember to subscribe to the comment thing...doing this in between photoshoping the 96 pictures I took at the beach...and my comment is not here. Eaten. It's just wrong. I hate word verification.
So...I think I said something along the lines of congrats to you and the book winner...and Remy is cute...and that plant is *huge* or something like that.
And I think Jennifer is trying to make a move on my title...
Good Luck!
I love Annie
Congrats but I am sad that I didn't win. Maybe next time.
Well of course the weeks I go on vacation EVERYBODY has contests. *Sigh*
Well congrats to Krystyn. Hope she enjoys them.
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