Saturday, September 20, 2008

It's black & white...and all over my house.

Quick note:

An interview with me is featured on David McMahon's site today,
if you want to check it out.

The hunter becomes the hunted.

David's an international photographer and journalist from Down Under.

now on to Camera Critters:

We have someone special staying with us right now;
my mom's dog, Seamus.

My boys love having another dog around.
Both dogs follow them from room to room.

Although they don't listen as well as Donny would like.

They're both well trained but when you get two dogs together,
there's a different energy in the house.

They like going outside together.

And it's surprisingly hard to get good photos of them together.
I'll keep trying.

Camera Critters


mrsnesbitt said...

Hi, here via David! Great dialogue with the boys and animals...had a laugh!

Have a good weekend,

mrsnesbitt said...
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Akelamalu said...

Hi, I just read your interview over at Authorblog and popped over to see where you live. :)

What a colourful place you have and I love the photos.

Skeller said...

Loved your interview over at David's.

You should have that Michener quote pasted somewhere on your space.

And Annie, as always, is adorable. It certainly looks like she has fun with her buddy, Seamus.

Anonymous said...

how cute is the doggy play date. I always try to get pics, too, but they're so busy moving around they never turn out quite right.

Anonymous said...

I came to your site from your feature on David's. I was touched by your answers. I am a new "blogger" and I although blogging is fun, entertaining and a great way to connect with people, I have also learned so much about my self as I have put my thoughts on paper. I am not a journaler so getting in touch with that right brain has been great. Also, I have been changed by the this community. There is incredible goodness, love of life and profound respect for the human experience. (okay, probably too much information) but your interview put into words many of my thoughts! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Seamus is cute with his white mustache. They do look like they are having fun together.

Jen said...

Aw, look at the best friends. So cute.

D... said...

I'm killing two birds with one stone...visiting from your Sunday Roast AND Camera Critters.

My CC post is about a visiting dog as well. Too funny! I'm glad Annie and Seamus are enjoying each other!

Insane Mama said...

You know I love your Annie, must I lust after the other one as well? I got a funny picture of my Amy smiling huge!

Minkydo said...

Cute captions! I know what you mean about getting good photos of 2 critters together. It's a challenge in itself :)

Pseudo said...

I will go check out your interview. Sounds interesting.

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

You take fun pics that really tell a story. Also, love the commentary on them.

We had two dogs, but one of them died last year. It was T-Daddy's first dog, so it was quite the tragedy. This dog used to lick the other dog's ears every night when they would lay down to go to sleep--kind of a ritual for them. So, you can only imagine how hard it was for her after he died.

Anyway... I love seeing pics of 2 dogs together, because I know how much fun they have. :)

Sandi McBride said...

Hi Rhea, I read your interview at David's blog. I feel much the same way about blogging...I have to put my creativity somewhere, this is as good a place as any. I have a blind Lab who has her own seeing eye cats...why the cats (most of them not even ours) love this old blind dog is anyone's granddaughter says it's because the cats can't spell, they think she's a "god"...I agree. Plan to do some back tracking in here...very nice interview!

Jeff B said...

Looks like there's a new sheriff in Annie's town. I'll have to head over to David's place to catch the interview.

david mcmahon said...

Love the way you've captioned the photos, Rhea - and yes, I spotted you in the last shot!!!

Thanks for the very kind shout-out, too.

Justine said...

Aw, they look so sweet together! How long are you dog sitting for?

Justine :o )

sassy stephanie said...

We just got back from the evac. We had our Sydney with three other dogs. I think she had more fun than the kids did! She has been crashed out since we got home this afternoon!

ratmammy said...

good photos! they seemed very happy together.

Cath said...

Wonderful critters and kids! And a brill interview at David's. You came across so relaxed and chatty. Well done.

Pat - Arkansas said...

I'm here from Camera Critters, but also read your interview on David's blog. Nice! Congratulations!

The dogs are really cute. I miss having dogs around. Animal-wise, I'm down to three cats.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Very cute

Anonymous said...

Nice interview! I feel like I know you even better ;).

Great pics! We love our dogs too, although they don't get play dates very often ;).

Heather said...

The last one looks like they're playing Follow the Leader. Too cute!!

AdriansCrazyLife said...

I love how you annotate all your photos. Makes for fun posts.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

I just love labs. Annie and Seamus make a nice couple.

Valarie Lea said...

They are some beautiful dogs :)

Aunt Julie said...

Impressed with your interview! And also impressed that you have both a Black Lab and a Yellow Lab. You're good folks, ya know that?

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rhea: The boys are doing well, read your interview at Davids and enjoyed it.

Tootie said...

That was a cute description along with the photos.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

I, too, came by via David to say "Howdy from one Texan to another!" I'm between Houston and Galveston (yep, the Ike Zone) and I've lived here all my life. Love your blog - and your great CC pics! I've got some up, too, so stop on by if you have time!

Tink *~*~* said...

They pretty much look like the perfect partners in crime, oops I mean buddies! ;-)

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Ann Harrison said...

Well from one Ann to another I think she's adorable!
Great pictures!

bcmomtoo said...

I read the interview on David's blog and then ran on over here for Camera Critters. I enjoyed your pictures, especially Annie in the Wild.

Utter Basketcase said...

Booooooo! The piccys wouldn't show for me! (something wrong with my puter!) But I know they must be good :-) xx

Shrinky said...

Hi Rhea, I'm over from David's having just read your great interview. Lovely pictures, and your boys are adorable.

(Er, smiling - that bright orange thingy.. I did a double take, on first glance it looked like your boy was holding up something he ought not to.. wink.)

Shrinky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
i beati said...

Good roast - your doggie Annie is she happy this week?She looks it sandy

Chatterness said...

I read the interview! Love the pic of you in your pink hat!! :-)
Rhea is a movie star!! Lalalalal!

Lapa37 said...

I bet they had a bunch of fun together.

Mom2FiveBratz said...

Since the hurricane, we have fed 5 lost dogs. what do we feed them? left over MRE's of course..they seem to love them. gag.

Angie's Spot said...

Congrats on the interview with David! And Annie, as always, is the cutest! And Seamus is adorable too. Don't want to leave him out. :-)

Claremont First Ward said...

I thought your interview was fantastic.

AppleDebbie said...

Awww... Annie and Seamus are a cute couple! Love the photos and the captions!

CrystalChick said...

I will check out the interview very soon.
Seamus is a nice looking baby. Of course Annie is always a cutie. :)

Unknown said...

I'm sure it's fun having a guest dog for a while. :) Looks like the kids like him too!

Misty DawnS said...

One of my mottos - Dogs are like potato chips, you can never have just one ;-)

Unknown said...

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