However, I didn't want technology to pass me by, so I figured I should at least peek at it. I didn't have to stay and play. No one could make me.
Turns out, I like it...and it takes very little of my time.
TexasRhea is my handle over there. So follow me if you're up for it. You can decide who reads your tweets and whose tweets you want to read. And, tweets have to be short, so you have to make what you say count. It's fun!
Here are some examples of my twittering (tweets?) over the last day or two (oh, yeah, to make sense, you have to read from the bottom to the top. Weird, I know):
wait...takes two weeks for flu shot to take probably best NOT to TAUNT flu virus for the next two weeks.
I got a flu shot today. Yeah, in your face FLU VIRUS. Take that.
Annie puts up with more of our craziness!!
When pigs fly, right?
$20 says if I lock the dog in the car for 10 minutes, she'll find and eat whatever is causing the stink. Any takers?
It could be the sweaty football gear...or the dog...but I'm thinking something spilled in the back.
My car has taken on an odd smell...and I'm scared to find out why.
Happy Birthday, Jen & Shannon!! You girls ROCK!
Next time 11 yr old son informs me AT BEDTIME that he has to have Styrofoam & wheels, I'm going to make him WALK to the craft store...Alone
@insanemama Hey, I think we're looking at the SAME moon! NO way. hehe
I'm horrified. My mom's dog has apparently taught my dog to drink out of toilets.
and the only cure is MORE COW BELL!
I think I might have blogitis. An infection that makes me blog...
my elderly father smacks gum like there's no tomorrow. I can't take it...
SITS blogathon today! Prizes every hour! Check it out! Anyone can win!! http://thesecretisinthesauc...
Sometimes dogs don't eat their own throw up...and that's when things get messy.
It's official. I'm lemon-drop sick.
I think the squirrels are playing soccer with pecans on my roof.
kids' heads re-grow, like lizards' tails
Finished reading The Hunger Games. Really great!
So, what about you? Are you on TWITTER? Should I be following YOU? Are my tweets weird? or funny? Or am I just talking to myself these days?
Hey! thanks for the comment. I'm following you on twitter now. Not to overwhelm you but have you looked at twittermoms yet? It's great for networking.
And I'm "north of Dallas" too! We could be neighbors and not even know it! I guess it's time for me to get off this computer. :-)
Oh, you know that I totally already stalk you on the twitter. Sorry that I write about bananas all the time.
Oh, I cannot do twitter. I don't text on my phone (is that how you do it?) and I do NOT need any more time sucks in my life. I have quite enough already.
More cow bell!! More cow bell!!
(Still don't understand how to twitter)
I have been thinking about trying Twitter, I am also scared of the time sucking it will cause. :)
I ALWAYS listen to you Rhea and your tweets are no crazy.
I am alwyas laughing at you or with you.
I have Twitter bursts. I also use it when I am in the car and not driving and bored. I need to pay more attention to it.
I totally understand. I steered clear for the longest then caved. So not a time suck like other things! ha!
No twitter zone- I can't, I so don't have time for another tech obssesion. Nope, can't do it, won't uh, not me!
I am doing the whole twitter thing too: kallyr
I checked my cell last night and had 18 messaages. All were tweets and all about the debate. I must get a blackberry to hold more texts and tweets -the old cell can't handle much more.
I like Twitter too. I think its fun. I like just quick writing what on my mind and not have to draw it all out into a blog post.
I am a loyal follower of TexasRhea!!!
I am loving twitter too, you seem to be the expert though!
I am avoiding twitter. Taking on blogging is challenging my time constraints enough. But I try to never say never.
I had a flu shot yesterday too. How fun for us - is your arm sore too?
I must avoid twittering. I don't really know how it all works and I am not finding out. I spend too much time blogging as it is. But those lines are amusing none-the-less.
If you read them all really fast it sounds like the thoughts bouncing around in my head. . .
. . .only it's your head.
I am not a Twitter yet. It is on my to do list.
I sometimes feel like I am talking to myself, but I think it's totally fun too!
You know I am still where you were on Twitter - no clue! Guess I need to get my act together and check it out. Busy few days tho with Brit's in town, so next week maybe. Thanks for the nudge!
I like twitter. Because it's fast. And NOT time consuming. And I love your tweets. Mine are more of the boring type. Like fixing dinner. Or working on lesson plans.
aha. That is why you are a writer and I am a reader :-)
And how did Angie get ahead of me in the commenter spot??
There are some pretty randomly funny things in together they make quite a story lol
Love the tweets! I'm off to follow you...
:^) Anna said "butt hair" on my blog.
I knew i liked you.
I haven't tried Twitter yet. Maybe I will start it when I graduate soon. Just one more reason to keep me from that constant stack of laundry.
Good enough reason for me. :-)
I may be a twit but I just don't do twitter. I loved your tweets though especially locking your dog in the car to get rid of the odor causing item. Hah!!
Ha ha, great idea for a post! Someone's going to start a twitter meme, I can feel it.
Oh, and I'm following you. Totally. :D
I said the same thing about Facebook--wasn't going to do it...long story short, I did and I'm hooked! I joined Twitter, but I didn't really get how it worked, so that's as far as it went. It sounds like a lot people really love it though, and I say as long as you're having fun, who cares whether or not it's a time suck! :)
I am totally on the twitter, but it is getting hard to blog, do facebook and tweet--I feel like I have three personalities!
I'm kinda scared of twitter....
You know I'm on Twitter! I didn't think I'd like it either but I gave it a shot and I love it!
I love twitter. Well, mostly. I don't always remember to update... but when I do, it's fun! Off to follow you now :)
Cute blog too!
I stalk you on Twitter. You stalk me, too. It's a good relationship.
I'm following you on Twitter... and you are following me. I like tweeting (???is that the right word???) but you are WAY better at it than I am! I like your tweets... they are not weird at all :)
I'm one of those who signed up with Twitter ages ago and then did nothing with it. Until Kimba at ASPTL started following me and well, I was inspired to start again. And I'm so glad I did! It IS lots of fun and takes very little time. Plus, I can text to twitter, which is good, considering I spend lots of time away from home. It's a win-win!
Oh, and I think we're following each other on there. :-)
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