Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Valentine's Day Plans

I'm taking my Valentines to get haircuts...because I can no longer see their eyes.

And then we're going to see a movie.
Probably the new Percy Jackson movie Lightning Thief. Because my older son and I have read all the books and LOVE the series.

What are your plans?


Anonymous said...

I would love to take my son to see this ...but he hates the he wants to wait...Sigh! I would love to see it!

savvylady said...

Sounds like a great Valentines day!

Susie said...

We are just hanging out! I hope your Valentines is as restful as ours:-)

Stephanie Ann said...

Two words... retail. therapy.

SiaDreams said...

I'm spending the day recovering from last night's Valentine's date.

Sharlene T. said...

What fun! Hope you enjoyed the movie version. Thanks for sharing.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Michael and I went to see Valentine's Day was really fun. We saw Percy on Friday...I was not impressed. And I can't believe they left out the whole Cronus story line. What did ya'll think??

Chrissie said...

I went to the St Kilda Festival. Free music + the beach = awesome.
I also recieved a dozen roses from my bf, which was exciting, but also a little daunting in a way.

Anonymous said...

I took the kids the see The Lightning Thief on Valentine's Day also! We all loved it! Great movie. We had not read the series before the movie, but now my 9 yr old is reading the first book! :)