My Dad.

He doesn't need no stinkin' forks and knives.
He's a Longhorn fan, a meat fan and a wine fan...and he's a character.
This photo says it all.
He's had two ex-wives, both of which he's still on good terms with.
He has six grown & married children
and 11 grandchildren with the possibility of more.
He's almost 80 and has a lot of stories to share.
Some are actually appropriate.
I've blogged about him before with our crazy conversation
and how I almost sneaked him out of the hospital.
He makes for good blog material...but I try to restrain myself.
What do you have to restrain yourself from blogging about?
and how I almost sneaked him out of the hospital.
He makes for good blog material...but I try to restrain myself.
What do you have to restrain yourself from blogging about?
I can't bitch about my husband because he reads my blog... thinking of starting a secret husband bashing blog....
I try to leave my ex out of it... I fail though.
Your dad looks like Santa.
Arguments with my family have to stay off. They sometimes read the blog, and I don't want to offend them. But it's hard some days!
Yeah, he doesn't need forks and knives because they serve other purposes...
I really want to blog about my inlaws. But I can't because Katie reads my blog. There is a lot of stuff I hold back about because I know that when I calm down about it, it'll bite me in the ass.
Let's say I had penile dysfunction I probably wouldn't talk about it. Actually, I'm shameless. I would totally talk about it if it were an issue. But I'm different with other people. There's a threshold and you just don't cross it. Unless you and that person have had time to grow and laugh at it, and then it's okay.
So my equation is: A+B+Time = Okay to share.
I have to stay off the conversations my husband and I have in bed. They are absolutely hilarious, but my grandmother reads my blog.
What is that man eating!? I suddenly had an image of Fred and Barney eating a brontosaurus burger.
It would be fun to blog more about the extended family but they actually read me now.
I have to say it's politics and ahem, college football. As you know, the football conversations are saved for email Longhorns bashing! LOL
Sorry, I couldn't resist!
:) Terri
PS It does seem ironic that your Dad is consuming BEVO!!!! Teehee.
Hey...wait....was your Dad in a McDonalds on Friday???
:) Terri
Family, they read my blog. sigh...
I would like to blog about the horribly inappropriate conversations I have with my husband sometimes, but they really are innapropriate in "mixed company" as my grandmother would say. Thanks for visiting my blog!
I would like to blog about the horribly inappropriate conversations I have with my husband sometimes, but they really are innapropriate in "mixed company" as my grandmother would say. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Some of the conversations I have with my stepson...he's almost 17. Sometimes our convos get a good way. But I always think they will be misunderstood because you would just have to know us and know that i love to embarrass him.
first, what is world is he eating? what kind of meat is that? It looks like a squirrel.
I am with Cristin. I don't do any husband bashing on the blog or family bash for that matter (ie about the MIL) they all read the blog. Maybe we should start an anonymous bashing/venting blog?
My neighbors (they read my blog), my family (my aunt reads my blog as well as her friends), my sex life (a person who has known me since I was a kid reads my blog), my financial problems (my mom may end up reading this at some point). Need I go on?
Politics - I'm in the minority when it comes to most my bloggy readers and friends. I could get very ugly with sheep and lemming posts, but I don't go there - see?
Luckily, I have also restrained myself from inviting most family members to my blog. I'll have a hell of a time deleting posts should that become a reality.
And curse you Terri for beating me to the BIVO joke!
Em (Aggie Class of '93)
FIrst of all- what the hell is your dad eating? It looks like 1/2 a rabbit!
I try to restrain from blogging badly about my mom, Hubby or sister who sometimes drive me nuts ( who am I kidding with the sometimes part) They read my blog, and I don't want to hurt their feelings.
this explains why sometimes I have nothing to blog about....
Husband, in-laws, and my family are all pretty limited because they all read my blog. And yeah for eating with your hands--I'm all about that!
Thanks for stopping by my blog from SITS! And to answer your question--I have to restrain myself from blogging about co-workers...because let me tell you, there is some GOOD stuff. : )
I also try to leave my ex out it as much as possible. Don't need the hassle just in case...
Nawing away at that hunk of meat looks like a dang good time. And to have a bottle of wine there to wash it down with. Yeah he's a Texan!
I have to keep from blogging about how tired and sore I am. I try so hard to stay busy and not get lazy. But I pay the price with my Rhematoid Arthritis. And that I suffer from insonima with OCD so I can get up in the middle of the night to clean is nothing new to me.
Ha, nothing is sacred on my blog! It's all fair game! :) :) :)
what a great pic!! I like to eat my meat that way too. :)
I have to restrain myself from blogging about work. It's nice to have a job. heh.
What kind of meat is that? Seriously?
Good thing I am mostly a recipe girl because there is so much I don't blog about.
Politics and in-laws!!
Nothing anymore, since I have switched to my uber cool new blog! But politics is a rough one. No one agrees.
That picture is priceless! I restrain myself in terms of writing about my father in law. I have LOTS of blog fodder there, but my MIL and SIL read my blog on a regular basis. Damn it!
What a great picture! And he sure does have LOTS going on.
I try really hard to stay away from religion and politics...but my fingers are getting twitchy!!
Now there is a loaded question!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a list a mile long of things I could blog about if I didn't worry about offending someone I love. Really....there is the friend has lost her marbles and may or may not have had an affair, there is my mother the horder, my father and his mood swings, my sister who has married a bum, my brother-in-laws personalities and how the relate to their jobs, my aging grandmother who will probably dance on the graves of my chidren's children.......I could go on but I won't. Not that any of what I would have to say about them would be malicious or unkind.....honestly.......I find all sorts of humor in most of them, but I would never want to offend them or hurt them. Maybe one day I will have to write a book to let it all out. I'll start thinking of my fictious name to author it under.
Well, there's...
And then there's....
Oh, and don't forget about...
My students are off limits for the most part. Also, my blog is boring because I won't go into detail about more than a few truly crazy people I have in my life. It's sort of a creative challenge to allude to the craziness, yet not disclose...
Rhea - give me a call (615) 708-7824 Josh - will be in town.
Mmmmm, so... hungry... That meat looks awesome. ;)
I have to restrain(ing order) myself about my ex-wife. No blogging about her. And the restraining order is one I got against myself. Which can make being in my own company a reason to go to jail.
I try really hard not to blog too much about work. I have co-workers that know I have a blog and are trying to find me out. So not so much about the office. Must be careful not to stir up the office drama.
Oh how I do love a man that can enjoy his meat!!
This is a great photo!!
He looks like SO much fun!!! I can only imagine the stories! LOL too cute.
I try not write about my parents unless it is good. That is hard. I also try not to write anything about my husband that might be held against him when looking for a new job.You never know. And now, so many of my friends and family are reading my blog, it is getting harder to write.
Wait, I take it back. I want him and Annie to come stay with me. They can fight over the meat. Well, unless my husband get's to it first. That photo is awesome!
Did you picnik this picture?? I can just imagine it with all the cool colors.
My sex life, or lack of it.
That is some gross looking meat, give me some veggies! lol
Sex...that is something I have contemplated blogging about. I sort of have through smutty books. Have you read my smuttiest book yet?
I scrolled through all the comments hoping that I would find out what the heck your Dad is eating!!! Alas, I am none the wiser.
I don't blog about any frustrations I may have with my husbands family. My family are fair game because they don't own computers.
That's a great pic! Your dad definitely loves meat lol!
I have to restrain myself from telling some super crazy family stories--mostly about my mom!
My kids. I want to show them off but I just can't.
Too easy, I have to restrain myself from talking about co-workers and my husband.
He totally looks like a character. I bet he's great fun!
I have to restrain myself from blogging about my deadbeat ex-husband and his beotch of a wife. They just don't deserve to know I even think about them!
I don't mention my husband much (the annoying things) or more personal things because my in-laws read my blog to catch up on kiddo info. They just read into things waaaay too much, and I just.don'
Oh! And I love the picture of your dad! And the fact that the longhorns are #1 (again!)-whoop!
Gross! I must say if he did not have on a Longhorn shirt, I would not have even read on!
My husband doesn't read my blog, that I know of, but he hates his picture posted unless I clear it with him first. He reluctantly agrees sometimes to let a photo go up.
My daughter reads my blog and sometimes I'd really like to VENT about her but I can't. LOL
My family/friends for the most part do not read my blog, but they could eventually stumble upon it with a Google search, so I generally don't say to much about them unless it's the wonderful stuff.
Happy Diwali!
Stop by for some warm candlelight!! :)
Up until now, I've not blogged about my hubby's CRAZY family. And I stress CRAZY. However, if they continue to piss me off, well, 2009 might be the year of them reaping my bloggy wrath.
I really don't blog about family... other than Shane and the girls. My family knows about my blog, but I'm not sure who all reads it.
My parents and hubby now tell me what I can and cannot blog about when it comes to them. Party poopers.
So - you probably saw I answered your Dear Tranny Head question on my blog. And I'd just like to follow that up with "DON'T RESTRAIN YOURSELF!" Your public wants to know!
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